Isaiah 19 ~ Ishacyaah 19


1 T he special word about Egypt: See, the Lord is traveling on a fast cloud and is coming to Egypt. The false gods of Egypt shake in fear before Him. The hearts of the Egyptians become weak.

Kanu waa warka culus ee Masar ku saabsan. Bal eega, Rabbigu wuxuu fuushan yahay daruur dheeraysa oo wuxuu u socdaa Masar, oo sanamyada Masarna waxay ku gariiri doonaan hortiisa, oo Masriyiinta qalbigooduna cabsi buu kula dhex dhalaali doonaa.

2 I will make Egyptians go against Egyptians. Each of them will fight against his brother, and each against his neighbor. City will fight against city, and nation against nation.

Oo Masriyiinta waxaan ku kicin doonaa Masriyiin kale, oo midkood kastaaba wuxuu la diriri doonaa walaalkiis iyo deriskiisa, magaalaba magaalay la diriri doontaa, boqortooyana boqortooyo kale.

3 T hen the spirit of the Egyptians will become weak within them. And I will bring their plans to nothing. They will go to false gods and spirits of the dead for help, and to those who speak with spirits of the dead and use their secret ways.

Oo Masriyiinta ruuxooduna wuu ka dhammaan doonaa, oo taladooda waan baabbi'in doonaa, oo waxay talo u doonan doonaan sanamyada, iyo falanfallowyada, iyo kuwa ruuxaanta leh, iyo saaxiriinta.

4 T hen I will give the Egyptians into the hand of a bad ruler. An angry king will rule over them,” says the Lord God of All.

Oo Sayidka ah Rabbiga ciidammadu wuxuu leeyahay, Anigu waxaan Masriyiinta gacanta u gelin doonaa sayid nac weyn, oo waxaa u talin doona boqor xoog badan.

5 T he waters of the sea will dry up. The river will become dry.

Oo biyuhuna badda way ka madhan doonaan, oo webiguna wuu gudhi doonaa oo engegi doonaa.

6 M anmade rivers will smell bad. The small rivers of Egypt will dry up. And the plants by the rivers will waste away.

Oo webiyaashuna way qudhmi doonaan oo durdurrada Masarna way madhan doonaan oo engegi doonaan, oo cawsduurka iyo dareemaduna way wada qallali doonaan.

7 T he grass by the side of the Nile and all that is planted by the Nile will become dry, will be driven away, and be no more.

Oo seeraha Webi Niil oo qarkiisa ku yaal, iyo wax kasta oo lagu beeray Webi Niil agtiisuba way wada engegi doonaan, oo dabayshaa la tegi doonta, oo mar dambena lama arki doono.

8 T he fishermen will cry in sorrow. All those who fish for a living in the Nile River will be filled with sorrow. And those who put out nets on its waters will become weak.

Oo kalluumaystayaashuna way ooyi doonaan, kuwa jillaabka Webi Niil ku rida oo dhammuna way wada barooran doonaan, oo kuwa biyaha korkooda shabagga ku kala bixiyaana way macaluuli doonaan.

9 T hose who make linen and white cloth will be very troubled.

Oo kuwa geed linenka dharka ka sameeya iyo kuwa cudbiga dharka ka sameeyaaba way quusan doonaan.

10 T he pillars of Egypt will be crushed. All the able workmen will be filled with sorrow.

Oo kuwa waddanka tiirarka u ah oo dhammuna way wada jabi doonaan, kuwa kiro u shaqeeyaana way murugoon doonaan.

11 T he king’s sons of Zoan are very foolish. The words of Pharaoh’s wisest men are foolish words. How can you men say to Pharaoh, “I am a son of the wise, a son of early kings”?

Amiirrada Socan waa nacasyo, oo taladii taliyayaasha ugu xigmad badnaa ee Fircoon waxay noqotay doqonnimo. Sidee baad Fircoon ugu tidhaahdaan, Anigu waxaan ahay nin xigmad leh wiilkiis, oo waxaan ahay farcankii boqorradii hore?

12 W here then are your wise men? Let them tell you. And let them understand what the Lord of All has planned against Egypt.

Haddaba meeye raggaaga xigmadda lahu? Oo bal haatan ha kuu sheegeen, oo ha ogaadeen waxa Rabbiga ciidammadu Masar ugu talaggalay.

13 T he king’s sons of Zoan have become fools. The king’s sons of Memphis have been fooled. The heads of her family groups have led Egypt from the right way.

Amiirradii Socan waxay noqdeen nacasyo, oo amiirradii Nofna waa la khiyaaneeyey Masarna waxaa qalday kuwa qabiilooyinkeeda tiirarka u ah.

14 T he Lord has mixed a troubled spirit within her. They have led Egypt the wrong way in all that it does, as a drunk man walks from side to side in what he has spit up.

Oo Rabbigu wuxuu ku dhex qasay wareer, oo iyana waxay Masar shuqulladeedii oo dhan ugu qaldeen sida nin sakhraanu mantaggiisa ugu dhacdhaco oo kale.

15 A nd there will be no work in Egypt and nothing can be done by anyone, its head or tail, its palm branch or river-grass. Good Will Come to Egypt, Assyria and Israel

Oo Masarna laguma arki doono shuqul ay samayn karaan madaxa ama dabadu, laanta ama cawsduurku toona.

16 I n that day the Egyptians will be like women. They will shake with fear because of the hand which the Lord of All is going to wave over them.

Oo wakhtigaas Masriyiintu waxay noqon doonaan sida naago oo kale, oo waxay la gariiri doonaan oo la cabsan doonaan ruxruxidda gacanta Rabbiga ciidammada, oo uu Masar korkeeda ku ruxruxi doono.

17 T he land of Judah will fill Egypt with fear. Whoever hears its name will be afraid of it, because of the plan which the Lord of All is making against them.

Oo dalka Yahuudahna cabsi buu Masar u noqon doonaa, oo mid kasta oo la xusuusiyaaba wuu ka cabsan doonaa, waana talada Rabbiga ciidammadu uu iyaga u goostay aawadeed.

18 I n that day five cities in the land of Egypt will be speaking the language of Canaan and promising to follow the Lord of All. One will be called the City of Destruction.

Oo wakhtigaas waxaa dalka Masar jiri doona shan magaalo oo afka Kancaan ku hadasha oo Rabbiga ciidammada ku dhaarata, oo middoodna waxaa lagu magacaabi doonaa Magaalada baabba'a.

19 I n that day there will be an altar to the Lord in the center of the land of Egypt, and an altar to the Lord by the side of its land.

Oo wakhtigaas dalka Masar dhexdiisa meel allabari baa Rabbiga ugu oolli doonta, oo soohdinteedana waxaa Rabbiga u jiri doona tiir.

20 I t will be something special to see, to make the Lord of All known in the land of Egypt. For they will cry to the Lord because of those who make it hard for them. And He will send a Powerful One to save them, and He will take them out of trouble.

Oo taasu waxay calaamad iyo markhaati dalka Masar dhexdiisa ugu noqon doontaa Rabbiga ciidammada, waayo, kuwa dulma aawadood ayay Rabbiga ugu qayshan doonaan, oo isna wuxuu u soo diri doonaa badbaadiye iyo mid xoog badan, wuuna samatabbixin doonaa.

21 T he Lord will make Himself known to Egypt, and in that day the Egyptians will know the Lord. They will even worship with gifts on the altar. They will make promises to the Lord and keep them.

Oo wakhtigaas ayaa Rabbigu Masriyiinta is-ogeysiin doonaa, oo ay Masriyiintuna Rabbiga aqoon doonaan, oo waxay ku caabudi doonaan allabari iyo qurbaan, oo Rabbiga ayay nidar u nidri doonaan, wayna oofin doonaan.

22 A nd the Lord will punish Egypt, but then He will heal them. So they will return to the Lord, and He will answer their prayers and heal them.

Oo Rabbigu wax buu Masar ku dhufan doonaa, wax buu ku dhufan doonaa, wuuna dawayn doonaa, oo iyana Rabbigay u soo noqon doonaan, oo isna baryootankooda ayuu aqbali doonaa, wuuna bogsiin doonaa.

23 I n that day there will be a road from Egypt to Assyria. The Assyrians will go to Egypt, and the Egyptians will go to Assyria. The Egyptians will worship with the Assyrians.

Oo wakhtigaas waxaa jiri doona jid weyn oo Masar ka baxa oo tan iyo Ashuur gaadha, oo kuwa reer Ashuur ah ayaa Masar geli doona, oo Masriyiintuna reer Ashuur bay Ilaah la caabudi doonaan.

24 I n that day Israel will be the third country with Egypt and Assyria, a good and respected nation on the earth,

Oo wakhtigaas dalka Israa'iil wuxuu saddex ku noqon doonaa Masar iyo Ashuur, oo dhulka dhexdiisana barako buu ku ahaan doonaa,

25 t o whom the Lord of All has brought good, saying, “Good will come to Egypt My people, and Assyria the work of My hands, and Israel My chosen people.”

waayo, Rabbiga ciidammadu wuu barakeeyey, isagoo leh, Barako waxaa leh Masar oo ah dadkayga, iyo Ashuur oo ah shuqulkii gacmahayga, iyo Israa'iil oo ah dhaxalkayga.