Micah 3 ~ Miqueas 3


1 A nd I said, “Hear now, leaders of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel! Should you not know what is fair?

Y dije: Oíd ahora, príncipes de Jacob, y cabezas de la Casa de Israel: ¿No pertenecía a vosotros saber el derecho?

2 Y et you hate good and love sin. You tear off the skin from my people and the flesh from their bones.

Que aborrecen lo bueno y aman lo malo, que les roban su cuero y su carne de sobre sus huesos;

3 Y ou eat my people’s flesh, pull their skin off, break their bones, and cut them up like meat for the pot.”

Y que comen la carne de mi pueblo, y les desuellan su cuero de sobre ellos, y les quebrantan sus huesos y los rompen, como para echar en caldero, y como carnes en olla.

4 T hen they will cry to the Lord, but He will not answer them. He will hide His face from them at that time, because they have done sinful things.

Entonces clamarán al SEÑOR y no les responderá; antes esconderá de ellos su rostro en aquel tiempo, por cuanto hicieron malas obras.

5 T his is what the Lord says about the men who speak in God’s name and lead my people the wrong way. When they have something to eat, they speak of peace. But they make holy war against him who does not feed them.

Así ha dicho el SEÑOR acerca de los profetas que hacen errar a mi pueblo, que muerden con sus dientes, y claman: Paz, y al que no les diere que coman, aplazan contra él batalla;

6 S o night will come to you without a special dream. Darkness will come to you without any word about the future. The sun will go down on those who speak about special dreams, and the day will become dark over them.

por tanto, de la visión se os hará noche, y oscuridad del adivinar; y sobre los profetas se pondrá el sol, y el día se entenebrecerá sobre ellos.

7 T hose who tell what is going to happen in the future will be ashamed. Those who learn about the future using their secret ways will be ashamed. They will all cover their mouths because there is no answer from God.

Y serán avergonzados los profetas, y se confundirán los adivinos; y ellos todos cubrirán su labio, porque no tendrán respuesta de Dios.

8 B ut as for me, I am filled with power, with the Spirit of the Lord, with what is fair, and with strength. I am able to make known to Jacob his wrong-doing, and to Israel his sin.

Pero yo estoy lleno de fuerza del Espíritu del SEÑOR, y de juicio, y de fortaleza, para denunciar a Jacob su rebelión, y a Israel su pecado.

9 N ow listen to this, you leaders of Jacob and rulers of the people of Israel. You hate what is fair, and turn everything around that is right.

Oíd ahora esto, cabezas de la Casa de Jacob, y capitanes de la Casa de Israel, que abomináis el juicio, y pervertís todo el derecho;

10 Y ou built Zion with blood and Jerusalem with much wrong-doing.

que edificáis a Sion con sangre, y a Jerusalén con injusticia;

11 H er leaders take pay in secret for doing wrong. Her religious leaders teach for a price. Her men who tell what is going to happen in the future do it for money. Yet they rest upon the Lord and say, “Is not the Lord among us? No trouble will come to us.”

sus cabezas juzgan por soborno, y sus sacerdotes enseñan por precio, y sus profetas adivinan por dinero; y se arriman al SEÑOR diciendo: ¿no está el SEÑOR entre nosotros? No vendrá mal sobre nosotros.

12 S o because of you Zion will be plowed as a field. Jerusalem will be laid waste. And the mountain of the Lord’s house will be covered with trees.

Por tanto, a causa de vosotros Sion será arada como campo, y Jerusalén será montones de ruinas, y el monte de la Casa como cumbres de bosque.