1 T his letter is from Paul. I am a servant owned by Jesus Christ and a missionary chosen by God to preach His Good News.
Pablo, siervo de Jesucristo, llamado a ser apóstol, apartado para el evangelio de Dios,
2 T he Good News was promised long ago by God’s early preachers in His Holy Writings.
que él había prometido antes por medio de sus profetas en las santas Escrituras,
3 I t tells of His Son, our Lord Jesus Christ, Who was born as a person in the flesh through the family of King David.
acerca de su Hijo, nuestro Señor Jesucristo, nacido del linaje de David según la carne,
4 T he Holy Spirit proved by a powerful act that Jesus our Lord is the Son of God because He was raised from the dead.
que fue declarado Hijo de Dios con poder, según el Espíritu de santidad, por la resurrección de entre los muertos,
5 J esus has given us His loving-favor and has made us His missionaries. We are to preach to the people of all nations that they should obey Him and put their trust in Him.
y por medio del cual hemos recibido la gracia y el apostolado, para la obediencia de la fe en todas las naciones por amor a su nombre;
6 Y ou have been chosen to belong to Jesus Christ also.
entre las cuales estáis también vosotros, llamados a ser de Jesucristo;
7 S o I write to all of you in the city of Rome. God loves you and has chosen you to be set apart for Himself. May God our Father and the Lord Jesus Christ give you His loving-favor and peace.
a todos los que estáis en Roma, amados de Dios, llamados a ser santos: Gracia y paz a vosotros, de parte de Dios nuestro Padre y del Señor Jesucristo. Deseo de Pablo de visitar Roma
8 F irst of all, I keep thanking my God, through Jesus Christ, for all of you. This is because the whole world knows of your faith in Christ.
Primeramente doy gracias a mi Dios mediante Jesucristo con respecto a todos vosotros, de que se habla de vuestra fe por todo el mundo.
9 G od knows how I work for Him. He knows how I preach with all my heart the Good News about His Son. He knows how I always pray for you.
Porque me es testigo Dios, a quien sirvo en mi espíritu en el evangelio de su Hijo, de que sin cesar hago siempre mención de vosotros en mis oraciones,
10 I pray that I might be able to visit you, if God wants me to.
rogando que ahora tenga al fin, por la voluntad de Dios, un próspero viaje para ir a vosotros.
11 I want to see you so I can share some special gift of the Holy Spirit with you. It will make you strong.
Porque anhelo veros, para comunicaros algún don espiritual, a fin de que seáis consolidados;
12 B oth of us need help. I can help make your faith strong and you can do the same for me. We need each other.
esto es, para ser mutuamente confortados cada uno por la fe del otro, no sólo la vuestra, sino también la mía.
13 C hristian brothers, many times I have wanted to visit you. Something has kept me from going until now. I have wanted to lead some of you to Christ also, as I have done in other places where they did not know God.
Pero no quiero, hermanos, que ignoréis que muchas veces me he propuesto ir a vosotros (pero hasta ahora he sido estorbado), para tener también entre vosotros algún fruto, como entre los demás gentiles.
14 I must help the people who have had a chance to hear the Good News and those who have not. I must help those with much learning and those who have never learned from books.
Me debo a griegos y a no griegos, a sabios y a no sabios.
15 S o I want to preach the Good News to you who live in Rome also.
Así que, en cuanto a mí, estoy ansioso de anunciaros el evangelio también a vosotros que estáis en Roma. El poder del evangelio
16 I am not ashamed of the Good News. It is the power of God. It is the way He saves men from the punishment of their sins if they put their trust in Him. It is for the Jew first and for all other people also.
Porque no me avergüenzo del evangelio, porque es poder de Dios para salvación a todo aquel que cree; al judío primeramente, y también al griego.
17 T he Good News tells us we are made right with God by faith in Him. Then, by faith we live that new life through Him. The Holy Writings say, “A man right with God lives by faith.”
Porque en el evangelio la justicia de Dios se revela por fe y para fe, como está escrito: Mas el justo por la fe vivirá. La culpa del hombre
18 W e see the anger of God coming down from heaven against all the sins of men. These sinful men keep the truth from being known.
Porque la ira de Dios se revela desde el cielo contra toda impiedad e injusticia de los hombres que detienen con injusticia la verdad;
19 M en know about God. He has made it plain to them.
porque lo que de Dios se conoce es manifiesto entre ellos, pues Dios se lo manifestó.
20 M en cannot say they do not know about God. From the beginning of the world, men could see what God is like through the things He has made. This shows His power that lasts forever. It shows that He is God.
Porque las cosas invisibles de él, su eterno poder y divinidad, se hacen claramente visibles desde la creación del mundo, siendo entendidas por medio de las cosas hechas, de modo que no tienen excusa.
21 T hey did know God, but they did not honor Him as God. They were not thankful to Him and thought only of foolish things. Their foolish minds became dark.
Pues habiendo conocido a Dios, no le glorificaron como a Dios, ni le dieron gracias, sino que se hicieron vanos en sus pensamientos, y su necio corazón fue entenebrecido.
22 T hey said that they were wise, but they showed how foolish they were.
Profesando ser sabios, se hicieron necios,
23 T hey gave honor to false gods that looked like people who can die and to birds and animals and snakes. This honor belongs to God Who can never die.
y cambiaron la gloria del Dios incorruptible en semejanza de imagen de hombre corruptible, de aves, de cuadrúpedos y de reptiles.
24 S o God let them follow the desires of their sinful hearts. They did sinful things among themselves with their bodies.
Por lo cual también Dios los entregó a la inmundicia, en las concupiscencias de sus corazones, de modo que deshonraron entre sí sus propios cuerpos,
25 T hey traded the truth of God for a lie. They worshiped and cared for what God made instead of worshiping the God Who made it. He is the One Who is to receive honor and thanks forever. Let it be so.
ya que cambiaron la verdad de Dios por la mentira, adorando y dando culto a las criaturas en lugar de al Creador, el cual es bendito por los siglos. Amén.
26 B ecause of this, God let them follow their sinful desires which lead to shame. Women used their bodies in ways God had not planned.
Por esto Dios los entregó a pasiones vergonzosas; pues aun sus mujeres cambiaron el uso natural por el que es contra naturaleza,
27 I n the same way, men left the right use of women’s bodies. They did sex sins with other men. They received for themselves the punishment that was coming to them for their sin.
y de igual modo también los hombres, dejando el uso natural de la mujer, se encendieron en sus deseos lascivos, los unos hacia los otros, cometiendo hechos vergonzosos hombres con hombres, y recibiendo en sí mismos la retribución debida a su extravío.
28 B ecause they would not keep God in their thoughts anymore, He gave them up. Their minds were sinful and they wanted only to do things they should not do.
Y como ellos no tuvieron a bien el reconocer a Dios, Dios los entregó a una mente reprobada, para hacer cosas impropias,
29 T hey are full of everything that is sinful and want things that belong to others. They hate people and are jealous. They kill other people. They fight and lie. They do not like other people and talk against them.
estando atestados de toda injusticia, fornicación, perversidad, avaricia, maldad; llenos de envidia, homicidio, contienda, engaño y malignidad;
30 T hey talk about people, and they hate God. They are filled with pride and tell of all the good they do. They think of new ways to sin. They do not obey their parents.
murmuradores, detractores, aborrecedores de Dios, insolentes, orgullosos, jactanciosos, inventores de maldades, desobedientes a los padres,
31 T hey are not able to understand. They do not do what they say they will do. They have no love and no loving-pity.
necios, desleales, sin afecto natural, implacables, despiadados;
32 T hey know God has said that all who do such things should die. But they keep on doing these things and are happy when others do them also.
quienes, a pesar de conocer el veredicto de Dios, que los que practican tales cosas son dignos de muerte, no sólo las hacen, sino que también se complacen con los que las practican.