Jeremiah 15 ~ Jeremías 15


1 T hen the Lord said to me, “Even if Moses and Samuel were to stand before Me, My heart would not be with these people. Send them away from Me and let them go!

Me dijo Jehová: Aunque Moisés y Samuel se pusieran delante de mí, no estará mi voluntad con este pueblo; échalos de mi presencia, y salgan.

2 A nd when they ask you, ‘Where should we go?’ then tell them, ‘The Lord says, “Those who are to die, to death, and those who are to be killed by the sword, to the sword. Those who are to go hungry, to hunger, and those who are to be taken away as prisoners, to be taken away.’

Y si te preguntan: ¿Adónde saldremos?, les dirás: Así dice Jehová: El que a muerte, a muerte; el que a espada, a espada; el que a hambre, a hambre; y el que a cautiverio, a cautiverio.

3 I will set over them four kinds of destroyers,” says the Lord: “The sword to kill, the dogs to take away, and the birds of the sky and the wild animals of the earth to eat and destroy.

Y enviaré sobre ellos cuatro géneros de castigo, dice Jehová: espada para matar, y perros para despedazar, y aves del cielo y bestias de la tierra para devorar y destruir.

4 I will make them an object of much fear and hate among all the nations of the earth because of Manasseh, the son of Hezekiah, king of Judah, for what he did in Jerusalem.

Y los entregaré para horror entre todos los reinos de la tierra, a causa de Manasés, hijo de Ezequías, rey de Judá, por lo que hizo en Jerusalén.

5 Who will have pity on you, O Jerusalem, or who will have sorrow for you? Who will turn aside to ask about your well-being?

Porque ¿quién tendrá compasión de ti, oh Jerusalén? ¿Quién se entristecerá por tu causa, o quién vendrá a preguntar por tu paz?

6 Y ou have turned away from Me,” says the Lord. “You keep going back into sin. So I will put out My hand against you and destroy you. I am tired of having pity on you!

Tú me dejaste, dice Jehová; te volviste atrás; por tanto, yo extenderé sobre ti mi mano y te destruiré; estoy cansado de arrepentirme.

7 I will throw them to the wind like straw at the gates of the land. I will take their children from them. I will destroy My people. For they did not turn from their ways.

Y voy a aventarlos con aventador hasta las puertas de la tierra; dejé sin hijos a mi pueblo y lo desbaraté, puesto que no se volvieron de sus caminos.

8 T heir women whose husbands have died will be as many as the sand of the seas. At noon I will bring a destroyer against the mothers of young men. I will bring suffering and fear to them all at once.

Sus viudas se me multiplicaron más que la arena del mar; traigo contra ellos destruidor a mediodía sobre la madre y sobre los hijos; hago que de repente caigan terrores sobre la ciudad.

9 S he who gave birth to seven sons will become weak and die. Her sun will set while it is still day, and she will be put to shame. I will give the rest of them to the sword in front of those who hate them,” says the Lord. Jeremiah Complains

Languidece la que dio a luz siete; se llena de dolor su alma, su sol se ha puesto siendo aún de día; está avergonzada y llena de confusión; y lo que de ella quede, lo entregaré a la espada delante de sus enemigos, dice Jehová. Lamentos del profeta

10 I t is bad for me, my mother, that you have given birth to me! I am a man of trouble and fighting to all the land. No one owes money to me, and I do not owe money to others, yet every one curses me.

¡Ay de mí, madre mía, que me engendraste un hombre de contienda y un hombre de discordia para toda la tierra! Nunca he dado ni tomado en préstamo, pero todos me maldicen.

11 T he Lord said, “For sure I will set you free for a good reason. For sure I will make those who hate you ask of you in times of trouble and suffering.

Dice Jehová: Ciertamente te pondré en libertad para bien; de cierto haré que el enemigo suplique ante ti en el tiempo de la aflicción y en la época de la angustia.

12 Can anyone crush iron, iron from the north, or brass?

¿Puede quebrarse el hierro, el hierro del norte y el bronce?

13 I will give your money and riches to those who fight against you, without a price, because of all your sins in all your land.

Tus riquezas y tus tesoros entregaré a la rapiña sin ningún precio, por todos tus pecados, y en todo tu territorio.

14 I will make those who hate you bring your riches into a land you do not know. For My anger has started a fire that will burn you.”

Y te haré servir a tus enemigos en tierra que no conoces; porque se ha encendido un fuego en mi furor, y arderá sobre vosotros.

15 O Lord, You understand. Remember me and visit me. And punish those who make it hard for me. Do not take me away, for You are slow to be angry. Know that because of You I suffer and am put to shame.

Tú lo sabes, oh Jehová; acuérdate de mí, y visítame, y véngame de mis enemigos. No me dejes perecer en la prolongación de tu enojo; sabes que por amor de ti sufro afrenta.

16 Y our words were found and I ate them. And Your words became a joy to me and the happiness of my heart. For I have been called by Your name, O Lord God of All.

Fueron halladas tus palabras, y yo las comí; y tus palabras fueron para mí un gozo y la alegría de mi corazón; porque tu nombre se invocó sobre mí, oh Jehová Dios de los ejércitos.

17 I did not sit with those who were having fun, and I was not full of joy. I sat alone because Your hand was upon me. For You had filled me with hate for their sin.

No me senté en compañía de gente alegre, ni me regocijé; me senté solo por causa de tu mano, porque me llenaste de indignación.

18 W hy is there no end to my pain? And why will my hurt not be healed? Will You be to me like a river that flows with water some of the time and is dry at other times? The Lord’s Answer

¿Por qué es perpetuo mi dolor, y mi herida desahuciada hasta rehusar curación? ¿Serás para mí como arroyo ilusorio, como aguas que no son estables? Dios consuela a Jeremías

19 S o the Lord says, “If you return, then I will let you take your place again, standing before Me. And if you take out what is of worth from what is of no worth, then you will speak for Me. Let these people turn to you, but you must not turn to them.

Por tanto, así dice Jehová: Si te vuelves, yo te restauraré y delante de mí estarás; y si entresacas lo precioso de lo vil, serás como mi boca. Que se vuelvan ellos a ti, y tú no te vuelvas a ellos.

20 T hen I will make you like a strong wall of brass to these people. Even if they fight against you, they will not get power over you. For I am with you to save you and bring you out of trouble,” says the Lord.

Y te pondré en este pueblo por muro fortificado de bronce, y pelearán contra ti, pero no prevalecerán contra ti; porque yo estoy contigo para guardarte y para librarte, dice Jehová.

21 I will take you from the hand of the sinful. And I will free you from the hand of those who would hurt you.”

Y te libraré de la mano de los malvados, y te redimiré de la mano de los terribles.