Hebreos 11 ~ Hebrews 11


1 E S pues la fe la sustancia de las cosas que se esperan, la demostración de las cosas que no se ven.

Now faith is being sure we will get what we hope for. It is being sure of what we cannot see.

2 P orque por ella alcanzaron testimonio los antiguos.

God was pleased with the men who had faith who lived long ago.

3 P or la fe entendemos haber sido compuestos los siglos por la palabra de Dios, siendo hecho lo que se ve, de lo que no se veía.

Through faith we understand that the world was made by the Word of God. Things we see were made from what could not be seen.

4 P or la fe Abel ofreció á Dios mayor sacrificio que Caín, por la cual alcanzó testimonio de que era justo, dando Dios testimonio á sus presentes; y difunto, aun habla por ella.

Because Abel had faith, he gave a better gift in worship to God than Cain. His gift pleased God. Abel was right with God. Abel died, but by faith he is still speaking to us.

5 P or la fe Enoc fué traspuesto para no ver muerte, y no fué hallado, porque lo traspuso Dios. Y antes que fuese traspuesto, tuvo testimonio de haber agradado á Dios.

Because Enoch had faith, he was taken up from the earth without dying. He could not be found because God had taken him. The Holy Writings tell how he pleased God before he was taken up.

6 E mpero sin fe es imposible agradar á Dios; porque es menester que el que á Dios se allega, crea que le hay, y que es galardonador de los que le buscan.

A man cannot please God unless he has faith. Anyone who comes to God must believe that He is. That one must also know that God gives what is promised to the one who keeps on looking for Him.

7 P or la fe Noé, habiendo recibido respuesta de cosas que aun no se veían, con temor aparejó el arca en que su casa se salvase: por la cual fe condenó al mundo, y fué hecho heredero de la justicia que es por la fe.

Because Noah had faith, he built a large boat for his family. God told him what was going to happen. His faith made him hear God speak and he obeyed. His family was saved from death because he built the boat. In this way, Noah showed the world how sinful it was. Noah became right with God because of his faith in God.

8 P or la fe Abraham, siendo llamado, obedeció para salir al lugar que había de recibir por heredad; y salió sin saber dónde iba.

Because Abraham had faith, he obeyed God when God called him to leave his home. He was to go to another country that God promised to give him. He left his home without knowing where he was going.

9 P or fe habitó en la tierra prometida como en tierra ajena, morando en cabañas con Isaac y Jacob, herederos juntamente de la misma promesa:

His faith in God kept him living as a stranger in the country God had promised to him. Isaac and Jacob had received the same promise. They all lived in tents together.

10 P orque esperaba ciudad con fundamentos, el artífice y hacedor de la cual es Dios.

Abraham was looking to God and waiting for a city that could not be moved. It was a city planned and built by God.

11 P or la fe también la misma Sara, siendo estéril, recibió fuerza para concebir simiente; y parió aun fuera del tiempo de la edad, porque creyó ser fiel el que lo había prometido.

Because Sarah had faith, she was able to have a child long after she was past the age to have children. She had faith to believe that God would do what He promised.

12 P or lo cual también, de uno, y ése ya amortecido, salieron como las estrellas del cielo en multitud, y como la arena inmunerable que está á la orilla de la mar.

Abraham was too old to have children. But from this one man came a family with as many in it as the stars in the sky and as many as the sand by the sea.

13 C onforme á la fe murieron todos éstos sin haber recibido las promesas, sino mirándolas de lejos, y creyéndolas, y saludándolas, y confesando que eran peregrinos y advenedizos sobre la tierra.

These people all died having faith in God. They did not receive what God had promised to them. But they could see far ahead to all the things God promised and they were glad for them. They knew they were strangers here. This earth was not their home.

14 P orque los que esto dicen, claramente dan á entender que buscan una patria.

People who say these things show they are looking for a country of their own.

15 Q ue si se acordaran de aquella de donde salieron, cierto tenían tiempo para volverse:

They did not think about the country they had come from. If they had, they might have gone back.

16 E mpero deseaban la mejor, es á saber, la celestial; por lo cual Dios no se avergüenza de llamarse Dios de ellos: porque les había aparejado ciudad.

But they wanted a better country. And so God is not ashamed to be called their God. He has made a city for them.

17 P or fe ofreció Abraham á Isaac cuando fué probado, y ofrecía al unigénito el que había recibido las promesas,

Because Abraham had faith, when he was tested, he gave his son Isaac as a gift on the altar in worship. God had made a promise to Abraham that He would give him a son. And yet Abraham was willing to give his only son as a gift on the altar in worship.

18 H abiéndole sido dicho: En Isaac te será llamada simiente:

God had said to Abraham, “Your family will come from Isaac.”

19 P ensando que aun de los muertos es Dios poderoso para levantar; de donde también le volvió á recibir por figura.

Abraham believed God was able to bring Isaac back to life again. And so it may be said that Abraham did receive him back from death.

20 P or fe bendijo Isaac á Jacob y á Esaú respecto á cosas que habían de ser.

Because Isaac had faith, he said that good would come to Jacob and Esau in the future.

21 P or fe Jacob, muriéndose, bendijo á cada uno de los hijos de José, y adoró estribando sobre la punta de su bordón.

Because Jacob had faith, he said that good would come to each of Joseph’s sons as he was dying. He used his walking stick to hold him up as he prayed to God.

22 P or fe José, muriéndose, se acordó de la partida de los hijos de Israel; y dió mandamiento acerca de sus huesos.

Because Joseph had faith, he spoke of the Jews leaving the country of Egypt. He was going to die soon, and he told them to bury his body in the country where they were going.

23 P or fe Moisés, nacido, fué escondido de sus padres por tres meses, porque le vieron hermoso niño; y no temieron el mandamiento del rey.

Because of faith, Moses, after he was born, was hidden by his parents for three months. They saw that he was a beautiful child. They were not afraid of the king when he said that all baby boys should be killed.

24 P or fe Moisés, hecho ya grande, rehusó ser llamado hijo de la hija de Faraón;

Because Moses had faith, he would not be called the son of Pharaoh’s daughter when he grew up.

25 E scogiendo antes ser afligido con el pueblo de Dios, que gozar de comodidades temporales de pecado.

He chose to suffer with God’s people instead of having fun doing sinful things for awhile.

26 T eniendo por mayores riquezas el vituperio de Cristo que los tesoros de los Egipcios; porque miraba á la remuneración.

Any shame that he suffered for Christ was worth more than all the riches in Egypt. He kept his eyes on the reward God was going to give him.

27 P or fe dejó á Egipto, no temiendo la ira del rey; porque se sostuvo como viendo al Invisible.

Because Moses had faith, he left Egypt. He was not afraid of the king’s anger. Moses did not turn from the right way but kept seeing God in front of him.

28 P or fe celebró la pascua y el derramamiento de la sangre, para que el que mataba los primogénitos no los tocase.

Because Moses had faith, he told all the Jews to put blood over their doors. Then the angel of death would pass over their houses and not kill their oldest sons.

29 P or fe pasaron el mar Bermejo como por tierra seca: lo cual probando los Egipcios, fueron sumergidos.

Because the Jews had faith, they went through the Red Sea as if they were on dry ground. But when the people of Egypt tried to go through, they were all killed by the water.

30 P or fe cayeron los muros de Jericó con rodearlos siete días.

Because the Jews had faith, the walls of the city of Jericho fell down after the Jews had walked around the city for seven days.

31 P or fe Rahab la ramera no pereció juntamente con los incrédulos, habiendo recibido á los espías con paz.

Because Rahab had faith, she was kept from being killed along with those who did not obey God. She was a woman who sold the use of her body. But she helped the men who had come in secret to look over the country. There Were Many More Who Had Faith in God

32 ¿ Y qué más digo? porque el tiempo me faltará contando de Gedeón, de Barac, de Samsón, de Jephté, de David, de Samuel, y de los profetas:

What more should I say? There is not enough time to tell of Gideon and of Barak and of Samson and of Jephthah and of David and of Samuel and of the early preachers.

33 Q ue por fe ganaron reinos, obraron justicia, alcanzaron promesas, taparon las bocas de leones,

It was because these people had faith that they won wars over other countries. They were good leaders. They received what God promised to them. They closed the mouths of lions

34 A pagaron fuegos impetuosos, evitaron filo de cuchillo, convalecieron de enfermedades, fueron hechos fuertes en batallas, trastornaron campos de extraños.

and stopped fire that was burning. They got away from being killed with swords. They were made strong again after they had been weak and sick. They were strong in war. They made fighting men from other countries run home.

35 L as mujeres recibieron sus muertos por resurrección; unos fueron estirados, no aceptando el rescate, para ganar mejor resurrección;

It was because some women had faith that they received their dead back to life. Others chose to be beaten instead of being set free, because they would not turn against God. In this way, they would be raised to a better life.

36 O tros experimentaron vituperios y azotes; y á más de esto prisiones y cárceles;

Others were talked against. Some were beaten. Some were put in chains and in prison.

37 F ueron apedreados, aserrados, tentados, muertos á cuchillo; anduvieron de acá para allá cubiertos de pieles de ovejas y de cabras, pobres, angustiados, maltratados;

They were killed by stones being thrown at them. People were cut in pieces. They were tested. They were killed with swords. They wore skins of sheep and goats and had nothing they could call their own. They were hungry and sick. Everyone was bad to them.

38 D e los cuales el mundo no era digno; perdidos por los desiertos, por los montes, por las cuevas y por las cavernas de la tierra.

They walked around in deserts and in mountains. They looked for caves and holes in the earth to live in. They were too good for this world.

39 Y todos éstos, aprobados por testimonio de la fe, no recibieron la promesa;

It was because of their faith that God was pleased with them. But they did not receive what God had promised.

40 P roveyendo Dios alguna cosa mejor para nosotros, para que no fuesen perfeccionados sin nosotros.

God had planned something better for us. These men could not be made perfect without us.