Luke 7 ~ Luukos 7


1 W hen Jesus had finished teaching the people, He went back to Capernaum.

Goortuu hadalladiisa ku dhammeeyey dadka dhegaysadkooda ayuu Kafarna'um galay.

2 A captain of the army had a servant whom he thought much of. This servant was very sick and was about to die.

Boqol-u-taliye addoonkiisii uu jeclaa ayaa bukay oo dhimashuu u dhowaa.

3 W hen the captain heard of Jesus, he sent some Jewish leaders to Him. They were to ask if He would come and heal this servant.

Goortuu maqlay wax Ciise ku saabsan, ayuu waayeelladii Yuhuudda u diray isaga, oo ka baryay inuu yimaado oo addoonkiisa bogsiiyo.

4 T hey came to Jesus and begged Him, saying, “The man is respected and should have this done for him.

Goortay Ciise u yimaadeen, aad bay u baryeen oo ku yidhaahdeen, Isagu waa istaahilaa inaad waxaas u yeeshid,

5 H e loves our nation and has built our Jewish place of worship.”

waayo, quruunteenna ayuu jecel yahay, oo sunagog ayuu noo dhisay.

6 J esus went with them. When He was not far from the house, the captain told some friends to tell this to Jesus, “Lord, do not take the time to come to my house, because I am not good enough.

Markaasaa Ciise raacay, oo isagoo aan guriga ka fogayn, ayaa boqol-u-taliyihii saaxiibbo u soo diray oo ku yidhi, Sayidow, ha isdhibin, waayo, anigu ma istaahilo inaad saqafka gurigayga hoostiisa soo gashid.

7 A nd I am not good enough to come to You. But just say the word and my servant will be healed.

Saas aawadeed uma aan malaynaynin inaan istaahilo inaan kuu imaado; laakiin hadal dheh, midiidinkayguna waa bogsan doonaa.

8 F or I am a man who works for someone else also, and I have soldiers who work for me. I say to this man, ‘Go!’ and he goes. I say to another, ‘Come!’ and he comes. I say to my workman, ‘Do this!’ and he does it.”

Waayo, anigu waxaan ahay nin laga sarreeyo, oo askar baa iga hoosaysa. Kan waxaan ku idhaahdaa, Tag, wuuna tagaa; mid kalena, Kaalay, wuuna yimaadaa; midiidinkaygana, Waxan samee, wuuna sameeyaa.

9 J esus was surprised when He heard this. He turned to the people following Him and said, “I tell you, I have not found so much faith even in the Jewish nation.”

Goortuu Ciise taas maqlay, wuu ka yaabay, oo intuu dadkii la socday ku jeestay ayuu ku yidhi, Waxaan idinku leeyahay, Rumaysad sidaas u weyn oo kale reer binu Israa'iil kama dhex helin.

10 T hose who had been sent went back to the captain’s house and found the servant well again. The Son of a Woman Whose Husband Had Died Was Raised from the Dead

Kuwii la soo dirayna kolkay gurigii ku noqdeen, waxay heleen addoonkii oo ladan. Carmalkii Na'in Joogtay Wiilkeedii Waa La Soo Nooleeyey

11 T he next day Jesus went to a city called Nain. His followers and many other people went with Him.

Markii dambe waxaa noqotay inuu galay magaalada Na'in la odhan jiray; waxaana raacay xertiisii, iyo dad badanba.

12 W hen they came near the city gate, a dead man was being carried out. He was the only son of a woman whose husband had died. Many people of the city were with her.

Oo goortuu iriddii magaalada ku soo dhowaaday, waxaa dibadda loo waday nin meyd ah oo madi u ahaa hooyadiis; iyaduna waxay ahayd carmal. Oo waxaa iyada la jiray dad badan oo magaalada.

13 W hen the Lord saw her, He had loving-pity for her and said, “Do not cry.”

Rabbigu goortuu arkay iyada, ayuu u naxariistay oo ku yidhi, Ha ooyin.

14 H e went and put His hand on the box in which the dead man was carried. The men who were carrying it, stopped. Jesus said, “Young man, I say to you, get up!”

Oo intuu ku soo dhowaaday, ayuu taabtay rabrabtii. Kuwii sidayna way joogsadeen. Markaasuu yidhi, Dhallinyarow, waxaan kugu leeyahay, Kac.

15 T he man who was dead sat up and began to talk. Then Jesus gave him to his mother.

Kolkaasaa kii dhintay sara fadhiistay oo bilaabay inuu hadlo, oo markaasaa Ciise isagii u dhiibay hooyadiis.

16 E veryone was afraid and they gave thanks to God. They said, “A great Man Who speaks for God has come among us! God has cared for His people!”

Kulligood baqdin baa ku wada dhacday, oo Ilaah bay ammaaneen iyagoo leh, Nebi weyn ayaa dhexdeenna ka kacay. Ilaahna waa soo booqday dadkiisa.

17 T he news about Jesus went through all the country of Judea and over all the land. John the Baptist Asks about Jesus

Warkaas isaga ku saabsan ayaa gaadhay Yahuudiya oo dhan iyo dhulka ku wareegsan oo dhan. Yooxanaa Baabtiisaha

18 T he followers of John the Baptist told him about all these things.

Yooxanaa xertiisa ayaa waxaas oo dhan uga warrantay.

19 J ohn called two of his followers and sent them to Jesus to ask, “Are You the One Who is to come? Or are we to look for another?”

Markaasaa Yooxanaa wuxuu u yeedhay laba xertiisii ah oo Ciise u soo diray, oo ku yidhi, Miyaad tahay kan imanaya mise mid kalaannu dhawrnaa?

20 T he men came to Jesus and said, “John the Baptist sent us to ask You, ‘Are You the One Who is to come? Or are we to look for another?’”

Nimankii goortay u yimaadeen, waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Yooxanaa Baabtiisaha ayaa noo soo kaa diray isagoo leh, Miyaad tahay kan imanaya mise mid kalaannu dhawrnaa?

21 A t that time Jesus was healing many people of all kinds of sickness and disease and was putting out demons. Many that were blind were able to see.

Saacaddaas qudheeda ayuu dad badan ka bogsiiyey bukaankooda iyo cudurradooda iyo jinniyadooda sharka leh. Indhoolayaal badanna wuxuu ugu roonaaday inay wax arkaan.

22 J esus said to John’s followers, “Go back to John the Baptist and tell him what you have seen and heard. Tell him the blind are made to see. Those who could not walk, are walking. Those with a bad skin disease are healed. Those who could not hear, are hearing. The dead are raised to life and poor people have the Good News preached to them.

Markaasaa Ciise u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Taga oo Yooxanaa uga warrama waxaad aragteen iyo waxaad maqasheen. Kuwii indhaha la'aa wax bay arkaan, kuwii lugahala'aana way socdaan, kuwii baraska qabayna waa la nadiifiyey, kuwii dhegahala'aana wax bay maqlaan, kuwii dhintayna waa la kiciyey, masaakiintana injiilka waa lagu wacdiyaa,

23 T he person who is not ashamed of Me and does not turn away from Me is happy.” Jesus Tells about John the Baptist

oo waxaana barakaysan kan aan iga xumaanin.

24 A s John’s followers were going away, Jesus began to tell the people about John the Baptist. He said, “Why did you go out to the desert? Did you go out to see a small tree moving in the wind?

Kuwii Yooxanaa diray goortay tageen, wuxuu bilaabay inuu dadkii badnaa wax uga sheego Yooxanaa. Maxaad cidlada ugu baxdeen? Ma waxay ahayd inaad soo aragtaan cawsduur dabaylu ruxayso?

25 W hat did you go out to see? A man dressed in good clothes? Those who are dressed in good clothes are in the houses of kings.

Laakiin maxaad u baxdeen? Ma waxay ahayd inaad soo aragtaan nin dhar jilicsan qaba? Kuwa dharka wanaagsan qaba oo hodan ku nool waxay joogaan guryaha boqorrada.

26 B ut what did you go to see? One who speaks for God? Yes, I tell you, he is more than one who speaks for God.

Laakiin maxaad u baxdeen? Ma waxay ahayd inaad nebi soo aragtaan? Haah, waxaan idinku leeyahay, Mid nebi ka sarreeya.

27 T his is the man the Holy Writings spoke of when they said, ‘See! I will send My helper to carry news ahead of You. He will make Your way ready for You!’

Kanu waa kii laga qoray, Eeg, waxaan hortaada soo dirayaa wargeeyahayga, Kan jidkaaga ku sii diyaargarayn doona hortaada.

28 I tell you, of those born of women, there is no one greater than John the Baptist. The least in the holy nation of God is greater than he.”

Waxaan idinku leeyahay, Intii dumar ka dhalatay, mid Yooxanaa ka weyn ma jiro, laakiin kan boqortooyada Ilaah ugu yar ayaa ka weyn.

29 A ll the people who heard Jesus and those who gathered taxes showed they knew God was right and were baptized by John.

Dadkii maqlay oo dhan iyo cashuurqaadayaashiiba waxay caddeeyeen inuu Ilaah yahay xaq, iyagoo ah kuwii lagu baabtiisay baabtiiskii Yooxanaa.

30 B ut the proud religious law-keepers and the men who knew the Law would not listen. They would not be baptized by John and they did not receive what God had for them. Jesus Speaks Against the People of This Day

Laakiin Farrisiintii iyo kuwii sharciga yiqiin ayaa waanadii Ilaah naftooda darteed u diiday iyagoo aan Yooxanaa baabtiisin.

31 T hen the Lord said, “What are the people of this day like?

Haddaba maxaan nimanka qarnigan u ekaysiiyaa? Maxay u eg yihiin?

32 T hey are like children playing in front of stores. They call to their friends, ‘We have played music for you, but you did not dance. We have had sorrow for you, but you did not have sorrow.’

Waxay u eg yihiin carruur suuqa fadhida oo isu yeedhyeedhaysa iyagoo leh, Biibiile baannu idiin yeedhinnay, oo waad cayaari weydeen, waannu baroorannay oo waad ooyi weydeen.

33 J ohn the Baptist did not come eating bread or drinking wine and you say, ‘He has a demon.’

Waayo, Yooxanaa Baabtiisaha waa yimid isagoo aan kibis cunaynin oo aan khamri cabbaynin; waxaadna tidhaahdaan, Jinni buu qabaa.

34 T he Son of Man came eating and drinking and you say, ‘See! He likes food and wine. He is a friend of men who gather taxes and of sinners!’

Wiilka Aadanahu waa yimid isagoo wax cunaya oo cabbaya, waxaadna tidhaahdaan, Eeg, waa nin cir weyn oo khamriyacab ah oo saaxiib la ah cashuurqaadayaal iyo dembilayaal.

35 W isdom is shown to be right by those who are wise.” A Woman Puts Special Perfume on the Feet of Jesus

Xigmaddu inay xaq tahay waa laga caddeeyey xaggii carruurteeda oo dhan. Cagasubkintii Ciise Iyo Masaalka Ku Saabsan Labadii Nin Oo Daynka Qabtay

36 O ne of the proud religious law-keepers wanted Jesus to eat with him. Jesus went to his house and sat down to eat.

Farrisiinta midkood ayaa weyddiistay inuu wax la cuno, wuuna galay gurigii Farrisiga oo cunto u fadhiistay.

37 T here was a woman in the city who was a sinner. She knew Jesus was eating in the house of the proud religious law-keeper. She brought a jar of special perfume.

Bal eeg, naag magaalada joogtay oo dembi lahayd goortay ogaatay inuu gurigii Farrisiga cunto u fadhiyo, waxay soo qaadatay weel alabastar ah oo cadar ku jiro.

38 T hen she stood behind Him by His feet and cried. Her tears wet His feet and she dried them with her hair. She kissed His feet and put the special perfume on them.

Way isdaba taagtay cagihiisa agtooda iyadoo ooyaysa, waxayna bilaabtay inay ilmada cagihiisa ku qoyso, oo ay timaha madaxeeda ku tirtirto, oo cagihiisay dhunkatay, oo cadarkii marisay.

39 T he proud religious law-keeper who had asked Jesus to eat with him saw this. He said to himself, “If this Man were One Who speaks for God, He would know who and what kind of a woman put her hands on Him. She is a sinner.”

Farrisigii u yeedhay isaga, goortuu arkay, ayuu isla hadlay isagoo leh, Ninkan hadduu nebi yahay, wuu ogaan lahaa naagtan taataabatay cid ay tahay iyo waxay tahay inay tahay dembile.

40 J esus said to him, “I have something to say to you, Simon.” And Simon said, “Teacher, say it.”

Ciise baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Simoonow, hal baan ku leeyahay. Wuxuu yidhi, Dheh, Macallimow.

41 There were two men who owed a certain man some money. The one man owed 500 pieces of silver money. The other man owed 50 pieces of silver money.

Waxaa jiray amaahiye laba nin amaah ku lahaa, mid wuxuu ku lahaa shan boqol oo dinaar, midka kalena konton.

42 N either one of them had any money, so he told them they did not have to pay him back. Tell Me, which one would love him the most?”

Goortii ay waayeen waxay bixiyaan, ayuu labadoodiiba u dhaafay. Haddaba iyamaa ahaan doona kan jacayl badan?

43 S imon said, “I think it would be the one who owed the most.” And Jesus said to him, “You have said the right thing.”

Simoon baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waxaan u malaynayaa, kan uu wax badan u dhaafay. Wuxuu ku yidhi, Si hagaagsan baad u qiyaastay.

44 H e turned to the woman and said to Simon, “Do you see this woman? I came into your house and you gave Me no water to wash My feet. She washed My feet with her tears and dried them with the hairs of her head.

Kolkaasuu naagtii u jeestay, oo wuxuu Simoon ku yidhi, Naagtan ma aragtaa? Anigu gurigaagaan galay; biyo cagahayga iima aad siin, laakiin iyadu cagahayga ayay ilmadeeda ku qoysay oo ay timaheeda ku tirtirtay.

45 Y ou gave me no kiss, but this woman has kissed my feet from the time I came in.

Dhunkasho ima aad dhunkan, iyaduse tan iyo wakhtigaan soo galay kama dayn inay cagahayga dhunkato.

46 Y ou did not put even oil on My head but this woman has put special perfume on My feet.

Madaxaygana saliid ma aad marin, iyaduse cagahayga ayay cadar marisay.

47 I tell you, her many sins are forgiven because she loves much. But the one who has been forgiven little, loves little.”

Sidaa darteed waxaan kugu leeyahay, Dembiyadeedii badnaa waa cafiyan yihiin, waayo, aad bay u jeclayd. Kii wax yar loo dhaafay, ayaa wax yar jecel.

48 T hen He said to the woman, “Your sins are forgiven.”

Wuxuu iyada ku yidhi, Dembiyadaadii waa cafiyan yihiin.

49 T hose who were eating with Him began to say to themselves, “Who is this Man Who even forgives sins?”

Kuwii cunto ula fadhiyey waxay bilaabeen inay isku yidhaahdaan, Yuu yahay kan dembiyo cafiya haddana?

50 H e said to the woman, “Your faith has saved you from the punishment of sin. Go in peace.”

Wuxuu naagtii ku yidhi, Rumaysadkaaga ayaa ku badbaadiyey ee nabad ku tag.