1 N ow when David lived in his house, he said to Nathan the special preacher, “See, I am living in a house of cedar wood. But the special box with the Law of the Lord is under a tent.”
Aconteció que morando David en su casa, dijo David al profeta Natán: He aquí yo habito en casa de cedro, y el arca del pacto de Jehová debajo de cortinas.
2 N athan said to David, “Do all that is in your heart. For God is with you.”
Y Natán dijo a David: Haz todo lo que está en tu corazón, porque Dios está contigo.
3 B ut that same night the Word of the Lord came to Nathan, saying,
En aquella misma noche vino palabra de Dios a Natán, diciendo:
4 “ Go and tell My servant David, ‘This is what the Lord says. “You will not build a house for Me to live in.
Ve y di a David mi siervo: Así ha dicho Jehová: Tú no me edificarás casa en que habite.
5 F or I have not lived in a house since the day I brought up Israel to this day. But I have gone from tent to tent and from one place to another to live.
Porque no he habitado en casa alguna desde el día que saqué a los hijos de Israel hasta hoy; antes estuve de tienda en tienda, y de tabernáculo en tabernáculo.
6 I n all the places I have gone with all Israel, have I said a word to any of the judges of Israel about this? Have I said to anyone whom I told to watch over My people, ‘Why have you not built a house of cedar wood for Me?’”’
Por dondequiera que anduve con todo Israel, ¿he dicho a alguno de los jueces de Israel, a los cuales mandé que apacentasen a mi pueblo: Por qué no me edificáis una casa de cedro?
7 S o now say to My servant David, ‘The Lord of All says, “I took you from the field, from following the sheep, to be leader over My people Israel.
Por tanto, ahora dirás a mi siervo David: Así ha dicho Jehová de los ejércitos: Yo te tomé del redil, de detrás de las ovejas, para que fueses príncipe sobre mi pueblo Israel;
8 I have been with you in every place you have gone. I have destroyed in front of you all those who hate you. And I will make your name to be known like the name of the great ones of the earth.
y he estado contigo en todo cuanto has andado, y he cortado a todos tus enemigos de delante de ti, y voy a hacerte un gran nombre, como el nombre de los grandes de la tierra.
9 I will choose a place for My people Israel, and will plant them. So they will live in their own place and not be moved again. Never again will they be under the power of sinful men, as they were before,
Asimismo fijaré lugar para mi pueblo Israel, y lo plantaré allí para que habite en él y no sea más removido; ni los hijos de iniquidad lo consumirán más, como antes,
10 f rom the time that I told judges to rule My people Israel. I will put under your power all those who hate you. And I say to you that the Lord will build a house for you.
y desde el tiempo en que puse los jueces sobre mi pueblo Israel; mas humillaré a todos tus enemigos. Te hago saber, además, que Jehová te edificará casa.
11 W hen your days are over, the time will come when you must go to be with your fathers. But then I will put into power one of your sons after you. I will make him king.
Y cuando tus días sean cumplidos para irte con tus padres, levantaré descendencia después de ti, a uno de entre tus hijos, y afirmaré su reino.
12 H e will build a house for Me. And I will make his throne last forever.
Él me edificará casa, y yo confirmaré su trono eternamente.
13 I will be his father, and he will be My son. I will not take My loving-kindness away from him, as I took it from him who was before you.
Yo le seré por padre, y él me será por hijo; y no quitaré de él mi misericordia, como la quité de aquél que fue antes de ti;
14 B ut I will put him over My house and in My nation forever. And his throne will last forever.”’”
sino que lo confirmaré en mi casa y en mi reino eternamente, y su trono será firme para siempre.
15 N athan told David all these words from all this special dream. David’s Prayer of Thanks
Conforme a todas estas palabras, y conforme a toda esta visión, habló Natán a David.
16 T hen King David went in and sat before the Lord, and said, “Who am I, O God? What is my house, that You have brought me this far?
Entró entonces el rey David y estuvo delante de Jehová, y dijo: Jehová Dios, ¿quién soy yo, y qué es mi casa, para que me hayas traído hasta aquí?
17 T his was a small thing in Your eyes, O God. You have spoken of Your servant’s house for a long time to come. You have thought of me as if I were an important man, O Lord God.
Y aun esto, oh Dios, te ha parecido poco, pues que has hablado de la casa de tu siervo para tiempo más lejano, y me has mirado como a un hombre excelente, oh Jehová Dios.
18 W hat more can David say to You about the honor given to Your servant? For You know Your servant.
¿Qué más puede añadir David pidiendo de ti para glorificar a tu siervo? Mas tú conoces a tu siervo.
19 Y ou have made all this greatness, O Lord. You have made known all these great things, for Your servant, and by Your own heart.
Oh Jehová, por amor de tu siervo y según tu corazón, has hecho todas estas cosas tan grandes, para hacer notorias todas tus grandezas.
20 O Lord, there is no one like You. There is no God other than You, by all that we have heard with our ears.
Jehová, no hay semejante a ti, ni hay Dios sino tú, según todas las cosas que hemos oído con nuestros oídos.
21 W hat other nation on earth is like Your people Israel? God went to free them to be His people. You made Yourself a name by great things which filled people with fear. You drove out the nations before Your people, whom You set free from Egypt.
¿Y qué pueblo hay en la tierra como tu pueblo Israel, a quien Dios haya ido a rescatar para darle renombre con grandezas y maravillas, echando a las naciones de delante de tu pueblo, que tú rescataste de Egipto?
22 Y ou made Your people Israel to be Your people forever. And You, O Lord, became their God.
Tú has constituido a tu pueblo Israel por pueblo tuyo para siempre; y tú, Jehová, has venido a ser su Dios.
23 N ow, O Lord, let the Word that You have spoken about Your servant and his house be made sure forever. Do as You have said.
Ahora, pues, Jehová, la palabra que has hablado acerca de tu siervo y de su casa, sea firme para siempre, y haz como has dicho.
24 L et Your name be made sure and honored forever, saying, ‘The Lord of All, the God of Israel, is Israel’s God. And the house of Your servant David is made to last before You.’
Permanezca, pues, y sea engrandecido tu nombre para siempre, a fin de que se diga: Jehová de los ejércitos, Dios de Israel, es Dios para Israel. Y sea la casa de tu siervo David firme delante de ti.
25 F or You, O my God, have made it known to Your servant that You will build a house for him. So Your servant has found strength of heart to pray to You.
Porque tú, Dios mío, revelaste al oído a tu siervo que le has de edificar casa; por eso ha hallado tu siervo motivo para orar delante de ti.
26 A nd now, O Lord, You are God. You have promised this good thing to Your servant.
Ahora, pues, Jehová, tú eres el Dios que has hablado de tu siervo este bien;
27 N ow it has pleased You to bring good to the house of Your servant. May it last forever before You. For when You bring good to something, O Lord, good is with it forever.”
y ahora te has dignado bendecir la casa de tu siervo, para que permanezca perpetuamente delante de ti; porque lo que tú, oh Jehová, bendices, será bendito para siempre.