Hosea 12 ~ Oseas 12


1 E phraim’s food is the wind, he goes after the east wind all day long. He tells many lies and does much in his anger. He makes an agreement with Assyria and takes oil to Egypt.

Efraín se apacienta de viento, y sigue al solano; todo el día multiplica mentiras y destrucción; porque hacen un pacto con los asirios, y el aceite se lleva a Egipto.

2 T he Lord has a cause against Judah, and will punish Jacob for his ways. He will make him pay for what he has done.

También tiene Jehová pleito con Judá, y castigará a Jacob conforme a sus caminos; le pagará conforme a sus obras.

3 B efore he was born he took his brother by the heel. And when he was grown he fought with God.

En el seno materno tomó por el calcañar a su hermano, y con su fuerza luchó con un ser divino.

4 H e fought with the angel and won. He cried and begged for His favor. He met God at Bethel, and God spoke with him there.

Luchó con el ángel, y prevaleció; lloró, y le rogó; en Betel le halló, y allí habló con nosotros.

5 T his was the Lord, the God of All. The Lord is His name.

Mas Jehová es Dios de los ejércitos; Jehová es su nombre.

6 S o return to your God. Show kindness and do what is fair, and wait for your God all the time.

Tú, pues, vuélvete a tu Dios; guarda misericordia y juicio, y espera siempre en tu Dios.

7 O ne who buys and sells and who lies about the weight of things loves to make it hard for others.

En cuanto al mercader, tiene en su mano una balanza falsa; le gusta oprimir.

8 E phraim has said, “I have become rich. I have found riches for myself. With all my riches they will not find any sin in me.”

Efraín dijo: Ciertamente me he enriquecido, he hallado riquezas para mí; nadie hallará en mí iniquidad que sea pecado, en todos mis trabajos.

9 I am the Lord your God Who brought you out of Egypt. I will make you live in tents again, as in the days of your special suppers.

Pero yo soy Jehová tu Dios desde la tierra de Egipto; aún te haré morar en tiendas, como en los días de la fiesta.

10 I have spoken to the men who speak for Me. I have given many special dreams. And I gave picture-stories through the men who speak for Me.”

Y he hablado a los profetas, y multipliqué las visiones, y por medio de los profetas usé parábolas.

11 I s there sin in Gilead? For sure its people are of no worth. In Gilgal they kill bulls in worship. Their altars are like the many stones laid beside a plowed field.

En Galaad todo es iniquidad y mentira; en Gilgal sacrifican a toros, y sus altares serán como montones en los surcos del campo.

12 J acob ran away to the land of Aram. There he worked for a wife, and for a wife he kept sheep.

Y Jacob huyó a tierra de Aram; Israel sirvió para adquirir mujer, y por adquirir mujer fue pastor.

13 B y a man who spoke for Him, the Lord brought Israel from Egypt. And by a man who spoke for Him, the Lord cared for him.

Y por medio de un profeta, Jehová hizo subir a Israel de Egipto, y por medio de un profeta fue guardado.

14 B ut Ephraim has made the Lord very angry. So the Lord will leave on him the guilt of his blood, and make his shame return to him.

Efraín ha provocado muy amargamente; por tanto, hará recaer sobre él su sangre, y su Señor le devolverá su ultraje.