Psalm 131 ~ Sabuurradii 131


1 O Lord, my heart is not proud. My eyes are not filled with pride. And I do not trouble myself with important things or in things too great for me.

Rabbiyow, qalbigaygu kor isuma qaado, indhahayguna ma kibirsana, Oo anna iskuma dhex tuuro axwaal waaweyn, Ama waxyaalihii igu yaab badan.

2 F or sure I have made my soul quiet like a child who no longer nurses while he is with his mother. My soul within me is like a child who no longer nurses.

Hubaal naftaydii waan dejiyey, oo waan xasilliyey, Sida ilmo naas laga gudhiyey oo hooyadiis la jooga, Naftaydu waxay iigu jirtaa sida ilmo naas laga gudhiyey.

3 O Israel, hope in the Lord, now and forever.

Reer binu Israa'iilow, Rabbiga rajo ku qaba, Haddeer intii laga bilaabo iyo tan iyo weligiinba.