John 18 ~ Yooxanaa 18


1 W hen Jesus had said these things, He went with His followers across the small river Kidron. He and His followers went to a garden there.

Ciise markuu waxyaalahaas yidhi wuu la baxay xertiisii oo kala gudbay Tog Qidroon, meeshay ku tiil beer uu galay, isaga iyo xertiisiiba.

2 J udas, who was handing Him over to the leaders, knew the place also. Jesus and His followers had met there many times.

Yuudasna, kii gacangeliyey, meeshaas wuu garanayay, waayo, Ciise marar badan ayuu meeshaas xertiisii la tegi jiray.

3 J udas led some soldiers and some men who had been sent by the head religious leaders of the Jews and the proud religious law-keepers to the garden. They carried lamps and sticks that were burning and swords.

Haddaba Yuudas isagoo askar iyo saraakiil ka wada wadaaddadii sare iyo Farrisiintii ayuu meeshaas la yimid laambado iyo siraaddo iyo hub.

4 J esus knew what was going to happen to Him. He went out and asked them, “Who are you looking for?”

Sidaa daraaddeed Ciise isagoo og waxa ku dhici doona oo dhan ayuu baxay oo ku yidhi iyaga, Kumaad doondoonaysaan?

5 T he soldiers answered Him, “Jesus of Nazareth.” Jesus said, “I am Jesus.” Judas, who was handing Him over, was with them also.

Waxay ugu jawaabeen, Ciisihii reer Naasared. Markaasaa Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi, Isagii baan ahay. Waxaana iyaga la taagnaa Yuudas kii gacangeliyey.

6 W hen He said to them, “I am Jesus,” they stepped back and fell to the ground.

Sidaa daraaddeed Ciise markuu ku yidhi, Isagii baan ahay, dib bay u socdeen, oo dhulkay ku dhaceen.

7 H e asked them again, “Who are you looking for?” They said again, “Jesus of Nazareth.”

Mar kale haddaba ayuu weyddiiyey, oo ku yidhi, Kumaad doondoonaysaan? Oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Ciisihii reer Naasared.

8 H e said, “I have told you that I am Jesus. If you are looking for Me, let these men go their way.”

Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Waan idiin sheegay inaan isagii ahay. Haddaba haddaad i doonaysaan, kuwan iska daaya, ha tageene.

9 H e said this so the words He spoke might happen, “I have not lost one of those You gave Me.”

Wuxuu saas u yidhi inuu dhammaado hadalkii uu ku hadlay oo ahaa, Kuwii aad i siisay, midkoodna ma lumin.

10 S imon Peter had a sword. He took it and hit a servant who was owned by the head religious leader and cut off his right ear. The servant’s name was Malchus.

Simoon Butros haddaba, isagoo seef haysta, ayuu soo bixiyey, oo wuxuu ku dhuftay wadaadka sare addoonkiisii, oo ka gooyay dhegta midigta. Addoonkii magiciisu wuxuu ahaa Malkos.

11 T hen Jesus said to Peter, “Put your sword back where it belongs. Am I not to go through what My Father has given Me to go through?” Jesus Stands in Front of Annas

Sidaa daraaddeed Ciise wuxuu Butros ku yidhi, Seefta galkeeda ku celi. Koobka Aabbuhu i siiyey miyaanan cabbayn?

12 T hen the soldiers and their captain and the men sent by the Jewish religious leaders took Jesus and tied Him.

Haddaba askartii iyo ninkii u sarreeyey iyo saraakiishii Yuhuudda ayaa Ciise qabtay, markaasay xidhxidheen,

13 T hey took Him to Annas first. He was the father-in-law of Caiaphas. Caiaphas was the head religious leader that year.

oo markii hore waxay u geeyeen Annas, waayo, wuxuu ahaa soddoggii Kayafas oo ahaa wadaadkii sare sannaddaas.

14 C aiaphas had talked to the Jews. He told them it would be a good thing if one man should die for the people. Peter Lies about Jesus

Kayafas wuxuu ahaa kii kula taliyey Yuhuudda inay u roon tahay in nin keliyahu dadka u dhinto. Butros Baa Dafiray Ciise. Wadaadkii Sarena Wax Buu Ciise Weyddiiyey

15 S imon Peter and another follower came behind Jesus. This other follower was known to the head religious leader. He went with Jesus to the head religious leader’s house.

Waxaa Ciise daba socday Simoon Butros iyo mid kale oo xer ah. Ninkaas xerta ahaa wadaadka sare waa garanayay, wuuna la galay Ciise barxadda wadaadkii sare.

16 P eter stood outside at the gate. The other follower, who was known by the head religious leader, went out and talked to the servant-girl who watched the gate. Then he took Peter inside.

Butros se wuxuu taagnaa albaabka agtiisa oo dibadda ah. Sidaa daraaddeed kii kale oo xerta ahaa oo wadaadka sare garanayay ayaa dibadda u soo baxay oo la hadlay tii albaabka ilaalinaysay, oo Butros ayuu soo geliyey.

17 T he servant-girl who watched the door said to Peter, “Are you not a follower of this Man?” He said, “I am not!”

Gabadhii albaabka ilaalinaysay waxay Butros ku tidhi, Adiguna ma waxaad tahay mid ka mid ah ninkan xertiisa? Wuxuu ku yidhi, Ma ihi.

18 T he servants who were owned by someone and the soldiers had made a fire because it was cold. They were getting warm by the fire. Peter was standing with them getting warm. Jesus Stands in Front of Caiaphas

Markaasaa waxaa taagnaayeen addoommadii iyo saraakiishii oo dab dhuxul ah sameeyey, maxaa yeelay, dhaxan bay ahayd, wayna kulaalayeen. Butrosna wuu la joogay, isagoo taagan oo dabka kulaalaya.

19 T he head religious leader of the Jews asked Jesus about His followers. He asked Jesus about His teaching.

Haddaba wadaadkii sare wuxuu Ciise wax ka weyddiiyey xertiisii iyo waxbariddiisii.

20 J esus said, “I have spoken very plain words to the world. I have always taught in the Jewish place of worship and in the house of God. It is where the Jews go all the time. My words have not been said in secret.

Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Bayaan baan dunida ula hadlay, oo weligay wax baan ku bari jiray sunagogyada iyo macbudka, meesha ay Yuhuudda oo dhammi isugu timaado, oo waxba si qarsoon uma odhan jirin.

21 W hy do you ask Me? Ask those who have heard what I said to them. They know what I said.”

Maxaad ii weyddiinaysaa? Weyddii kuwa maqlay waxaan kula hadlay. Bal eeg, kuwaasaa og waxaan idhi e.

22 T hen one of the soldiers standing there hit Jesus with his hand. He said, “Is that how You talk to the head religious leaders?”

Markuu sidaas yidhi saraakiishii midkood oo ag taagnaa ayaa Ciise dharbaaxay isagoo leh, Ma saasaad ugu jawaabaysaa wadaadka sare?

23 J esus said, “If I said anything wrong, tell Me what was wrong. If I said what was right, why did you hit Me?”

Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Haddii aan si xun u hadlay, xumaanta ka marag fur, haddaan si wanaagsan u hadlayse, maxaad ii dharbaaxaysaa?

24 T hen Annas sent Jesus to Caiaphas, the head religious leader. Jesus was still tied up.

Annas haddaba wuxuu isagoo xidhxidhan u diray Kayafas oo ahaa wadaadka sare.

25 S imon Peter was standing there and getting warm. They said to him, “Are you not one of His followers also?” He lied and said he did not know Jesus and answered, “I am not!”

Simoon Butros ayaa taagnaa oo dabka kulaalayay. Haddaba waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Adiguna ma waxaad tahay xertiisii midkood? Markaasuu inkiray oo yidhi, Ma ihi.

26 A servant who was owned by the head religious leader was there. He was of the family of the man whose ear Peter cut off. The man said, “Did I not see you in the garden with Him?”

Addoommadii wadaadka sare midkood oo qaraabo ay ahaayeen kii Butros uu dhegta ka gooyay wuxuu yidhi, Miyaanan beerta kugula arkin isaga?

27 A gain Peter lied and said he did not know Jesus. At once a rooster crowed. Jesus Stands in Front of Pilate

Haddaba Butros mar kale ayuu inkiray, oo markiiba diiqii baa ciyey. Ciise Wuxuu Hor Taagnaa Bilaatos Oo Ahaa Taliyihii Reer Rooma

28 T hey led Jesus from Caiaphas into the court room. It was early in the morning. They did not go inside because their Law said if they did they would become dirty with sin. Then they would not be able to eat the religious supper to remember how the Jews left Egypt.

Haddaba Ciise ayay ka kaxeeyeen Kayafas ilaa guriga taliyaha. Waxay ahayd aroortii hore, oo iyagu ma ay gelin guriga taliyaha si aanay u nijaasoobin, laakiinse inay cashadii Iidda Kormaridda wax ka cunaan.

29 S o Pilate came out to them. He asked, “What have you to say against the Man?”

Bilaatos haddaba ayaa u soo baxay iyagii oo ku yidhi, Maxaad ku ashtakaynaysaan ninkan?

30 T he Jews said, “If He had not done wrong, we would not have brought Him to you.”

Way u jawaabeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Ninkanu haddaanu ahayn xumaanfale, kuuma aannu soo gacangelinneen.

31 T hen Pilate said to them, “Take Him yourselves and give Him a trial by your Law.” The Jews said to him, “It is against our Law to put anyone to death.”

Haddaba Bilaatos wuxuu ku yidhi, Idinku qaata, oo sharcigiinna ku xukuma. Yuhuuddu waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Xalaal nooma aha inaannu nin dillo,

32 T his happened as Jesus said it would happen. He had told what kind of death He would die.

inuu ahaado hadalkii Ciise ku hadlay kolkuu sheegay siduu u dhiman doono.

33 T hen Pilate went back into the court room. He called for Jesus and said to Him, “Are You the King of the Jews?”

Bilaatos haddaba guriga taliyaha ayuu mar kale galay oo Ciise u yeedhay, oo wuxuu ku yidhi, Adigu ma waxaad tahay Boqorka Yuhuudda?

34 J esus said, “Do you ask Me this yourself, or did others say this to you about Me?”

Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Ma adaa iska odhanaya waxaas, mise kuwa kalaa iiga kaa sheegay?

35 P ilate said, “Do you think I am a Jew? Your own people and religious leaders have handed You over to me. What have You done?”

Bilaatos ayaa ugu jawaabay, Ma Yuhuudi baan ahay? Quruuntaadii iyo wadaaddadii sare ayaa ii soo kaa gacangeliyeye. Maxaad samaysay?

36 J esus said, “My holy nation does not belong to this world. If My holy nation were of this world, My helpers would fight so I would not be handed over to the Jews. My holy nation is not of this world.”

Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Boqortooyadaydu tan dunidan ma aha. Haddii boqortooyadaydu tan dunidan tahay, midiidinyadaydu waa ii diriri lahaayeen inaan Yuhuudda la ii gacangelin. Imminkase boqortooyadaydu tan halkan ma aha.

37 P ilate said to Him, “So You are a King?” Jesus said, “You are right when you say that I am a King. I was born for this reason. I came into the world for this reason. I came to speak about the truth. Everyone who is of the truth hears My voice.” Jesus or Barabbas Is to Go Free

Sidaa daraaddeed Bilaatos ayaa ku yidhi, Haddaba ma boqor baad tahay? Ciise ayaa ugu jawaabay, Waad tidhaahdaa inaan boqor ahay. Taas ayaan u dhashay, oo taas ayaan dunida u imid, inaan marag u furo runta. Mid kasta oo kan runta ah wuu maqlaa codkayga.

38 P ilate said to Jesus, “What is truth?” After Pilate said this, he went out again to the Jews. He said, “I do not find Him guilty.

Bilaatos ayaa ku yidhi, Waa maxay runtu? Oo markuu sidaa ku yidhi, mar kale ayuu Yuhuudda u baxay oo ku yidhi, Eedna isagii kuma aan helin.

39 B ut every year a man who is in prison is allowed to go free at the special religious gathering to remember how the Jews left Egypt. Do you want the King of the Jews to go free?”

Laakiin waxaad leedihiin caado inaan mid idiin sii daayo Iidda Kormaridda. Haddaba ma doonaysaan inaan idiin sii daayo Boqorkii Yuhuudda?

40 T hen they spoke with loud voices, “Not this Man, but Barabbas!” Now Barabbas was a robber.

Kolkaasay dhammaan mar kale qayliyeen iyagoo leh, Ninkan ma aha, laakiin Baraabbas. Baraabbas wuxuu ahaa waxdhace.