Romans 16 ~ Rooma 16


1 I want to let you know about our Christian sister Phoebe. She is a helper in the church in the city of Cenchrea.

Waxaan idin barayaa walaasheen Foybi oo ah mid u adeegta kiniisadda ku taal Kenekhreya,

2 T he Christians should receive her as a sister who belongs to the Lord. Help her any way you can. She has helped many people and has helped me also.

inaad iyada ku dhowaysaan Rabbiga, sida quduusiinta u eg, oo aad ku caawintaan wax kasta oo ay idiinka baahan tahay, waayo, iyaduba kuwa badan bay caawintay iyo xataa aniga qudhayda.

3 G reet Priscilla and Aquila. They worked with me for Christ.

Igu salaama Bariska iyo Akula kuwa iila shaqeeya Ciise Masiix,

4 T hey almost died for me. I am thankful for them. All the churches that were started among the people who are not Jews are thankful for them also.

oo noloshayda aawadeed qoortooda u dhibay. Keligay uma mahadnaqayo, laakiinse kiniisadaha dadka aan Yuhuudda ahayn oo dhammuna ay ku mahadnaqayaan.

5 G reet the church that worships in their house. Greet Epaenetus, my much-loved friend. He was the first Christian in the countries of Asia.

Iguna salaama kiniisadda gurigooda ku jirta. Igu salaama gacaliyahay Ebaynetos, kan ah midhaha ugu horreeya ee Aasiya xagga Masiixa.

6 G reet Mary. She worked hard for you.

Maryanna igu salaama, tan aad idiinku dadaashay.

7 G reet Andronicus and Junias. They are from my family and were in prison with me. They put their trust in Christ before I did. They have been respected missionaries.

Igu salaama Andaronikos iyo Yuniyas oo xigaalkayga ah oo layla xidhay, kuwa caanka ku ah rasuullada dhexdooda, kuwa hortayna Masiixa ku jiray.

8 G reet Ampliatus. He is a much-loved Christian brother.

Ambaliyas, gacaliyahayga xagga Rabbigana igu salaama.

9 G reet Urbanus. He worked with us for Christ. Greet Stachys, my much-loved friend.

Urbanos kan Masiixa noola shaqeeya iyo gacaliyahay Istakhusna igu salaama.

10 G reet Apelles. He proved he was faithful to Christ. Greet all the family of Aristobulus.

Abellees kan Masiixu u bogayna igu salaama. Kuwa reer Aristobulosna igu salaama.

11 G reet Herodian. He is one of my family. Greet the Christians in the family of Narcissus.

Xigaalkay Herodiyosna igu salaama. Iguna salaama kuwa reer Narkisos oo Rabbiga ku jira.

12 G reet Tryphaena and Tryphosa and Persis. They are all much-loved workmen for the Lord.

Tarufayna iyo Tarufoosa oo Rabbiga u shaqeeyana igu salaama. Gacaliso Bersis oo Rabbiga aad ugu shaqaysayna igu salaama.

13 G reet Rufus and his mother. She was like a mother to me. Rufus is a good Christian.

Igu salaama Rufus kan Rabbigu doortay iyo hooyadiis oo hooyaday oo kale ah.

14 G reet Asyncritus and Phlegon and Hermes and Patrobas and Hermas and all the Christians with them.

Igu salaama Asunkiritos, iyo Filegoon, iyo Hermees, iyo Batrobas, iyo Hermaas, iyo walaalaha iyaga la jooga.

15 G reet Philologus and Julia and Nereus and his sister and Olympas and all the Christians with them.

Igu salaama Filologos, iyo Yulya, iyo Neere'us, iyo walaashiis, iyo Olumbas, iyo quduusiinta iyaga la jooga oo dhan.

16 G reet each other with a kiss of holy love. All the churches here greet you.

Midkiinba midka kale ha ku salaamo dhunkasho quduus ah. Kiniisadihii Masiixa oo dhammu waa idin soo salaamayaan.

17 I ask you, Christian brothers, watch out for those who make trouble and start fights. Keep your eye on those who work against the teaching you received. Keep away from them.

Haddaba walaalayaalow, waxaan idinka baryayaa inaad fiiro u lahaataan kuwa kicinaya iskala qaybinta iyo xumaatooyinka oo ka geesta ah cilmiga aad barateen, kana leexda iyaga.

18 M en like that are not working for our Lord Jesus Christ. They are chained to their own desires. With soft words they say things people want to hear. People are fooled by them.

Kuwa caynkaas ahu Rabbigeenna Masiix uma adeegaan, laakiinse waxay u adeegaan calooshooda; hadalkooda macaan oo wanaagsan bay ku khiyaaneeyaan qalbiyada jaahiliinta.

19 E veryone knows you have obeyed the teaching you received. I am happy with you because of this. But I want you to be wise about good things and pure about sinful things.

Warkii addeeciddiinnu wuxuu gaadhay dadka oo dhan. Sidaas daraaddeed aad baan idiinku faraxsanahay, laakiin waxaan jeclaan lahaa inaad garaad u lahaataan waxa wanaagsan, oo aad ka eedla'aataan waxa sharka ah.

20 G od, Who is our peace, will soon crush Satan under your feet. May the loving-favor of our Lord Jesus be yours.

Oo Ilaaha nabaddu Shayddaan buu haddiiba cagihiinna hoostooda ku burburin doonaa. Nimcada Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix ha idinla jirto.

21 T imothy, my helper, greets you. Lucius and Jason and Sosipater from my family say hello also.

Waxaa idin soo salaamaya Timoteyos oo ila shaqeeya, iyo Lukiyos, iyo Yasoon, iyo Soosibater, iyagoo ah xigaalkayga.

22 I , Tertius, who am writing this letter for Paul, greet you as a Christian brother.

Anigoo Tertiyos ah oo warqaddan qoray, Rabbigaan idinku salaamayaa.

23 G aius is the man taking care of me. The church meets here in his house. He greets you. Erastus, the man who takes care of the money for the city, says hello and Quartus does also. He is a Christian brother.

Gayos, oo aniga iyo kiniisadda oo dhammuba aannu marti u nahay, wuu idin soo salaamayaa. Erastos oo ah qasnajiga magaalada, iyo walaalkeen Kowartos way idin soo salaamayaan.

24 M ay you have loving-favor from our Lord Jesus Christ. Let it be so.

Nimcada Rabbigeenna Ciise Masiix ha idinla jirto kulligiin. Aamiin. Ammaan

25 W e give honor to God. He is able to make you strong as I preach from the Holy Writings about Jesus Christ. It was a secret hidden from the beginning of the world.

Haddaba ammaanu ha u ahaato kan kara inuu idinku xoogeeyo injiilkayga iyo wacdiga ku saabsan Ciise Masiix iyo muujinta qarsoodiga oo qarsoonaa tan iyo weligiis,

26 B ut now it is for us to know. The early preachers wrote about it. God says it is to be preached to all the people of the world so men can put their trust in God and obey Him.

laakiinse haatan lagu muujiyey Qorniinka nebiyada sida amarka Ilaaha daa'imka ah oo quruumaha oo dhan loo ogeysiiyey inay addeecaan rumaysadka.

27 M ay God, Who only is wise, be honored forever through our Lord Jesus Christ. Let it be so.

Ilaaha keligiis ah oo xigmadda leh, Ciise Masiix ammaanu ha ugu ahaato weligiis. Aamiin.