Jeremiah 10 ~ Jeremías 10


1 H ear the word which the Lord speaks to you, O people of Israel.

Oíd la palabra que el SEÑOR ha hablado sobre vosotros, oh Casa de Israel.

2 T he Lord says, “Do not learn the way of the nations. And do not be afraid of the things seen in the heavens, even if the nations are afraid of them.

Así dijo el SEÑOR: No aprendáis el camino de los gentiles, ni de las señales del cielo tengáis temor, aunque los gentiles las teman.

3 F or the ways of the people are of no use. They cut wood from the trees. A workman cuts it with an ax.

Porque las ordenanzas de los pueblos son vanidad; porque leño del monte cortaron, obra de manos de artífice con cepillo.

4 T hey make it beautiful with silver and gold. They put it together with nails so that it cannot fall apart.

Con plata y oro lo engalanan; con clavos y martillo lo afirman, para que no se caiga.

5 T heir false gods are like a wooden man set up in a vegetable field to make birds be afraid and stay away. They cannot speak. They must be carried, because they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot hurt you. And they cannot help you.”

Como palma lo igualan, y no hablan; son llevados, porque no pueden andar. No tengáis temor de ellos; porque ni pueden hacer mal, ni para hacer bien tienen poder.

6 T here is no one like You, O Lord. You are great, and Your name is great in power.

No hay semejante a ti, oh SEÑOR; grande eres tú, y grande tu Nombre en fortaleza.

7 W ho would not fear You, O King of the nations? For You should be honored with fear. Among all the wise men of the nations, and in all their lands, there is no one like You.

¿Quién no te temerá, oh Rey de los gentiles? Porque a ti compete ello; porque entre todos los sabios de los gentiles, y en todos sus reinos, no hay semejante a ti.

8 T hey are all poor thinkers and foolish. What can they learn from a false god of wood?

Y todos se volverán locos y carnales. Enseñanza de vanidades es el mismo leño.

9 B eaten silver is brought from Tarshish, and gold from Uphaz. They are the work of an able workman and of one who works with gold. Their clothing is blue and purple. They are all the work of able workmen.

Traerán plata batida de Tarsis, y oro de Ufaz; obrará el artífice, y las manos del fundidor; los vestirán de cárdeno y de púrpura; obra de peritos es todo.

10 B ut the Lord is the true God. He is the living God and the King Who lives forever. The earth shakes at His anger. And the nations cannot last when He is angry.

Mas el SEÑOR Dios es la Verdad; él mismo es Dios Vivo y Rey Eterno; de su ira tiembla la tierra, y los gentiles no pueden sufrir su furor.

11 T his is what you should say to them: “The gods that did not make the heavens and the earth will be destroyed from the earth and from under the heavens.” A Song of Praise

Les diréis así: dioses que no hicieron los cielos ni la tierra, perezcan de la tierra y de debajo de estos cielos.

12 I t is He Who made the earth by His power, and the world by His wisdom. By His understanding He has spread out the heavens.

El que hace la tierra con su potencia, el que pone en orden el mundo con su saber, y extiende los cielos con su inteligencia;

13 W hen He speaks, there is a storm of waters in the heavens. He makes the clouds rise from the ends of the earth. He makes lightning for the rain, and brings out the wind from His store-houses.

a su voz se da muchedumbre de aguas en el cielo, y hace subir las nubes de lo postrero de la tierra; hace los relámpagos con la lluvia, y hace salir el viento de sus escondederos.

14 E very man is a poor thinker and without learning. Every one who works with gold is put to shame by his false gods. For his objects of worship fool people. There is no breath in them.

Todo hombre es carnal en su ciencia. Avergüéncese de su vaciadizo todo fundidor, porque mentira es su obra de fundición, ni hay espíritu en ellos;

15 T hey are without worth, and make fun of the truth. In the time of their punishment, they will be destroyed.

vanidad son, obra de escarnios; en el tiempo de su visitación perecerán.

16 H e Who is the God of Jacob is not like these, for He has made all things. And Israel is His chosen family. The Lord of All is His name. People of Jerusalem Will Be Taken Away

No es como ellos la suerte de Jacob; porque él es el Hacedor de todo, e Israel es la vara de su herencia; el SEÑOR de los ejércitos es su Nombre.

17 P ick up your load from the ground, you who are shut in by armies!

Recoge de las tierras tus mercaderías, la que moras en lugar fuerte.

18 F or the Lord says, “See, I am throwing out the people of the land at this time. And I will trouble them, that they may feel it.”

Porque así dijo el SEÑOR: He aquí que esta vez arrojaré con honda los moradores de la tierra, y he de afligirlos, para que lo hallen.

19 I t is bad for me because I am hurt! My sore cannot be healed. But I said, “For sure this sickness is mine, and I must suffer with it.”

¡Ay de mí, por mi quebrantamiento! Mi llaga es muy dolorosa. Pero yo dije: Ciertamente enfermedad mía es ésta, y debo sufrirla.

20 M y tent is destroyed and all my ropes are broken. My sons have gone from me and are no more. There is no one to put up my tent again or to set up my curtains.

Mi tienda es destruida, y todas mis cuerdas están rotas; mis hijos fueron sacados de mí, y perecieron; no hay ya más quien extienda mi tienda, ni quien levante mis cortinas.

21 F or the shepherds are poor thinkers and have not asked for the Lord’s help. So they have not done well, and all their flock is sent different places.

Porque los pastores se enloquecieron, y no buscaron al SEÑOR; por tanto, no entendieron, y todo su ganado se esparció.

22 L isten, the sound of news! See, it comes! Much noise of moving is coming out of the land of the north to destroy the cities of Judah, and to make it a place where wild dogs live. Jeremiah’s Prayer

He aquí que voz de fama viene, y alboroto grande de la tierra del aquilón, para tornar en soledad todas las ciudades de Judá, en morada de dragones.

23 O Lord, I know that a man’s way is not known by himself. It is not in man to lead his own steps.

Conozco, oh SEÑOR, que el hombre no es señor de su propio camino, ni del hombre que camina es el ordenar sus pasos.

24 P unish me when I need it, O Lord, but be fair. Do not punish me in Your anger, or You will bring me to nothing.

Castígame, oh SEÑOR, mas con juicio; no con tu furor, para que no me aniquiles.

25 P our out Your anger on the nations that do not know You, and on the families that do not call on Your name. For they have destroyed Jacob. They have destroyed him and have laid waste his land.

Derrama tu enojo sobre los gentiles que no te conocen, y sobre las naciones que no invocan tu Nombre; porque se comieron a Jacob, y lo devoraron, y le han consumido, y su morada destruyeron.