1 З ащото всеки първосвещеник, като е взет измежду човеците, се поставя да принася дарове и жертви на Бога за греховете на човеците,
For every high priest chosen from among men is appointed to act on behalf of men in things relating to God, to offer both gifts and sacrifices for sins.
2 т акъв първосвещеник, който може да състрадава с невежите и заблудилите, защото и сам той е обиколен с немощ,
He is able to exercise gentleness and forbearance toward the ignorant and erring, since he himself also is liable to moral weakness and physical infirmity.
3 и за това е длъжен да принася жертва за греховете, както за людете, така и за себе си.
And because of this he is obliged to offer sacrifice for his own sins, as well as for those of the people.
4 А както никой не взема на себе си тая почит, освен когато бъде призван от Бога, както бе Аарон,
Besides, one does not appropriate for himself the honor, but he is called by God and receives it of Him, just as Aaron did.
5 т ака и Христос не присвои на Себе Си славата да стане първосвещеник, а Му я даде Оня, Който Му е казал: "Ти си Мой Син. Аз днес Те родих";
So too Christ (the Messiah) did not exalt Himself to be made a high priest, but was appointed and exalted by Him Who said to Him, You are My Son; today I have begotten You;
6 к акто и на друго място казва: "Ти си свещеник до века. Според чина Мелхиседеков".
As He says also in another place, You are a Priest forever after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.
7 Т оя Христос в дните и в плътта Си, като принесе в силен вик и със сълзи молитви и молби на Този, Който можеше да го избави от смърт, и като биде послушан поради благоговението Си,
In the days of His flesh offered up definite, special petitions '> but needed] and supplications with strong crying and tears to Him Who was able to save Him from death, and He was heard because of His reverence toward God '> in that He shrank from the horrors of separation from the bright presence of the Father].
8 а ко и да беше Син, пак се научи на послушание от това, което пострада,
Although He was a Son, He learned obedience through what He suffered
9 и като се усъвършенствува, стана причина за вечно спасение за всички, които Му са послушни,
And, making Him perfectly, He became the Author and Source of eternal salvation to all those who give heed and obey Him,
10 н аречен от Бога първосвещеник според Мелхиседековия чин.
Being designated and recognized and saluted by God as High Priest after the order (with the rank) of Melchizedek.
11 В ърху това имаме да кажем много неща и мъчни за поясняване, защото сте станали тъпи в слушане.
Concerning this we have much to say which is hard to explain, since you have become dull in your hearing and sluggish '> slothful in achieving spiritual insight].
12 П онеже докато вие трябваше до сега, според изтеклото време, и учители да станете, имате нужда да ви учи някой изново най-елементарните начала на Божиите словеса, и достигнахте да имате нужда от мляко, а не от твърда храна.
For even though by this time you ought to be teaching others, you actually need someone to teach you over again the very first principles of God’s Word. You have come to need milk, not solid food.
13 З ащото всеки, който се храни с мляко, е неопитен в учението за правдата, понеже е младенец;
For everyone who continues to feed on milk is obviously inexperienced and unskilled in the doctrine of righteousness (of conformity to the divine will in purpose, thought, and action), for he is a mere infant!
14 а твърдата храна е за пълнолетните, които чрез упражнение са обучили чувствата си да разпознават доброто и злото.
But solid food is for full-grown men, for those whose senses and mental faculties are trained by practice to discriminate and distinguish between what is morally good and noble and what is evil and contrary either to divine or human law.