Joshua 12 ~ Yashuuca 12


1 T hese are the kings of the land whom the sons of Israel won the war against east of the Jordan. They took their land from the Arnon valley to Mount Hermon, and all the Arabah to the east.

Haddaba kuwanu waa boqorradii dalka, oo ay reer binu Israa'iil laayeen oo ay dalkoodii ka qaateen meel Webi Urdun ka shishaysa oo qorrax ka soo baxa ka xigta, markii laga bilaabo dooxadii Arnoon iyo tan iyo Buur Xermoon, iyo inta banka Caraabaah xagga bari ka xigta oo dhan:

2 T here was Sihon king of the Amorites, who lived in Heshbon. He ruled from Aroer on the side of the Arnon valley, and from the center of the valley and half of Gilead as far as the river Jabbok, beside the Ammonites.

oo waxay ahaayeen boqorkii reer Amor oo ahaa Siixon, oo degganaa Xeshboon, oo xukumi jiray Carooceer oo ku tiil dooxadii Arnoon darafteeda, iyo magaaladii ku tiil dooxadii dhexdeeda, iyo Gilecaad badhkeed, iyo tan iyo Webi Yabboq, kaasoo ku yiil soohdintii reer Cammoon,

3 A nd he ruled the Arabah as far as the Sea of Chinneroth in the east, and as far as the sea of the Arabah, the Salt Sea, east toward Beth-jeshimoth and south to the bottom of the hills of Pisgah.

iyo bankii Caraabaah iyo tan iyo baddii Kinnered, iyo xagga bari, iyo tan iyo baddii Caraabaah, taas oo ah Badda Cusbada leh, oo bari, ee ku taal jidkii Beytyeshimood, ee xagga koonfureed, ee ka hoosaysay dhaadhacyadii Fisgaah:

4 A nd they took the land of Og, king of Bashan, one of the Rephaim who were still living. Og lived at Ashtaroth and Edrei.

iyo xuduudkii Coog oo ahaa boqorkii Baashaan, oo ka hadhay reer Rafaa ee Cashtarod agteeda joogay, Edrecii agteedana joogay.

5 H e ruled over Mount Hermon and Salecah and all Bashan. He ruled as far as the land of the Geshurites, the Maacathites, and half of Gilead, as far as the land of Sihon, king of Heshbon.

Kaasu wuxuu xukumi jiray Buur Xermoon, iyo Salkaah, iyo Baashaan oo dhan, iyo tan iyo soohdinta reer Geshuur iyo kan reer Macakaad iyo Gilecaad badhkeed, iyo xuduudka Siixon oo boqor u ahaa Xeshboon.

6 T he Lord’s servant Moses and the people of Israel won the war against them. Moses the Lord’s servant gave their land to the Reubenites, the Gadites and the half-family group of Manasseh.

Addoonkii Rabbiga oo Muuse ahaa iyo reer binu Israa'iil baa laayay iyagii, oo addoonkii Rabbiga oo Muuse ahaa ayaa reer Ruubeen iyo reer Gaad, iyo reer Manaseh badhkood hanti ahaan u siiyey.

7 T hese are the kings of the land whom Joshua and the sons of Israel won the war against west of the Jordan, from Baal-gad in the valley of Lebanon as far as Mount Halak which goes up to Seir. (Joshua gave their land as a gift to the family groups of Israel, by each one’s share.

Oo kuwanu waa boqorradii Yashuuca iyo reer binu Israa'iil ka laayeen Webi Urdun shishadiisa xagga galbeed ka xigta, markii laga bilaaba Bacal Gaad oo ku tiil dooxadii Lubnaan iyo tan iyo Buur Xaalaaq oo kor u kacsan Seciir; oo Yashuuca wuxuu siiyey qabiilooyinkii reer binu Israa'iil, oo hanti ahaan buu ugu qaybiyey,

8 H e gave them the hill country, the valleys, the Arabah, the hill-sides, the desert, and the Negev. It was the land of the Hittite, the Amorite, the Canaanite, the Perizzite, the Hivite and the Jebusite.)

xagga dalkii buuraha lahaa, iyo dalkii dooxooyinka ahaa, iyo bankii Caraabaah, iyo dhaadhacyadii, iyo cidladii, iyo xagga Koonfureed, iyo reer Xeed, iyo reer Amor, iyo reer Kancaan, iyo reer Feris, iyo reer Xiwi, iyo reer Yebuus.

9 T here was the king of Jericho, the king of Ai which is beside Bethel,

Oo waa kuwan boqorradii, boqorkii Yerixoo, iyo boqorkii Aacii tii u dhowayd Beytel,

10 t he king of Jerusalem, the king of Hebron,

iyo boqorkii Yeruusaalem, iyo boqorkii Xebroon,

11 t he king of Jarmuth, the king of Lachish,

iyo boqorkii Yarmuud, iyo boqorkii Laakiish,

12 t he king of Eglon, and the king of Gezer.

iyo boqorkii Cegloon, iyo boqorkii Geser,

13 T here was the king of Debir, the king of Geder,

iyo boqorkii Debiir, iyo boqorkii Geder,

14 t he king of Horman, the king of Arad,

iyo boqorkii Xormaah, iyo boqorkii Caraad,

15 t he king of Libnah, the king of Adullam,

iyo boqorkii Libnaah, iyo boqorkii Cadullaam,

16 t he king of Makkedah, and the king of Bethel.

iyo boqorkii Maqeedaah, iyo boqorkii Beytel,

17 T here was the king of Tappuah, the king of Hepher,

iyo boqorkii Tafuu'ax iyo boqorkii Heefer,

18 t he king of Aphek, the king of Lasharon,

iyo boqorkii Afeeq, iyo boqorkii Lashaaroon,

19 t he king of Madon, the king of Hazor,

iyo boqorkii Maadoon, iyo boqorkii Xaasoor,

20 t he king of Shimron-meron, and the king of Achshaph.

iyo boqorkii Shimroon Meroon, iyo boqorkii Akshaaf,

21 T here was the king of Taanach, the king of Megiddo,

iyo boqorkii Tacanaag, iyo boqorkii Megiddoo,

22 t he king of Kedesh, the king of Jokneam in Carmel,

iyo boqorkii Qedesh, iyo boqorkii Yoqnecaam oo Karmel tiil,

23 t he king of Dor in the high-lands of Dor, the king of Goiim in Gilgal,

iyo boqorkii Door oo ku tiil meesha ugu dheer Door, iyo boqorkii quruumaha degganaa Gilgaal,

24 a nd the king of Tirzah. There were thirty-one kings in all.

iyo boqorkii Tirsaah. Oo boqorradii oo dhammuna waxay ahaayeen kow iyo soddon.