Ecclesiastes 11 ~ Wacdiyahii 11


1 T hrow your bread upon the waters, for you will find it after many days.

Kibistaada biyaha korkooda ku tuur, waayo, maalmo badan dabadood waad heli doontaa.

2 S hare what you have with seven, or even with eight, for you do not know what trouble may come on the earth.

Oo toddoba qaybood u kala qaybi iyo weliba siddeed, waayo, masiibada dhulka iman doonta garan maysid.

3 I f the clouds are full, they pour out rain upon the earth. And if a tree falls to the south or to the north, wherever the tree falls, there it lies.

Haddii daruuruhu roob ka buuxsamaan, dhulkay ku soo daataan, oo haddii geed xagga koonfureed amase xagga woqooyi u dhaco, meeshuu u dhacay ayuu oolli doonaa.

4 H e who watches the wind will not plant his seeds. And he who looks at the clouds will not gather the food.

Kii dabaysha eegaa waxba ma uu beeran doono, oo kii daruuraha fiiriyaana waxba ma goosan doono.

5 J ust as you do not know the path of the wind or how the bones are made of a child yet to be born, so you do not know the work of God Who makes all things.

Sida aadan dabaysha jidkeeda u garanayn, ama aadan sida lafuhu ugu dhex samaysmaan naag uur leh maxalkeed u garanayn, saas oo kale ayaadan shuqulka Ilaaha wax walba sameeya u garanayn.

6 P lant your seeds in the morning, and do not be lazy in the evening. You do not know which will grow well, the morning or evening planting, or if both of them alike will do well.

Iniinahaaga aroorta beero, oo fiidkana gacantaada ha ceshan, waayo, innaba garan maysid mid liibaani doona, kan ama kaas, iyo inay labadooduba isku si u wanaagsanaan doonaan iyo in kale. Xusuuso Abuurahaaga Inta Aad Dhallinyar Tahay

7 L ight is pleasing. It is good for the eyes to see the sun.

Sida runta ah iftiinku waa macaan yahay, oo indhahana way u wanaagsan tahay inay qorraxda arkaan.

8 I f a man should live many years, let him have joy in them all. Yet let him remember the days of darkness, for they will be many. All that comes is for nothing. What Young People Should Do

Haddii nin sannado badan noolaado, kulligood ha ku farxo, laakiinse ha xusuusto maalmaha gudcurka, waayo, iyagu way badnaan doonaan. Waxa imanaya oo dhammu waa wax aan waxba tarayn.

9 Y oung man, be filled with joy while you are young. And let your heart be happy while you are a young man. Follow the ways of your heart and the desires of your eyes. But know that God will judge you for all these things.

Barbaarkow, barbaarnimadaada ku farax, oo wakhtiga dhallinyaranimadaadana qalbigaagu ha ku istareexiyo, oo sida qalbigaagu doonayo oo ay indhahaagu arkaanba u soco, laakiinse waxaad ogaataa in Ilaah waxyaalahaas aawadood oo dhan kuu xukumi doono.

10 S o put away trouble from your heart, and put away pain from your body. Because the years when you were a child and the best years of your life are going by fast.

Haddaba sidaa daraaddeed qalbigaaga murugta ka durki, oo jidhkaagana xumaanta ka fogee, waayo, carruurnimada iyo dhallinyaranimaduba waa wax aan waxba tarayn.