Psalm 7 ~ Salmos 7


1 O Lord my God, in You I have put my trust. Save me from all those who come for me, and keep me safe.

SEÑOR Dios mío, en ti he confiado; sálvame de todos los que me persiguen, y líbrame;

2 O r they will tear me like a lion, carrying me away where there is no one to help.

no sea que arrebaten mi alma, como león que despedaza, sin que haya quien libre.

3 O Lord my God, if I have done this, and there is guilt on my hands,

SEÑOR Dios mío, si yo he hecho esto, si hay en mis manos iniquidad;

4 i f I have done wrong to him who was at peace with me, or without a reason have robbed him who worked against me,

si di mal pago al pacífico conmigo, que escape mi perseguidor sin pago.

5 l et him who hates me come for me and catch me. Let him break me under his feet until I die, and lay my honor in the dust.

Persiga el enemigo mi alma, y alcáncela; y pise en tierra mi vida, y mi honra ponga en el polvo. (Selah.)

6 R ise up in Your anger, O Lord. Rise up against the anger of those who hate me. Awake, my God, and help me. Prove what is right.

Levántate, oh SEÑOR, con tu furor; álzate a causa de las iras de mis angustiadores, y despierta en favor mío el juicio que mandaste.

7 L et the people gather around You, and rule over them from Your throne.

Y te rodeará ayuntamiento de pueblos; por causa pues de él vuélvete en alto.

8 M ay the Lord judge which people are guilty or not. O Lord, judge in my favor if I am right with You, and if I am without blame.

El SEÑOR juzgará los pueblos; júzgame, oh SEÑOR, conforme a mi justicia y conforme a mi integridad.

9 L et the sins of the sinful stop. But build up those who are right with You. For the God Who is right and good tests both the hearts and the minds.

Consuma ahora mal a los malos, y establece al justo; pues el Dios justo es el que prueba los corazones y los riñones.

10 I am kept safe by God, Who saves those who are pure in heart.

¶ Mi escudo es en Dios, el que salva a los rectos de corazón.

11 G od is always right in how He judges. He is angry with the sinful every day.

Dios es el que juzga al justo; y Dios está airado contra los impíos todos los días.

12 I f a man is not sorry for his sins and will not turn from them, God will make His sword sharp. He will string His bow and make it ready.

Si no se volviere, él afilará su espada; armado tiene ya su arco, y lo ha preparado.

13 H e takes up His sword and the bow of death. And He makes arrows of fire.

Asimismo ha aparejado para él armas de muerte; ha labrado sus saetas para los que persiguen.

14 S ee how the sinful man thinks up sins and plans trouble and lies start growing inside him.

He aquí ha tenido parto de iniquidad; concibió de su propio trabajo, y dio a luz mentira.

15 H e has dug out a deep hole, and has fallen into the hole he has dug.

Pozo ha cavado, y lo ha ahondado; y en la fosa que hizo caerá.

16 T he trouble he makes will return to him. When he hurts others it will come down on his own head.

Su trabajo se tornará sobre su cabeza, y su agravio descenderá sobre su mollera.

17 I will give thanks to the Lord because He is right and good. I will sing praise to the name of the Lord Most High.

Alabaré yo al SEÑOR conforme a su justicia, y cantaré al nombre del SEÑOR el Altísimo.