Psalm 84 ~ Sabuurradii 84


1 H ow beautiful are the places where You live, O Lord of all!

Rabbiga ciidammadow, taambuugyadaadu sidee bay u yihiin wax la jeclaado!

2 M y soul wants and even becomes weak from wanting to be in the house of the Lord. My heart and my flesh sing for joy to the living God.

Naftaydu waxay u xiisaysan tahay Rabbiga barxadihiisa, Qalbigayga iyo jiidhkayguba waxay u dhawaaqaan Ilaaha nool.

3 E ven the bird has found a home. The swallow has found a nest for herself where she may lay her young at Your altars, O Lord of all, my King and my God.

Haah, shimbirtu waxay nafsaddeeda u heshay guri, Dabafallaadhuna buul ay yaryarkeeda ku dhasho, Kaas oo ah meelaha allabarigaaga, Rabbiga ciidammadow, Boqorkaygiiyow, Ilaahaygiiyow.

4 H ow happy are those who live in Your house! They are always giving thanks to You.

Waxaa barakaysan kuwa gurigaaga deggan, Weligoodba way ku sii ammaani doonaan.

5 H ow happy is the man whose strength is in You and in whose heart are the roads to Zion!

Waxaa barakaysan ninkii xooggiisu xaggaaga ka yimaado, Oo ay jidadka sare oo Siyoon qalbigiisa ku jiraan.

6 A s they pass through the dry valley of Baca, they make it a place of good water. The early rain fills the pools with good also.

Markay dhex maraan Dooxadii Oohinta waxay ka dhigaan meel ilo badan leh, Haah, oo roobka hore ayaa barakooyin ka buuxiya.

7 T hey go from strength to strength. Every one of them stands before God in Zion.

Way xoogaystaan, oo weliba way sii xoogaystaan, Oo midkood kastaaba Ilaah buu ka hor muuqdaa Siyoon dhexdeeda.

8 O Lord God of all, hear my prayer. Listen, O God of Jacob.

Rabbiyow, Ilaaha ciidammadow, baryadayda maqal, Ilaaha Yacquubow, bal dhegta ii dhig, (Selaah)

9 L ook upon our safe-covering, O God. And look upon the face of Your chosen one.

Ilaahow, gaashaankayagiiyow, bal eeg, Oo bal kaaga la subkay wejigiisa fiiri.

10 F or a day in Your house is better than a thousand outside. I would rather be the one who opens the door of the house of my God, than to live in the tents of the sinful.

Waayo, maalin barxadahaaga la joogo way ka sii wanaagsan tahay kun maalmood oo kale. Intaan teendhooyinka sharka joogi lahaa, Waxaan ka sii jeclaan lahaa inaan guriga Ilaah iridjooge u ahaado.

11 F or the Lord God is a sun and a safe-covering. The Lord gives favor and honor. He holds back nothing good from those who walk in the way that is right.

Waayo, Rabbiga Ilaaha ahu waxa weeye qorrax iyo gaashaan, Rabbigu wax wanaagsan kalama hadhi doono kuwa si qumman u socda. Wuxuuna siin doonaa naxariis iyo sharaf.

12 O Lord of all, how happy is the man who trusts in You!

Rabbiga ciidammadow, Waxaa barakaysan ninkii isku kaa halleeya.