Psalm 141 ~ Salmos 141


1 I call upon You, O Lord. Hurry to me! Hear my voice when I call to You!

Jehová, a ti he clamado; apresúrate a venir a mí; Escucha mi voz cuando te invoco.

2 M ay my prayer be like special perfume before You. May the lifting up of my hands be like the evening gift given on the altar in worship.

Suba mi oración delante de ti como el incienso, El alzar de mis manos como la ofrenda de la tarde.

3 O Lord, put a watch over my mouth. Keep watch over the door of my lips.

Pon guarda en mi boca, oh Jehová; Guarda la puerta de mis labios.

4 D o not let my heart turn to any sinful thing, to do wrong with men who sin. And do not let me eat their fine food.

No dejes que se incline mi corazón a cosa mala, A hacer obras impías Con los que hacen iniquidad; Y no coma yo de sus manjares deliciosos.

5 L et those who are right with God punish me and speak strong words to me in kindness. It is oil upon my head. Do not let my head turn away from it. Yet my prayer is always against the sinful works of those who sin.

Que el justo me castigue, será un favor; y que me corrija el recto, Será óleo excelente que no rehusará mi cabeza; Pero mi oración testificará continuamente contra las maldades de los impíos.

6 W hen their rulers are thrown down from high rocks, they will hear my words, for they are true.

Serán despeñados sus jueces, Y comprenderán que mis palabras eran verdaderas.

7 O ur bones have been spread around the mouth of the grave like the broken ground behind the plow.

Como astillas o pedruscos por el suelo, Son esparcidos sus huesos a la boca del Seol.

8 F or my eyes are toward You, O God the Lord. In You I have a safe place. Do not leave me without help.

Hacia ti, oh Jehová, Señor, miran mis ojos; En ti he confiado; no desampares mi alma.

9 K eep me from the trap they have set for me. Keep me from the nets of those who do wrong.

Guárdame de los lazos que me han tendido, Y de las trampas de los que hacen iniquidad.

10 L et the sinful fall into their own nets, while I pass by and am safe.

Caigan los impíos a una en sus propias redes, Mientras yo sigo adelante.