Job 16 ~ Job 16


1 T hen Job answered,

Respondió Job, y dijo:

2 I have heard many such things. All of you bring trouble instead of comfort.

Muchas veces he oído cosas como éstas; Consoladores importunos sois todos vosotros.

3 I s there no end to your words that are full of wind? What is your problem that you keep on talking?

¿No tendrán fin las palabras vacías? ¿O qué te anima a responder?

4 I also could speak like you, if I were in your place. I could put words together against you, and shake my head at you.

También yo podría hablar como vosotros, Si vuestra alma estuviera en lugar de la mía; Yo podría ensartar contra vosotros palabras, Y por vosotros menear mi cabeza.

5 I could give you strength with my mouth. I could speak words of comfort and make your pain less.

Pero yo os alentaría con mis palabras, Y la consolación de mis labios apaciguaría vuestro dolor.

6 If I speak, my pain is not made less. And if I keep quiet, it does not leave me.

Pero aunque hable, mi dolor no cesa; Y si dejo de hablar, no se aparta de mí.

7 B ut now God has taken away my strength. He has taken away all my family.

Pero ahora tú, oh Dios, me has extenuado; Has asolado toda mi familia.

8 H e has made me dry up, and this speaks against me. The wasting away of my body rises up against me. It speaks against me to my face.

Tú me has llenado de arrugas; testigo es mi flacura, Que se levanta contra mí para testificar en mi rostro.

9 H is anger has torn me and hated me. He has ground His teeth at me. The one against me looks hard at me.

Su furor me despedazó, y me ha aborrecido. Crujió sus dientes contra mí; Contra mí aguzó sus ojos mi enemigo.

10 M en have looked at me with their mouths open. They have hit me on the face with anger. They have gathered together against me.

Abrieron contra mí su boca; Hirieron mis mejillas con afrenta; Contra mí se juntaron todos.

11 G od gives me over to bad men. He throws me into the hands of the sinful.

Me ha entregado Dios a los malvados, Y en las manos de los impíos me hizo caer.

12 I was living in comfort, but He has taken that away. He has taken hold of me by the neck and shaken me to pieces. He has set me up for something to shoot at.

Vivía yo tranquilo, y me desmenuzó; Me agarró por la nuca y me despedazó, Y me puso por blanco suyo.

13 H is arrows are all around me. He cuts my kidneys open without pity. He pours the bitter insides on the ground.

Me rodearon sus flecheros, Traspasó mis riñones sin piedad; Mi hiel derramó por tierra.

14 H e hurts me again and again. He runs at me like a man of war.

Me quebrantó con quebranto sobre quebranto; Me asaltó como un guerrero.

15 I have sewed cloth made from hair over my skin, and have laid my hope in the dust.

Cosí un saco sobre mi piel, Y hundí mi cabeza en el polvo.

16 M y face is red from crying, and darkness is over my eyes.

Mi rostro está inflamado con el llanto, Y mis párpados ensombrecidos,

17 B ut my hands have done nothing bad, and my prayer is pure.

A pesar de no haber iniquidad en mis manos, Y de haber sido pura mi oración.

18 O earth, do not cover my blood. Let my cry have no place to rest.

¡Oh tierra!, no cubras mi sangre, Y no haya lugar adonde no llegue mi clamor.

19 S ee, even now there is One Who sees me from heaven. The One Who speaks for me is on high.

Mas he aquí que en los cielos está aún mi testigo, Y mi defensor en las alturas.

20 M y friends make fun of me. My eyes pour out tears to God.

Mis amigos se burlan de mí; Mas ante Dios derramaré mis lágrimas.

21 I f only a man could give reasons to God, as a man does for his neighbor!

¡Ojalá pudiese abogar un hombre ante Dios, Como lo hace con su prójimo!

22 I n a few years I will go the way that I cannot return.

Mas los años que me restan son contados, Y yo me iré por el camino de donde ya no volveré.