1 T he Lord is great and should be given much praise, in the city of our God, His holy mountain.
Rabbigu waa weyn yahay, waana in aad loogu ammaanaa Ilaaheenna magaaladiisa, iyo buurtiisa quduuska ah.
2 M ount Zion in the far north is beautiful and high, the joy of the whole earth, the city of the great King.
Waxaa dhererka ku quruxsan, oo farxad u ah dunida oo dhan Buur Siyoon oo dhanka woqooyi ah, Meeshaas oo ah magaalada Boqorka weyn.
3 G od has made Himself known as a safe place in that city.
Ilaah wuxuu daaraheeda dhaadheer isku muujiyey inuu magangal yahay.
4 F or, see, the kings gathered themselves and went up together.
Waayo, bal eeg, boqorradii way iswada urursadeen, Dhammaantood way wada dhaafeen.
5 T hey saw it, then they were surprised and afraid. And they ran away fast in fear.
Oo kolkay arkeen ayay yaabeen, Oo argaggexeen, markaasay haddiiba carareen.
6 T hey began shaking there. And they suffered pain like a woman giving birth.
Iyagii halkaasay ku gariireen, Wayna ku xanuunsadeen sida naag foolanaysa.
7 Y ou wreck the ships of Tarshish with the east wind.
Doonniyaha Tarshiish waxaad ku jejebisaa Dabaysha bari.
8 A s we have heard, so we have seen in the city of the Lord of All, in the city of our God. God will make her last forever.
Annagu sidaan maqalnay, ayaan ku dhex aragnay Magaalada Rabbiga ciidammada, taasoo ah magaalada Ilaaheenna, Ilaah ayaa weligeedba adkayn doona. (Selaah)
9 O God, we have thought about Your loving-kindness within Your holy house.
Ilaahow, raxmaddaada ayaan ka fikirnay Markaan macbudkaaga ku jirnay.
10 L ike Your name, O God, Your praise is heard to the ends of the earth. Your right hand is full of what is right and good.
Ilaahow, sida magacaagu yahay Ayaa ammaantaaduna ku tahay dhulka darafyadiisa oo dhan, Gacantaada midigna waxaa ka buuxda xaqnimo.
11 L et Mount Zion be glad! Let the people of Judah be full of joy because You are right in how You judge.
Buur Siyoon ha faraxdo, Oo gabdhaha reer Yahuudah ha ku reyreeyeen xukummadaada daraaddood.
12 W alk in Zion, and go around her. See how many towers she has.
Siyoon hareeraheeda socda, oo ku soo wareega, Oo munaaradaheeda tiriya.
13 G ive thought to her walls. Go through her beautiful houses where kings live. And tell about it to the children-to-come.
Bal aad ugu fiirsada qalcadaheeda, Oo ka fikira daaraheeda dhaadheer, Si aad ugu sheekaysaan farcanka soo socda.
14 T his is God, our God forever and ever. He will show us the way until death.
Waayo, weligiis iyo weligiisba Ilaahan ayaa Ilaah inoo ah, Oo isagaa hoggaamiye inoo ahaan doona xataa tan iyo dhimashada.