Nehemiah 7 ~ Nexemyaah 7


1 W hen the wall was built and I had set up the doors, and the gate-keepers and singers and Levites were chosen,

Haddaba markii derbigii la dhisay, oo aan taagay albaabbadii, oo irid-dhawryadii iyo kuwii gabayaaga ahaa iyo kuwii reer Laawi la doortay,

2 I gave my brother Hanani, and Hanaiah the captain of the strong place, the work of watching over Jerusalem. For he was a faithful man and honored God with fear more than many.

ayaan Yeruusaalem madax uga dhigay walaalkay Xanaanii, iyo Xananyaah oo ahaa taliyihii qalcadda, waayo, wuxuu ahaa nin aamin ah, oo cabsida Ilaahna dad badan buu kaga horreeyey.

3 I said to them, “Do not let the gates of Jerusalem be opened until the sun is hot. And while the soldiers are on duty watching the gates, let them shut and lock the doors. Choose soldiers from the people of Jerusalem, each one for the place he is to keep watch, and each in front of his own house.” The Jews Return to Jerusalem

Oo waxaan iyagii ku idhi, Jeer ay qorraxdu kululaato yaan la furin irdaha Yeruusaalem, oo intay waardiyayaashu taagan yihiin albaabbada ha la xidho, oo idinku qataara, dadka Yeruusaalem degganna waardiyayaal ka doorta, oo mid waluba ha dhawro meel gurigiisa ka soo hor jeedda. Tiradii Maxaabiista Dib U Soo Noqotay

4 N ow the city was wide and large, but the people in it were few and the houses were not built.

Haddaba magaaladu way ballaadhnayd, wayna weynayd, laakiinse dadku way ku yaraayeen, oo guryihiina ma ay dhisnayn.

5 T hen my God put it into my heart to gather together the rulers, the leaders and the people to have their names written down by families. And I found the book of the family names of those who came up first. This is what I found written in it:

Markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu qalbigayga geliyey inaan soo wada ururiyo kuwii gobta ahaa, iyo taliyayaashii, iyo dadkii oo dhanba in abtiriskooda la tiriyo. Oo waxaan helay buuggii uu ku qornaa abtiriskii kuwii markii hore yimid, oo waxaan ka helay oo gudihiisa ku qornaa:

6 T hese are the people who left the land of Babylon and returned to Jerusalem and Judah, each to his own city. Their families had been taken away to Babylon by Nebuchadnezzar the king of Babylon.

Haddaba kuwanu waa dadkii gobolka ee ka soo noqday maxaabiisnimadii, oo ku jiray kuwii la kaxaystay, oo Nebukadnesar oo ahaa boqorkii Baabuloon uu u kaxaystay Baabuloon, oo ku soo noqday Yeruusaalem iyo dalkii Yahuudah, mid waluba magaaladiisii,

7 T hese people returned with Zerubbabel, Jeshua, Nehemiah, Azariah, Raamiah, Nahamani, Mordecai, Bilshan, Mispereth, Bigvai, Nehum, and Baanah. The number of the men of Israel:

oo waxay la yimaadeen Serubaabel, Yeeshuuca, Nexemyaah, Casaryaah, Racamyaah, Naxamaanii, Mordekay, Bilshaan, Misfered, Bigway, Nexuum, iyo Bacanaah. Haddaba waa tan tiradii dadkii reer binu Israa'iil:

8 2 , 172 sons of Parosh,

Reer Farcosh waxaa ka soo noqday laba kun iyo boqol iyo laba iyo toddobaatan,

9 3 72 sons of Shephatiah,

reer Shefatyaahna saddex boqol iyo laba iyo toddobaatan,

10 6 52 sons of Arah,

reer Aaraxna lix boqol iyo laba iyo konton,

11 2 , 818 sons of Pahath-moab, of the sons of Jeshua and Joab,

reer Fahad Moo'aab oo ahaa reer Yeeshuuca iyo reer Yoo'aabna laba kun iyo siddeed boqol iyo siddeed iyo toban,

12 1 , 254 sons of Elam,

reer Ceelaamna kun iyo laba boqol iyo afar iyo konton,

13 8 45 sons of Zattu,

reer Satuuna siddeed boqol iyo shan iyo afartan,

14 7 60 sons of Zaccai,

reer Sakayna toddoba boqol iyo lixdan,

15 6 48 sons of Binnui,

reer Binnuwiina lix boqol iyo siddeed iyo afartan,

16 6 28 sons of Bebai,

reer Beebayna lix boqol iyo siddeed iyo labaatan,

17 2 , 322 sons of Azgad,

reer Casgaadna laba kun iyo saddex boqol iyo laba iyo labaatan,

18 6 67 sons of Adonikam,

reer Adoniiqaamna lix boqol iyo toddoba iyo lixdan,

19 2 , 067 sons of Bigvai,

reer Bigwayna laba kun iyo toddoba iyo lixdan,

20 6 55 sons of Adin,

reer Caadiinna lix boqol iyo shan iyo konton,

21 9 8 sons of Ater, of Hezekiah,

reer Aateer oo ahaa reer Xisqiyaahna siddeed iyo sagaashan,

22 3 28 sons of Hashum,

reer Xaashumna saddex boqol iyo siddeed iyo labaatan,

23 3 24 sons of Bezai,

reer Beesayna saddex boqol iyo afar iyo labaatan,

24 1 12 sons of Hariph,

reer Xaariifna boqol iyo laba iyo toban,

25 9 5 sons of Gibeon,

reer Gibecoonna shan iyo sagaashan,

26 1 88 sons of Bethlehem and Netophah,

raggii reer Beytlaxam iyo reer Netofaahna boqol iyo siddeed iyo siddeetan,

27 1 28 sons of Anathoth,

raggii reer Canaatoodna boqol iyo siddeed iyo labaatan,

28 4 2 sons of Beth-azmaveth,

raggii reer Beytasmaawedna laba iyo afartan,

29 7 43 sons of Kiriath-jearim, Chephirah, and Beeroth,

raggii reer Qiryad Yecaariim, iyo reer Kefiiraah, iyo reer Bi'iroodna toddoba boqol iyo saddex iyo afartan,

30 6 21 sons of Ramah and Geba,

raggii reer Raamaah iyo reer Gebacna lix boqol iyo kow iyo labaatan,

31 1 22 sons of Michmas,

raggii reer Mikmaasna boqol iyo laba iyo labaatan,

32 1 23 sons of Bethel and Ai,

raggii reer Beytel iyo reer Aaciina boqol iyo saddex iyo labaatan,

33 5 2 sons of the other Nebo,

raggii reer Nebona laba iyo konton,

34 1 , 254 sons of the other Elam,

reerkii Ceelaamtii kalena kun iyo laba boqol iyo afar iyo konton,

35 3 20 sons of Harim,

reer Haarimna saddex boqol iyo labaatan,

36 3 45 sons of Jericho,

reer Yerixoona saddex boqol iyo shan iyo afartan,

37 7 21 sons of Lod, Hadid, and Ono,

reer Lod, iyo reer Xaadiid, iyo reer Oonoona toddoba boqol iyo kow iyo labaatan,

38 a nd 3, 930 sons of Senaah.

reer Senaacaahna saddex kun iyo sagaal boqol iyo soddon.

39 T he religious leaders: 973 sons of Jedaiah of the house of Jeshua,

Oo wadaaddadiina waxay ahaayeen reer Yedacyaah oo ahaa reer Yeeshuuca oo ahaa sagaal boqol iyo saddex iyo toddobaatan,

40 1 , 052 sons of Immer,

reer Immeerna kun iyo laba iyo konton,

41 1 , 247 sons of Pashhur,

reer Fashxuurna kun iyo laba boqol iyo toddoba iyo afartan,

42 1 , 017 sons of Harim.

reer Haarimna kun iyo toddoba iyo toban.

43 T he Levites: 74 sons of Jeshua, of Kadmiel, of the sons of Hodevah.

Kuwii reer Laawina waxay ahaayeen reer Yeeshuuca kii reer Qadmii'eel oo ahaa reer Xoodawyaah afar iyo toddobaatan.

44 T he singers: 148 sons of Asaph.

Oo nimankii gabayaaga ahaa oo reer Aasaaf ahaana waxay ahaayeen boqol iyo siddeed iyo afartan.

45 T he gate-keepers: 138 sons of Shallum, of Ater, of Talmon, of Akkub, of Hatita, and of Shobai.

Oo kuwii irdaha dhawri jiray oo ahaa reer Shalluum, iyo reer Aateer, iyo reer Talmon, iyo reer Caquub, iyo reer Xatiitaa, iyo reer Shobay waxay isku ahaayeen boqol iyo siddeed iyo soddon.

46 T he servants of the house of God: the sons of Ziha, the sons of Hasupha, the sons of Tabbaoth,

Oo reer Netiiniimna waxay ahaayeen reer Siixaa, iyo reer Xasufaa, iyo reer Tabbaacood,

47 t he sons of Keros, the sons of Sia, the sons of Padon,

iyo reer Qeeros, iyo reer Siicaa, iyo reer Faadoon,

48 t he sons of Lebana, the sons of Hagaba, the sons of Shalmai,

iyo reer Lebaanaa, iyo reer Xagaabaah, iyo reer Shalmay,

49 t he sons of Hanan, the sons of Giddel, the sons of Gahar,

iyo reer Xaanaan, iyo reer Giddeel, iyo reer Gaxar,

50 t he sons of Reaiah, the sons of Rezin, the sons of Nekoda,

iyo reer Re'aayaah, iyo reer Resiin, iyo reer Neqoodaa,

51 t he sons of Gazzam, the sons of Uzza, the sons of Paseah,

iyo reer Gasaam, iyo reer Cuusaa, iyo reer Faasee'ax,

52 t he sons of Besai, the sons of Meunim, the sons of Nephushesim,

iyo reer Beesay, iyo reer Mecuuniim, iyo reer Nefiishesiim,

53 t he sons of Bakbuk, the sons of Hakupha, the sons of Harhur,

iyo reer Baquuq, iyo reer Xaquufaa, iyo reer Xarxuur,

54 t he sons of Bazlith, the sons of Mehida, the sons of Harsha,

iyo reer Basliid, iyo reer Mexiidaa, iyo reer Xarshaa,

55 t he sons of Barkos, the sons of Sisera, the sons of Temah,

iyo reer Barqoos, iyo reer Siiseraa, iyo reer Temax,

56 t he sons of Neziah, and the sons of Hatipha.

iyo reer Nesiyax, iyo reer Xatiifaa.

57 T he sons of Solomon’s servants: the sons of Sotai, the sons of Sophereth, the sons of Perida,

Oo ilmihii addoommadii Sulaymaanna waxay ahaayeen reer Sotay, iyo reer Sofered, iyo reer Feriidaa,

58 t he sons of Jaala, the sons of Darkon, the sons of Giddel,

iyo reer Yacalaa, iyo reer Darqoon, iyo reer Giddeel,

59 t he sons of Shephatiah, the sons of Hattil, the sons of Pochereth-hazzebaim, and the sons of Amon.

iyo reer Shefatyaah, iyo reer Xatiil, iyo reer Fokered Hasebaayiim, iyo reer Aamoon.

60 A ll the servants in the house of God and the sons of Solomon’s servants were 392.

Oo reer Netiiniim oo dhan iyo ilmihii addoommadii Sulaymaan waxay isku ahaayeen saddex boqol iyo laba iyo sagaashan.

61 N ow these were the men who came up from Tel-melah, Tel-harsha, Cherub, Addon, and Immer. But they were not able to prove their fathers’ houses or that they were children of Israel:

Oo kuwanuna waxay ahaayeen kuwii ka tegey Teel Melax, iyo Teel Xarshaa, iyo Keruub, iyo Addoon, iyo Immeer, laakiinse iyagu ma ay sheegi karin qabiilkoodii ama jilibkoodii, iyo inay reer binu Israa'iil ahaayeen iyo in kale toona,

62 6 42 sons of Delaiah, Tobiah, and Nekoda.

oo reer Delaayaah, iyo reer Toobiyaah, iyo reer Neqoodaa waxay isku ahaayeen lix boqol iyo laba iyo afartan.

63 A nd the sons of the religious leaders: the sons of Hobaiah, Hakkoz, and Barzillai, who had married one of the daughters of Barzillai the Gileadite, and was called by their name.

Oo kuwii wadaaddada ahaa waxay ahaayeen reer Xaabaayaah, iyo reer Xaqoos, iyo reer Barsillay oo naag ka guursaday gabdhaha Gilecaad oo iyaga lagu magacaabay.

64 T hese men looked for their names among the names of all the families, but could not find them. So they were thought of as being unclean, and were not allowed to work as religious leaders.

Kuwanu waxay magacyadoodii ka doondooneen buuggii abtiriska, laakiinse lagama helin, sidaas aawadeed wadaadnimadii waa laga saaray sidii iyagoo nijaas ah.

65 A nd the leader told them that they should not eat from the most holy things until a religious leader learned God’s will by the Urim and Thummin.

Oo taliyihii baa iyagii ku amray inayan waxyaalaha ugu quduusan wax ka cunin jeer wadaad Uuriim iyo Tummiim leh kaco.

66 T here were 42, 360 people in all,

Oo ururka oo dhammu wuxuu giddigiis isku ahaa laba iyo afartan kun iyo saddex boqol iyo lixdan,

67 b esides the 7, 337 men and women servants, and 245 singing men and women.

oo intaas waxaa gooni ka ahaa raggii addoommadooda ahaa iyo naagihii addoommahooda ahaa, oo iyana waxay ahaayeen toddoba kun iyo saddex boqol iyo toddoba iyo soddon, oo waxay lahaayeen laba boqol iyo shan iyo afartan oo ah rag iyo naago gabya.

68 T hey had 736 horses, 245 mules,

Fardahoodu waxay ahaayeen toddoba boqol iyo lix iyo soddon, baqlahooduna laba boqol iyo shan iyo afartan,

69 4 35 camels, and 6, 720 donkeys.

geelooduna afar boqol iyo shan iyo soddon, dameerahooduna lix kun iyo toddoba boqol iyo labaatan.

70 S ome from among the heads of the family groups gave to the work. The ruler gave 1, 000 gold pieces, fifty deep dishes, and 530 sets of clothing for the religious leaders.

Oo madaxdii qabiilooyinka qaarkood ayaa shuqulkii wax u bixiyey. Taliyuhu wuxuu khasnadda siiyey kun dirham oo dahab ah, iyo konton maddiibadood, iyo shan boqol iyo soddon khamiis oo ah dhar wadaadood.

71 A nd some of the leaders of family groups gave 20, 000 gold pieces and 2, 200 silver pieces.

Oo madaxdii qabiilooyinka qaarkood ayaa khasnaddii shuqulka geliyey labaatan kun oo dirham oo dahab ah, iyo laba kun iyo laba boqol oo mina oo lacag ah.

72 T he rest of the people gave 20, 000 gold pieces, 2, 000 silver pieces, and 67 sets of clothing for the religious leaders.

Oo dadka intiisii kale wixii ay bixiyeen waxay ahaayeen labaatan kun oo dirham oo dahab ah, iyo laba kun oo mina oo lacag ah, iyo toddoba iyo lixdan khamiis oo ah dhar wadaadood.

73 N ow the religious leaders, the Levites, the gate-keepers, the singers, some of the people, the servants in the house of the Lord, and all Israel, lived in their cities. When the seventh month had come, the sons of Israel were in their cities.

Haddaba wadaaddadii, iyo kuwii reer Laawi, iyo irid-dhawryadii, iyo nimankii gabayaaga ahaa, iyo dadkii qaarkiis, iyo reer Netiiniim, iyo reer binu Israa'iil oo dhammu waxay degeen magaalooyinkoodii. Cesraa Wuxuu Akhriyey Sharciga Oo markii bishii toddobaad la gaadhay reer binu Israa'iil waxay joogeen magaalooyinkoodii.