Matthew 16 ~ Matayos 16


1 T he proud religious law-keepers and a religious group of people who believe no one will be raised from the dead came to Jesus. They asked Him to show something special from heaven. They wanted to trap Jesus.

Waxaa u yimid Farrisiintii iyo Sadukiintii iyagoo jirrabaya, oo waxay ka baryeen inuu calaamo cirka ka tuso.

2 ( He said to them, “In the evening you say, ‘The weather will be good tomorrow because the sky is red.’

Wuxuu u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Goortii ay makhrib tahay waxaad tidhaahdaan, Waxay noqonaysaa maalin wanaagsan, waayo, cirku waa guduudan yahay.

3 A nd in the morning you say, ‘We will have a storm today because the sky is red and the clouds are low.’ You understand the things you see in the sky, but you cannot understand the special things you see these days!)

Aroortiina waxaad tidhaahdaan, Maanta roob baa da'aya, waayo, cirku waa guduudan yahay, waana kicinsan yahay. Waxaad taqaaniin sida loo garto muuqashada cirka, laakiin ma kala garan kartaan calaamooyinka wakhtiyada.

4 T he sinful people of this day go after something special to see. There will be nothing special for them to see but the early preacher Jonah.” Then He went away from them. Jesus Shows That the Teaching of the Proud Religious Law-Keepers Is Wrong

Waxaa calaamo doonaya qarni shareed oo sina leh, calaamose lama siin doono calaamadii Yoonis maahee. Markaasuu iska daayay iyaga oo ka tegey. Ciise Baa Xertii Ku Canaantay Indhala'aantoodii

5 T he followers came to the other side of the lake. They remembered they had forgotten to bring bread.

Markii xertii dhanka kale timid, waxay illoobeen inay kibis sii qaataan.

6 J esus said to them, “See! Have nothing to do with the yeast of the proud religious law-keepers and the religious group of people who believe no one will be raised from the dead.”

Ciise ayaa ku yidhi, Iska eega oo iska jira khamiirka Farrisiinta iyo Sadukiinta.

7 T hey started to think about it among themselves and said, “He said this because we forgot to bring bread.”

Markaasay isla wada hadleen oo isku yidhaahdeen, Sababtaasu waa kibistii aannan soo qaadan aawadeed.

8 J esus knew this and said, “You have very little faith! Why are you talking among yourselves about not bringing bread?

Ciise oo gartay ayaa ku yidhi, Maxaad isula hadlaysaan, rumaysadyarayaalow? Ma kibista aydnan haysan aawadeed baa?

9 D o you not yet understand or remember the five loaves of bread that fed five thousand men? And how many baskets full were gathered up?

Miyaydnaan weli garan ama miyaydnaan xusuusnayn shantii kibsood oo shantii kun cuntay, iyo intii dambiilood oo aad ka soo ururiseen?

10 O r do you not even remember the seven loaves of bread that fed the four thousand men? And how many baskets full were gathered up?

Ama toddobadii kibsood oo afartii kun cuntay iyo intii dambiilood oo aad ka soo ururiseen?

11 W hy is it that you do not see that I was not talking to you about bread? I was talking to you about keeping away from the yeast of the proud religious law-keepers and the religious group of people who believe no one will be raised from the dead.”

Sidee baad u garan weydeen inaanan kibis idinkala hadlayn? Iska jira khamiirka Farrisiinta iyo Sadukiinta.

12 T hen they understood that it was not the yeast of bread that He was talking about. But He was talking about the teaching of the proud religious law-keepers and of the other religious group of people. Peter Says Jesus Is the Christ

Markaasay garteen inaanu ku lahayn, Iska jira khamiirka kibista, laakiin waxbaridda Farrisiinta iyo Sadukiinta. Butros Wuxuu Qiray Inuu Ciise Yahay Masiixa

13 J esus came into the country of Caesarea Philippi. He asked His followers, “Who do people say that I, the Son of Man, am?”

Ciise goortuu dhinacyada Kaysariya Filibos yimid ayuu xertiisii weyddiiyey, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Dadku yay ku sheegaan Wiilka Aadanaha?

14 T hey said, “Some say You are John the Baptist and some say Elijah and others say Jeremiah or one of the early preachers.”

Waxay yidhaahdeen, Qaar waxay yidhaahdaan, Yooxanaa Baabtiisaha, qaarna Eliyaas, qaar kalena waxay yidhaahdaan, Yeremyaah, ama nebiyada midkood.

15 H e said to them, “But who do you say that I am?”

Markaasuu wuxuu ku yidhi, Idinkuse yaad igu sheegtaan?

16 S imon Peter said, “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God.”

Simoon Butros ayaa u jawaabay oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaad tahay Masiixa ah Wiilka Ilaaha nool.

17 J esus said to him, “Simon, son of Jonah, you are happy because you did not learn this from man. My Father in heaven has shown you this.

Ciise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waad barakaysan tahay Simoon ina Yoonis, waayo, bini-aadmi tan kuuma muujin, laakiin Aabbahayga jannada ku jira ayaa kuu muujiyey.

18 And I tell you that you are Peter. On this rock I will build My church. The powers of hell will not be able to have power over My church.

Anigu waxaan kugu leeyahay, Butros baad tahay, oo dhagaxan ayaan ka dul dhisan doonaa kiniisaddayda, oo albaabbadii Haadees kama adkaan doonaan.

19 I will give you the keys of the holy nation of heaven. Whatever you do not allow on earth will not have been allowed in heaven. Whatever you allow on earth will have been allowed in heaven.”

Waxaan ku siin doonaa furayaasha boqortooyada jannada, oo wax alla wixii aad dhulka ku xidho ayaa jannada ku xidhnaan doona, oo wax alla wixii aad dhulka ku furto ayaa jannada ku furnaan doona.

20 T hen with strong words He told His followers to tell no one that He was the Christ. Jesus Tells of His Death for the First Time

Markaasuu xertii ku amray inaanay cidna u sheegin inuu Masiixa yahay. Ciise Wuxuu Sii Sheegay Dhimashadiisa Iyo Sarakiciddiisa

21 F rom that time on Jesus began to tell His followers that He had to go to Jerusalem and suffer many things. These hard things would come from the leaders and from the head religious leaders of the Jews and from the teachers of the Law. He told them He would be killed and three days later He would be raised from the dead.

Kolkaa dabadeed Ciise Masiix ayaa bilaabay inuu xertiisii u sheego inay waajib ugu tahay inuu Yeruusaalem tago, oo xanuun badan ka helo waayeellada iyo wadaaddada sare iyo culimmada, oo la dilo, oo maalinta saddexaad la sara kiciyo.

22 P eter took Jesus away from the others and spoke sharp words to Him. He said, “Never, Lord! This must not happen to You!”

Markaasaa Butros gees u waday oo bilaabay inuu canaanto, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Ilaah ha kaa hayo, Sayidow, taasu weligaa kuuma noqon doonto.

23 T hen Jesus turned to Peter and said, “Get behind Me, Satan! You are standing in My way. You are not thinking how God thinks. You are thinking how man thinks.” Giving Up Riches

Laakiin Butros ayuu u soo jeestay oo ku yidhi, Gadaal iga mar, Shayddaan yahow. Waad i xumaynaysaaye, waayo, waxyaalaha Ilaah kama fikirtid, waxaadse ka fikirtaa waxyaalaha dadka. Waa In Nafta La Diido

24 J esus said to His followers, “If anyone wants to be My follower, he must forget about himself. He must take up his cross and follow Me.

Markaasaa Ciise wuxuu xertiisii ku yidhi, Mid uun hadduu doonayo inuu iga daba yimaado, ha dayriyo doonistiisa, iskutallaabtiisana ha soo qaato oo ha i soo raaco.

25 I f anyone wants to keep his life safe, he will lose it. If anyone gives up his life because of Me, he will save it.

Kan doonaya inuu naftiisa badbaadiyo, waa lumin doonaa, oo kan naftiisa u lumiya aawaday wuu heli doonaa.

26 F or what does a man have if he gets all the world and loses his own soul? What can a man give to buy back his soul?

Waayo, nin maxay u taraysaa hadduu dunida oo dhan helo oo uu naftiisa lumiyo? Ama nin muxuu u bixiyaa naftiisa beddelkeeda?

27 T he Son of Man will come in the greatness of His Father with His angels. Then He will give to every man his pay as he has worked.

Waayo, Wiilka Aadanahu wuxuu ammaanta Aabbihiis kula iman doonaa malaa'igihiisa, markaasuu nin kasta ugu abaalgudi doonaa siduu falay.

28 F or sure, I tell you, there are some standing here that will not die until they see the Son of Man coming as King.”

Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Kuwa halkan taagan qaarkood sinaba dhimasho uma dhadhamin doonaan ilaa ay arkaan Wiilka Aadanaha oo boqortooyadiisa ku imanaya.