1 E arly in the morning the head religious leaders of the Jews and other leaders and the teachers of the Law and all the court gathered together to talk about Jesus. Then they tied up Jesus and led Him away. They handed Him over to Pilate.
Tan pronto como amaneció, prepararon una reunión los principales sacerdotes con los ancianos y escribas y el sanedrín entero; y después de atar a Jesús, se lo llevaron y lo entregaron a Pilato.
2 P ilate asked Jesus, “Are You the King of the Jews?” He said to Pilate, “What you say is true.”
Y Pilato le interrogó: ¿Eres tú el rey de los judíos? Él le respondió, diciendo: Así es, como tú dices.
3 T he religious leaders spoke many things against Him. Jesus did not say a word.
Y los principales sacerdotes le acusaban de muchas cosas.
4 P ilate asked Him again, “Have You nothing to say? Listen to the things they are saying against You!”
De nuevo le interrogaba Pilato, diciendo: ¿No respondes nada? Mira de cuántas cosas te están acusando.
5 J esus did not say a word. Pilate was much surprised and wondered about it. Jesus or Barabbas Is to Go Free
Pero Jesús ya no contestó nada más, hasta el punto que Pilato estaba asombrado.
6 E ach year at the special supper Pilate would let one person who was in prison go free. It would be the one the people asked for.
Cada fiesta les soltaba un preso, el que le pedían.
7 T he name of one of those in prison was Barabbas. He, together with others, had killed people while working against the leaders of the country.
Uno, llamado Barrabás, había sido encarcelado con los sediciosos, los cuales habían cometido un homicidio en la insurrección.
8 A ll the people went to Pilate and asked him to do as he had done before.
Subió la multitud, y comenzó a pedirle lo que solía hacerles.
9 P ilate said, “Do you want me to let the King of the Jews go free?”
Pilato les contestó, diciendo: ¿Queréis que os suelte al Rey de los judíos?
10 H e knew the religious leaders had handed Jesus over to him because they were jealous.
Pues se daba cuenta de que los principales sacerdotes lo habían entregado por envidia.
11 T he religious leaders talked the people into thinking that Pilate should let Barabbas go free.
Pero los principales sacerdotes soliviantaron a la multitud para que les soltase en cambio a Barrabás.
12 P ilate said to them again, “What do you want me to do with the Man you call the King of the Jews?”
Pilato, dirigiéndose de nuevo a ellos, les decía: ¿Qué haré, pues, con el que llamáis Rey de los judíos?
13 T hey spoke with loud voices again, “Nail Him to a cross.”
Ellos volvieron a gritar: ¡Crucifícale!
14 T hen Pilate said to them, “Why? What bad thing has He done?” They spoke with loud voices all the more, “Nail Him to a cross!” The Crown of Thorns
Pero Pilato les decía: Pues ¿qué mal ha hecho? Y ellos gritaban con más fuerza: ¡Crucifícale!
15 P ilate wanted to please the people. He gave Barabbas to them and had Jesus beaten. Then he handed Him over to be nailed to a cross.
Entonces Pilato, resolviendo dar satisfacción a la multitud, les soltó a Barrabás y entregó a Jesús, después de azotarle, para que fuera crucificado.
16 T he soldiers led Jesus away to a large room in the court. They called all the soldiers together.
Los soldados se lo llevaron adentro del palacio, es decir, al pretorio; y convocan a la cohorte entera.
17 T he soldiers put a purple coat on Him. They put a crown of thorns on His head,
Le visten de púrpura y, después de trenzar una corona de espinas, se la ciñen.
18 a nd said to Him, “Hello, King of the Jews!”
Y comenzaron a saludarle: ¡Salve, Rey de los judíos!
19 T hey hit Him on the head with a stick and spit on Him. They got down on their knees and worshiped Him.
Le golpeaban en la cabeza con una caña, le escupían y, doblando las rodillas, se prosternaban ante él.
20 A fter they had made fun of Him, they took the purple coat off of Him and put His own clothes back on Him. Then they led Him away to be nailed to a cross.
Y después de haberse burlado de él, le quitaron la púrpura y le pusieron sus propios vestidos. Y le conducen fuera para crucificarle.
21 T hey came to a man called Simon who was coming from the country of Cyrene. He was the father of Alexander and Rufus. They made Simon carry the cross of Jesus. Jesus on the Cross
Y obligan a uno que pasaba, un tal Simón de Cirene que venía del campo, el padre de Alejandro y de Rufo, para que le lleve la cruz. Crucifixión y muerte de Jesucristo
22 T hey led Jesus to a place called Golgotha. This name means the place of the skull.
Le llevan al lugar llamado Gólgota, que traducido significa: Lugar de la Calavera.
23 T hey gave Him wine with something in it to take away the pain, but He would not drink it.
Y le daban vino mezclado con mirra, pero él no lo tomó.
24 W hen they had nailed Jesus to the cross, they divided His clothes by drawing names to see what each man should take.
Le crucifican y se reparten sus vestiduras, echando suertes sobre ellas para ver lo que cada cual habría de llevarse.
25 I t was about nine o’clock in the morning when they nailed Him to the cross.
Era la hora tercera cuando le crucificaron.
26 O ver Jesus’ head they put in writing what they had against Him, THE KING OF THE JEWS. The Two Robbers
Y estaba puesta encima la inscripción de la causa de su condena: EL REY DE LOS JUDÍOS.
27 T hey nailed two robbers on crosses beside Jesus. One was on His right side and the other was on His left side.
Y con él crucifican a dos salteadores; uno a su derecha y otro a su izquierda.
28 I t happened as the Holy Writings said it would happen, “They thought of Him as One Who broke the Law.”
Y se cumplió la Escritura que dice: Y fue contado con los malhechores.
29 T hose who walked by shook their heads and laughed at Jesus. They said, “You were the One Who could destroy the house of God and build it again in three days.
Y los que pasaban por allí le injuriaban, meneando la cabeza y diciendo: ¡Ah! Tú que destruyes el templo y lo edificas en tres días,
30 S ave Yourself and come down from the cross.”
sálvate a ti mismo bajando de la cruz.
31 T he head religious leaders and the teachers of the Law made fun of Him also. They said to each other, “He saved others but He cannot save Himself.
De la misma manera, los principales sacerdotes, burlándose entre ellos con los escribas, decían: A otros salvó; a sí mismo no puede salvarse.
32 L et Christ, the King of the Jews, come down from the cross. We want to see it and then we will believe.” Those who were on the crosses beside Jesus spoke bad things to Him. The Death of Jesus
¡El Cristo, el Rey de Israel! Que baje ahora de la cruz, para que veamos y creamos. También los que habían sido crucificados con él, le insultaban.
33 F rom noon until three o’clock it was dark over all the land.
Llegada la hora sexta, hubo oscuridad sobre toda la tierra hasta la hora novena.
34 A t three o’clock Jesus cried with a loud voice, “My God, My God, why have You left Me alone?”
Y a la hora novena, gritó Jesús con fuerte voz: Eloí, Eloí, ¿lamá sabactani? Que, traducido, es: ¡Dios mío, Dios mío!, ¿por qué me has desamparado?
35 W hen some of those who stood by heard that, they said, “Listen! He is calling for Elijah.”
Y algunos de los que estaban allí decían, al oírlo: Mira, está llamando a Elías.
36 O ne of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with sour wine. He put it on a stick and gave it to Him to drink. He said, “Let Him alone. Let us see if Elijah will come and take Him down.” The Powerful Works at the Time of His Death
Corrió entonces uno, empapó una esponja en vinagre, la sujetó a una caña y le dio de beber, diciendo: Dejad, veamos si viene Elías a descolgarle.
37 T hen Jesus gave a loud cry. He gave up His spirit and died.
Tras emitir un gran grito, Jesús expiró.
38 T he curtain in the house of God was torn in two from top to bottom.
Y el velo del templo se rasgó en dos de arriba abajo.
39 T he captain of the soldiers was looking at Jesus when He cried out. He saw Him die and said, “For sure, this Man was the Son of God.” The Women at the Cross
Cuando el centurión que estaba allí frente a él, vio que había expirado de esa manera, dijo: Verdaderamente este hombre era Hijo de Dios.
40 W omen were looking on from far away. Among them was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of the younger James and of Joses, and Salome.
Había también unas mujeres observando desde lejos, entre las cuales estaban María la Magdalena, María la madre de Jacobo el Menor y de José, y Salomé,
41 T hese cared for Him when He was in the country of Galilee. There were many other women there who had followed Him to Jerusalem. The Grave of Jesus
las cuales le seguían y le servían cuando estaba en Galilea, y otras muchas que habían subido con él a Jerusalén. Jesús es sepultado
42 I t was the day to get ready for the Day of Rest and it was now evening.
Y ya al atardecer, como era el día de la Preparación, es decir, la víspera del sábado,
43 J oseph, who was from the city of Arimathea, was an important man in the court. He was looking for the holy nation of God. Without being afraid, he went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus.
vino José de Arimatea, miembro respetable del sanedrín, que también él estaba aguardando el reino de Dios, y, armándose de valor, entró adonde Pilato y le pidió el cuerpo de Jesús.
44 P ilate was surprised and wondered if Jesus was dead so soon. He called the captain of the soldiers and asked if Jesus was already dead.
Pilato se extrañó de que ya hubiese muerto y, llamando al centurión, le preguntó si hacía tiempo que había muerto.
45 A fter the captain said that Jesus was dead, Pilate let Joseph take the body.
Y enterado por el centurión, le concedió el cadáver a José.
46 J oseph took the body of Jesus down from the cross. He put the linen cloth he had bought around the body. Then he laid the body in a grave which had been cut out in the side of a rock. He pushed a stone over to cover the door of the grave.
Él compró una pieza nueva de lino, lo descolgó, lo envolvió en el lienzo, lo colocó en un sepulcro que había sido excavado en la roca, e hizo rodar una piedra frente a la entrada del sepulcro.
47 M ary Magdalene and Mary the mother of Joses saw where He was laid.
Y María Magdalena, y María la de José, observaban dónde quedaba puesto.