Isaiah 59 ~ Isaías 59


1 S ee, the Lord’s hand is not so short that it cannot save, and His ear is not closed that it cannot hear.

He aquí que no se ha acortado la mano de Jehová para salvar, ni se ha endurecido su oído para oír;

2 B ut your wrong-doings have kept you away from your God. Your sins have hidden His face from you, so that He does not hear.

pero vuestras iniquidades han hecho separación entre vosotros y vuestro Dios, y vuestros pecados han hecho ocultar de vosotros su rostro para no escucharos.

3 F or your hands are sinful with blood, your fingers with wrong-doing, your lips have lied, and your tongue talks about sin.

Porque vuestras manos están contaminadas de sangre, y vuestros dedos de iniquidad; vuestros labios pronuncian mentira, y vuestra lengua habla maldad.

4 N o one wants what is right and fair in court. And no one argues his cause with the truth. They trust in what is false, and speak lies. They plan to make trouble and do what is sinful.

No hay quien litigue con justicia, ni quien defienda su causa con lealtad; confían en vanidad, y hablan mentiras; conciben maldades, y dan a luz iniquidad.

5 T hey bring young ones from the eggs of deadly snakes and make traps as a spider does. He who eats of their eggs dies, and a snake comes out of the egg that is crushed.

Incuban huevos de áspides, y tejen telas de arañas; el que come de sus huevos, muere; y si los aplastan, salen víboras.

6 C lothing cannot be made from the work of the spider, so they cannot cover themselves with what they make. Their works are works of sin. They hurt others with their hands.

Sus telas no servirán para vestir, ni de sus tejidos serán cubiertos; sus obras son obras de iniquidad, y actos de violencia hay en sus manos.

7 A nd they are quick to sin and to kill people who are not guilty. Their thoughts are thoughts of sin. Wherever they go, they destroy and cause suffering.

Sus pies corren al mal, se apresuran para derramar la sangre inocente; sus pensamientos son pensamientos de iniquidad; desolación y destrucción hay en sus caminos.

8 T hey know nothing about peace, and there is nothing fair in their paths. Their roads are not straight. Whoever walks on them does not know peace.

No conocen el camino de paz, ni hay justicia en sus pasos; sus veredas son torcidas; cualquiera que por ellas va, no conoce paz.

9 S o what is right and fair is far from us. What is right and good does not come to us. We hope for light, but see darkness. We hope for bright light, but we walk in the dark.

Por esto se alejó de nosotros la justicia, y no nos alcanzó la rectitud; buscamos luz, y he aquí tinieblas; resplandores, y andamos en oscuridad.

10 W e feel for the wall like blind men. We feel our way like those who have no eyes. We trip at noon as in the night. Among those who are strong, we are like dead men.

Palpamos la pared como ciegos, y andamos a tientas como los sin ojos; tropezamos a mediodía como si fuera al anochecer; estamos en lugares oscuros como los muertos.

11 A ll of us make noise like bears, and cry inside ourselves like doves. We hope for what is right and fair, but it is not there. We hope to be saved, but it is far from us.

Gruñimos como osos todos nosotros, y gemimos lastimeramente como palomas; esperamos justicia, y no la hay; salvación, y se alejó de nosotros.

12 F or we have done much wrong before You, and our sins speak against us. Our wrong-doing is with us, and we know our sins.

Porque nuestras transgresiones se han multiplicado delante de ti, y nuestros pecados testifican contra nosotros; porque con nosotros están nuestras iniquidades, y conocemos nuestros pecados:

13 W e have gone against the Lord and have acted as if we do not know Him. We have turned away from our God. We have made it hard for others. We have thought and spoken lying words from the heart.

el prevaricar, renegar de Jehová, y el apartarse de seguir en pos de nuestro Dios; el hablar de opresión y rebelión, el concebir y proferir de corazón palabras de falsedad.

14 W hat is right and fair is turned back. What is right and good stands far away. Truth has fallen in the street, and what is right cannot come in.

Al juicio recto se le ha hecho retirarse, y la justicia se puso lejos; porque la verdad tropezó en la plaza, y la rectitud no pudo entrar.

15 Y es, truth is not there. And he who turns away from sin comes under the anger of sinners. Now the Lord saw this, and it did not please Him to see that what is right and fair was not being done.

Y la verdad se echa de menos, y el que se apartó del mal fue puesto en prisión; y lo vio Jehová, y desagradó a sus ojos que no se hiciese justicia.

16 H e saw and wondered that there was no man to speak up for what is right. Then His own arm brought saving power, and what is right with Him gave Him strength.

Y vio que no había hombre, y se maravilló de que no hubiera quien intercediese; por eso su propio brazo lo salvó, y su misma justicia le sostuvo.

17 B eing right and good was His covering for His breast, saving power was His headcovering, clothing of anger was his covering, and His strong desires were like a coat.

Pues de justicia se vistió como de una coraza, con yelmo de salvación en su cabeza; tomó ropas de venganza por vestidura, y se cubrió de celo como de manto;

18 H e will pay them back for their works. He will send anger upon those who are against Him, and will punish those who hate Him. He will send punishment on the islands.

conforme a sus obras les va a retribuir: con ira a sus enemigos, y con el pago a sus adversarios; el pago dará a los de las islas.

19 T hey will fear the name of the Lord from the west, and His shining-greatness from the rising of the sun. When the one who hates us comes in like a flood, the Spirit of the Lord will lift up a wall against him.

Y temerán desde el occidente el nombre de Jehová, y desde el nacimiento del sol su gloria; porque vendrá como torrente impetuoso, empujado por el soplo de Jehová.

20 The One Who saves from the punishment of sin will come to Zion, and He will come to those of Jacob who turn from their sinful ways,” says the Lord.

Y vendrá el Redentor a Sión, y a los que se conviertan de la iniquidad en Jacob, dice Jehová.

21 And as for Me, this is My agreement with them,” says the Lord. “My Spirit which is upon you, and My Words which I have put in your mouth, will not leave your mouth, or the mouth of your children, or the mouth of your children’s children,” say the Lord, “from now and forever.”

Y éste será mi pacto con ellos, dice Jehová: El Espíritu mío que está sobre ti, y mis palabras que puse en tu boca, no faltarán de tu boca, ni de la boca de tus hijos, ni de la boca de los hijos de tus hijos, dice Jehová, desde ahora y para siempre.