1 J esus began to teach them by using picture-stories, saying, “There was a man who planted grapes in a field. He put a fence around it and made a place for making wine. He built a tower to look over the field. Then he let farmers rent it and went into another country.
Y comenzó a hablarles en parábolas: Un hombre plantó una viña, la rodeó con una cerca, cavó un lagar y edificó una torre; la arrendó a unos labradores y se ausentó del lugar.
2 “ The time came for gathering the grapes. He sent his servant to the farmers to get some of the grapes.
A su debido tiempo, envió un siervo adonde los labradores, para recibir de los labradores su parte de los frutos de la viña.
3 T he farmers took him and beat him. They sent him back with nothing.
Ellos le agarraron, le golpearon, y le enviaron de vacío.
4 T he owner sent another servant. The farmers threw stones at him and hit him on the head and did other bad things to him.
De nuevo les envió otro siervo, y a él le hirieron en la cabeza y le insultaron afrentosamente.
5 A gain the owner sent another servant. The farmers killed that one. Many other servants were sent. They beat some and they killed others.
Envió a otro; a éste le mataron; también a otros muchos, golpeando a unos y matando a otros.
6 “ He had a much-loved son to send yet. So last of all he sent him to them, saying, ‘They will respect my son.’
Todavía tenía uno, un hijo amado; se lo envió el último, diciéndose: Respetarán a mi hijo.
7 T he farmers said to themselves, ‘This is the one who will get everything when the owner dies. Let us kill him and we will get everything.’
Pero aquellos labradores dijeron entre ellos mismos: Éste es el heredero. ¡Venid, matémosle, y la herencia será nuestra!
8 T hey took him and killed him. They threw his body outside the field.
Y agarrándole, le mataron y le echaron fuera de la viña.
9 W hat will the owner of the field do? He will come and kill the farmers. He will give the field to other farmers.
¿Qué hará el dueño de la viña? Vendrá y destruirá a los labradores, y dará la viña a otros.
10 “ Have you not read what the Holy Writings say? ‘The Stone that was put aside by the workmen has become the most important Stone in the corner of the building.
¿Ni esta escritura habéis leído: La piedra que desecharon los constructores, Ha venido a ser hecha piedra angular;
11 T he Lord has done this. It is great in our eyes.’”
Esto ha sucedido de parte del Señor, Y es maravilloso a nuestros ojos?
12 T he leaders wanted to take Him but they were afraid of the people. They knew He had told the picture-story against them. They left Him and went away. They Try to Trap Jesus
Procuraban prenderle, pero tuvieron miedo de la multitud; pues se dieron cuenta de que la parábola la había dicho refiriéndose a ellos. Y dejándole, se marcharon. El tributo debido al César
13 S ome of the proud religious law-keepers and Herod’s men were sent to trap Jesus in His talk.
Envían ante él a algunos de los fariseos y de los herodianos, para ver de atraparle en alguna palabra.
14 T hey came to Him and said, “Teacher, we know You are true. We know You are not afraid of what men think or say about You. You teach the way of God in truth. Is it right to pay taxes to Caesar or not?
Llegan y le dicen: Maestro, sabemos que eres veraz, y que no te importa de nadie; pues no te fijas en el aspecto exterior de las personas, sino que enseñas el camino de Dios con verdad. ¿Es lícito dar tributo a César, o no? ¿Hemos de dar, o no?
15 S hould we pay or not pay?” Jesus knew how they pretended to be someone they were not. He said to them, “Why do you try to trap Me? Bring Me a small piece of money so I may look at it.”
Pero él, sabedor de su hipocresía, les dijo: ¿Por qué me estáis poniendo a prueba? Traedme un denario para verlo.
16 T hey brought Him one. He asked them, “Whose picture is this? Whose name is on it?” They answered, “Caesar’s.”
Lo trajeron, y él les dice: ¿De quién es esta imagen y la inscripción? Le dijeron: De César.
17 T hen Jesus said to them, “Pay to Caesar the things that belong to Caesar. Pay to God the things that belong to God.” They were surprised and wondered at Him. They Ask about Being Raised from the Dead
Y Jesús les dijo: Lo de César, devolvédselo a César; y lo de Dios, a Dios. Y quedaban admirados de él. La pregunta sobre la resurrección
18 S ome people from the religious group who believe no one will be raised from the dead came to Jesus. They asked Him,
Se le acercan unos saduceos, los que dicen que no hay resurrección, y le preguntaban, diciendo:
19 “ Teacher, Moses gave us a Law. It said, ‘If a man’s brother dies and leaves his wife behind, but no children, then his brother should marry his wife and raise children for his brother.’
Maestro, Moisés nos dejó escrito que si se muere el hermano de alguno, y deja mujer, pero no deja hijo, su hermano debe tomar la mujer y levantar descendencia a su hermano.
20 T here were seven brothers. The first was married. He died before he had any children.
Había siete hermanos; el primero tomó esposa, y al morir no dejó descendencia.
21 T he second married her and died. He had no children. The same happened with the third.
También el segundo la tomó, y murió sin dejar descendencia; y el tercero, de igual manera.
22 A ll seven had her for a wife. All died without children. Last of all the woman died.
Y así los siete, sin dejar descendencia. Por último, murió también la mujer.
23 W hen people are raised from the dead, whose wife will she be? All seven had her for a wife.”
En la resurrección, cuando resuciten, ¿de quién de ellos será mujer? Pues los siete la tuvieron por mujer.
24 J esus said to them, “Is this not the reason you are wrong, because you do not know the Holy Writings or the power of God?
Les dijo Jesús: ¿No es por esto por lo que estáis equivocados: por no entender las Escrituras ni el poder de Dios?
25 W hen people are raised from the dead, they do not marry and are not given in marriage. They are like angels in heaven.
Pues cuando resucitan de entre los muertos, ni ellos se casan, ni ellas son dadas en casamiento, sino que son como ángeles en los cielos.
26 A s for the dead being raised, have you not read in the book of Moses how God spoke to him in the burning bush? He said, ‘I am the God of Abraham and the God of Isaac and the God of Jacob.’
Y tocante a los muertos en eso de que resucitan, ¿no habéis leído en el libro de Moisés, en lo de la zarza, cómo Dios le dijo taxativamente: Yo soy el Dios de Abraham, Dios de Isaac y Dios de Jacob?
27 H e is not the God of the dead, He is the God of the living. So you are very much wrong.” The Great Law
No es un Dios de muertos, sino de vivos. Andáis muy equivocados. El mandamiento principal
28 T hen one of the teachers of the Law heard them arguing. He thought Jesus had spoken well. He asked Him, “Which Law is the greatest of all?”
Se acercó uno de los escribas que los había oído discutir, y comprendiendo que les había contestado bien, le preguntó: ¿Cuál mandamiento es el más importante de todos?
29 J esus said to him, “The greatest Law is this, ‘Listen, Jewish people, The Lord our God is one Lord!
Jesús respondió: El más importante es: Escucha, Israel: El Señor, nuestro Dios, es un solo Señor;
30 Y ou must love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength.’ This is the first Law.
y amarás al Señor tu Dios con todo tu corazón, con toda tu alma, con toda tu mente, y con toda tu fuerza. Éste es el principal mandamiento.
31 “ The second Law is this: ‘You must love your neighbor as yourself.’ No other Law is greater than these.”
El segundo es éste: Amarás a tu prójimo como a ti mismo. No hay otro mandamiento mayor que éstos.
32 T hen the teacher of the Law said, “Teacher, You have told the truth. There is one God. There is no other God but Him.
Y el escriba le dijo: Bien, Maestro; con verdad has dicho que hay un solo Dios y que no hay otro sino él;
33 A man should love Him with all his heart and with all his understanding. He should love Him with all his soul and with all his strength and love his neighbor as himself. This is more important than to bring animals to be burned on the altar or to give God other gifts on the altar in worship.”
y que amarle de todo corazón, con todo el entendimiento y con toda la fuerza, y el amar al prójimo como a sí mismo es más que todos los holocaustos y sacrificios.
34 J esus saw he had spoken with understanding. He said to him, “You are not far from the holy nation of God.” After that no one thought they could ask Him anything. Jesus Asks the Proud Religious Law-Keepers about the Christ
Y Jesús, viendo que le había contestado con sensatez, le dijo: No estás lejos del reino de Dios. Y nadie se atrevía más a hacerle preguntas. ¿De quién es hijo el Cristo?
35 J esus was in the house of God teaching. He asked, “How do the teachers of the Law say that Christ is the Son of David?
Jesús, tomando la palabra, les decía mientras enseñaba en el templo: ¿Cómo dicen los escribas que el Cristo es hijo de David?
36 F or David himself, led by the Holy Spirit, said, ‘The Lord said to my Lord, sit at my right side until I make those who hate You a place to rest Your feet.’
David mismo dijo, movido por el Espíritu Santo: Dijo el Señor a mi Señor: Siéntate a mi diestra, Hasta que ponga a tus enemigos debajo de tus pies.
37 D avid himself calls Him Lord. Then how can He be his son?” Many people were glad to hear Him. False Teachers
David mismo le llama Señor. Entonces, ¿de qué parte es hijo suyo? Y la gran multitud le escuchaba con gusto.
38 J esus taught them, saying, “Look out for the teachers of the Law. They like to walk around in long coats. They like to have the respect of men as they stand in the center of town where people gather.
Y en su enseñanza decía: Guardaos de los escribas, los que gustan de pasear con amplio ropaje y de que los saluden aparatosamente en las plazas,
39 T hey like to have the important seats in the places of worship and the important places at big suppers.
y de ocupar los principales asientos en las sinagogas y los lugares de honor en los banquetes;
40 T hey take houses from poor women whose husbands have died. They cover up the bad they do by saying long prayers. They will be punished all the more.” The Woman Whose Husband Had Died Gave All She Had
los que devoran las casas de las viudas y, para disimular, recitan largas oraciones. Éstos recibirán una sentencia más severa. La ofrenda de la viuda
41 J esus sat near the money box in the house of God. He watched the people putting in money. Many of them were rich and gave much money.
Jesús se sentó frente por frente del arca del tesoro y observaba cómo echaba la multitud monedas de cobre en el arca del tesoro; y muchos ricos echaban mucho.
42 A poor woman whose husband had died came by and gave two very small pieces of money.
Llegó también una viuda pobre y echó dos moneditas, que es una cuarta parte del as.
43 J esus called His followers to Him. He said, “For sure, I tell you, this poor woman whose husband has died has given more money than all the others.
Entonces llamó hacia sí a sus discípulos y les dijo: En verdad os digo que esta viuda pobre ha echado más que todos los que están echando en el arca del tesoro;
44 T hey all gave of that which was more than they needed for their own living. She is poor and yet she gave all she had, even what she needed for her own living.”
porque todos echaron de lo que les sobra; pero ésta ha echado, de su pobreza, todo cuanto poseía, todo su sustento.