Лука 18 ~ Luke 18


1 К аза им една притча как трябва всякога да се молят, да не ослабват, думайки:

Jesus told them a picture-story to show that men should always pray and not give up.

2 В някой си град имаше един съдия, който от Бога се не боеше и човека не зачиташе.

He said, “There was a man in one of the cities who was head of the court. His work was to say if a person was guilty or not. This man was not afraid of God. He did not respect any man.

3 В същия град имаше и една вдовица, която дохождаше при него и му казваше: Отдай ми правото спрямо противника ми.

In that city there was a woman whose husband had died. She kept coming to him and saying, ‘Help me! There is someone who is working against me.’

4 Н о той за известно време не искаше. А после си каза: При все, че от Бога не се боя и човеците не зачитам,

For awhile he would not help her. Then he began to think, ‘I am not afraid of God and I do not respect any man.

5 п ак, понеже тая вдовица ми досажда, ще й отдам правото, да не би да ме измори с безкрайното си дохождане.

But I will see that this woman whose husband has died gets her rights because I get tired of her coming all the time.’”

6 И Господ рече: Слушайте що каза неправедният съдия!

Then the Lord said, “Listen to the words of the sinful man who is head of the court.

7 А Бог няма ли да отдаде правото на Своите избрани, които викат към Него ден и нощ, ако и да се бави спрямо тях?

Will not God make the things that are right come to His chosen people who cry day and night to Him? Will He wait a long time to help them?

8 К азвам ви, че ще им отдаде правото скоро. Обаче, когато дойде Човешкият Син ще намери ли вяра на земята?

I tell you, He will be quick to help them. But when the Son of Man comes, will He find faith on the earth? ” The Picture-Story of the Proud Religious Law-Keepers and the Tax-Gatherers

9 И на някои, които уповаваха на себе си, че са праведни, и презираха другите, каза и тая притча:

Jesus told another picture-story to some people who trusted in themselves and thought they were right with God. These people did not think well of other men.

10 Д вама души възлязоха в храма да се помолят, единият фарисей, а другият бирник.

Jesus said, “Two men went up to the house of God to pray. One of them was a proud religious law-keeper. The other was a man who gathered taxes.

11 Ф арисеят, като се изправи, молеше се в себе си така: Боже, благодаря Ти, че не съм като другите човеци, грабители, неправедни, прелюбодейци и особено не като тоя бирник.

The proud religious law-keeper stood and prayed to himself like this, ‘God, I thank You that I am not like other men. I am not like those who steal. I am not like those who do things that are wrong. I am not like those who do sex sins. I am not even like this tax-gatherer.

12 П остя дваж в седмицата, давам десетък от всичко що придобия.

I go without food two times a week so I can pray better. I give one-tenth part of the money I earn.’

13 А бирникът като стоеше издалеч, не щеше нито очите си да подигне към небето, но удряше се в гърди и казваше: Боже бъди милостив към мене грешника.

But the man who gathered taxes stood a long way off. He would not even lift his eyes to heaven. But he hit himself on his chest and said, ‘God, have pity on me! I am a sinner!’

14 К азвам ви, че този слезе у дома си оправдан, а не онзи; защото всеки, който възвишава себе си, ще се смири, а който смирява себе си, ще се възвиси.

I tell you, this man went back to his house forgiven, and not the other man. For whoever makes himself look more important than he is will find out how little he is worth. Whoever does not try to honor himself will be made important.” Jesus Gives Thanks for Little Children

15 Д онесоха още при Него младенците си, за да се докосне до тях; а учениците, като видяха, смъмриха ги.

People took their little children to Jesus so He could put His hand on them. When His followers saw it, they spoke sharp words to the people.

16 Н о Исус ги повика и рече: Оставете дечицата да дойдат при Мене и не ги възпирайте; защото на такива е Божието царство.

Jesus called the followers to Him and said, “Let the little children come to Me. Do not try to stop them. The holy nation of God is made up of ones like these.

17 И стина ви казвам: Който не приеме, като детенце, Божието царство, той никак няма да влезе в него.

For sure, I tell you, whoever does not receive the holy nation of God as a child will not go into the holy nation.” Jesus Teaches about Keeping the Law

18 И някой си началник Го попита, казвайки: Благи Учителю, какво да сторя за да наследя вечен живот?

A leader of the people asked Jesus, “Good Teacher, what must I do to have life that lasts forever?”

19 А Исус му рече: Защо Ме наричаш благ? Никой не е благ, освен един Бог.

Jesus said to him, “Why do you call Me good? There is only One Who is good. That is God.

20 З наеш заповедите: "Не убивай"; "Не кради"; "Не лъжесвидетелствувай"; "Почитай баща си и майка си";

You know the Laws. You must not do any sex sins. You must not kill another person. You must not steal. You must not tell a lie about someone else. Respect your father and your mother.”

21 А той каза: Всичко това съм опазил от младостта си.

The leader said, “I have obeyed all these Laws since I was a boy.”

22 И сус, като го чу, рече му: Едно още ти не достига. Продай все що имаш и раздай го на сиромасите и ще имаш съкровище на небето; дойди и Ме следвай.

When Jesus heard this, He said to the leader of the people, “There is still one thing you need to do. Sell everything you have. Give the money to poor people. Then you will have riches in heaven. Come and follow Me.”

23 И той, като чу това наскърби се много, защото беше твърде богат.

When the leader heard this, he was very sad because he had many riches.

24 И Исус като го видя, каза: Колко мъчно ще влязат в Божието царство, ония които имат богатство!

When Jesus saw that he was very sad, He said, “It is hard for those with riches to go into the holy nation of God!

25 З ащото по-лесно е камила да мине през иглени уши, отколкото богат да влезе в Божието царство.

It is easier for a camel to go through the eye of a needle than for a rich man to go into the holy nation of God.”

26 А ония, които чуха това рекоха: Тогава кой може да се спаси?

Those who heard this, said, “Then who can be saved from the punishment of sin?”

27 А Той каза: Невъзможното за човеците за Бога е възможно.

Jesus said, “God can do things men cannot do.”

28 А Петър рече: Ето, ние оставихме своето и Те последвахме.

Then Peter said, “See, we have left everything and have followed You.”

29 А Той им рече: Истина ви казвам, няма никой, който да е оставил къща, или жена, или братя, или родители, или чада, заради Божието царство,

Jesus said to them, “For sure, I tell you, anyone who has left his house or parents or brothers or wife or children because of the holy nation of God

30 к ойто да не получи многократно повече в сегашно време, а в идещия свят вечен живот.

will receive much more now. In the time to come he will have life that lasts forever.” Jesus Tells of His Death the Third Time

31 И като взе дванадесетте при Себе Си, рече им: Ето, възлизаме в Ерусалим, и ще се изпълни, в Човешкия Син, всичко що е писано чрез пророците.

Then Jesus took the twelve followers to one side and said, “See! We are going up to Jerusalem. All the things the early preachers wrote about the Son of Man are going to happen.

32 З ащото ще бъде предаден на езичниците, които ще Му се поругаят, и безсрамно ще Го оскърбят, и ще Го заплюят,

He will be given over to the people who are not Jews. He will be made fun of. He will be hurt. He will be spit on.

33 и , когато Го бият, ще Го убият; и на третия ден ще възкръсне.

They will beat Him and kill Him. After three days He will be raised again.”

34 Н о те не разбираха нищо от това; и тая дума беше скрита за тях, и не разбираха това, което се казваше.

The followers did not understand these words. The meaning of these words was hidden from them. They did not know what He said. Healing of the Blind Man

35 А когато Той се приближаваше до Ерихон, един слепец седеше край пътя да проси.

Jesus was coming near Jericho. A blind man was sitting by the side of the road, begging.

36 И като чу, че минава народ, попита какво е това.

He heard many people going by and asked what was happening.

37 И казаха му, че Исус Назарянинът минава.

They told him that Jesus of Nazareth was going by.

38 Т огава той извика, казвайки: Исусе, сине Давидов, смили се за мене!

Then he cried out and said, “Jesus, Son of David, have pity on me.”

39 А тия, които вървяха отпред го смъмриха, за да млъкне; но той още повече викаше: Сине Давидов, смили се за мене!

The people spoke sharp words to him and told him not to call out. But he cried out all the more, “Son of David, have pity on me.”

40 И тъй, Исус се спря и заповяда да Му го доведат. И като се приближи попита го:

Jesus stopped and told the people to bring the blind man to Him. When the man was near, Jesus asked,

41 К акво искаш да ти сторя? А той каза: Господи да прогледам.

“What do you want Me to do for you?” He answered, “Lord, I want to see.”

42 И сус му рече: Прогледай; твоята вяра те изцели.

Jesus said to him, “Then see! Your faith has healed you.”

43 И той веднага прогледа, и тръгна веднага след Него, като славеше Бога. И всичките люде, като видяха това въздадоха хвала на Бога.

At once he could see. He followed Jesus and gave thanks to God. All the people gave thanks to God when they saw it.