Juan 16 ~ John 16


1 Estas cosas les he dicho para que no tengan tropiezo (no sean escandalizados).

“I have told you these things so you will not be ashamed of Me and leave Me.

2 L os expulsarán de las sinagogas; pero viene la hora cuando cualquiera que los mate pensará que así rinde un servicio a Dios.

They will put you out of the places of worship. The time will come when anyone who kills you will think he is helping God.

3 Y harán estas cosas porque no han conocido ni al Padre ni a Mí.

They will do these things to you because they do not know the Father or Me.

4 P ero les he dicho estas cosas para que cuando llegue la hora, se acuerden de que ya les había hablado de ellas. Y no les dije estas cosas al principio, porque Yo estaba con ustedes.

“When these things happen, you will remember I told you they would happen. That is why I am telling you about these things now. I did not tell you these things before, because I was with you.

5 Pero ahora voy al que Me envió, y ninguno de ustedes Me pregunta: ‘¿Adónde vas ?’

But now I am going to Him Who sent Me. Yet none of you asks Me, ‘Where are You going?’ The Three Kinds of Work of the Holy Spirit

6 P ero porque les he dicho estas cosas, la tristeza ha llenado su corazón. La Obra del Espíritu Santo

“Your hearts are full of sorrow because I am telling you these things.

7 P ero Yo les digo la verdad: les conviene que Yo me vaya; porque si no me voy, el Consolador (Intercesor) no vendrá a ustedes; pero si me voy, se Lo enviaré.

I tell you the truth. It is better for you that I go away. If I do not go, the Helper will not come to you. If I go, I will send Him to you.

8 Y cuando El venga, convencerá (culpará) al mundo de pecado, de justicia y de juicio;

When the Helper comes, He will show the world the truth about sin. He will show the world about being right with God. And He will show the world what it is to be guilty.

9 d e pecado, porque no creen en Mí;

He will show the world about sin, because they do not put their trust in Me.

10 d e justicia, porque Yo voy al Padre y ustedes no Me verán más;

He will show the world about being right with God, because I go to My Father and you will see Me no more.

11 y de juicio, porque el príncipe de este mundo ha sido juzgado.

He will show the world what it is to be guilty because the leader of this world (Satan) is guilty. The Holy Spirit Will Give Honor to the Son

12 Aún tengo muchas cosas que decirles, pero ahora no las pueden soportar.

“I still have many things to say to you. You are not strong enough to understand them now.

13 P ero cuando El, el Espíritu de verdad venga, los guiará a toda la verdad, porque no hablará por Su propia cuenta, sino que hablará todo lo que oiga, y les hará saber lo que habrá de venir.

The Holy Spirit is coming. He will lead you into all truth. He will not speak His Own words. He will speak what He hears. He will tell you of things to come.

14 E l Me glorificará, porque tomará de lo Mío y se lo hará saber a ustedes.

He will honor Me. He will receive what is Mine and will tell it to you.

15 T odo lo que tiene el Padre es Mío; por eso dije que El toma de lo Mío y se lo hará saber a ustedes.

Everything the Father has is Mine. That is why I said to you, ‘He will receive what is Mine and will tell it to you.’ Jesus Tells of His Death

16 Un poco más, y ya no Me verán; y de nuevo un poco, y Me verán.”

“In a little while you will not see Me. Then in a little while you will see Me again.”

17 E ntonces algunos de Sus discípulos se decían unos a otros: “¿Qué es esto que nos dice: ‘Un poco más, y no Me verán, y de nuevo un poco, y Me verán ’ y ‘Porque Yo voy al Padre ’?”

Some of His followers said to each other, “What is He trying to tell us when He says, ‘In a little while you will not see Me, and in a little while you will see Me again,’ and ‘Because I go to My Father’ ?”

18 P or eso decían: “¿Qué es esto que dice: ‘Un poco’ ? No sabemos de qué habla.”

So they said, “What is He trying to tell us by saying, ‘A little while’ ? We do not know what He is talking about.”

19 J esús sabía que querían preguntarle, y les dijo: “¿Están discutiendo entre ustedes sobre esto, porque dije: ‘Un poco más, y no Me verán, y de nuevo un poco, y Me verán’?

Jesus knew they wanted to ask Him something. He said to them, “Are you asking each other why I said, ‘In a little while you will not see Me, and in a little while you will see Me again’?

20 E n verdad les digo, que llorarán y se lamentarán, pero el mundo se alegrará; ustedes estarán tristes, pero su tristeza se convertirá en alegría.

For sure, I tell you, you will cry and have sorrow, but the world will have joy. You will have sorrow, but your sorrow will turn into joy.

21 C uando la mujer está para dar a luz, tiene aflicción, porque ha llegado su hora; pero cuando da a luz al niño, ya no se acuerda de la angustia, por la alegría de que un niño haya nacido en el mundo.

When a woman gives birth to a child, she has sorrow because her time has come. After the child is born, she forgets her pain. She is full of joy because a child has been born into the world.

22 P or tanto, ahora ustedes tienen también aflicción; pero Yo los veré otra vez, y su corazón se alegrará, y nadie les quitará su gozo.

You are sad now. I will see you again and then your hearts will be full of joy. No one can take your joy from you. Asking and Receiving

23 E n aquel día no Me preguntarán nada. En verdad les digo, que si piden algo al Padre en Mi nombre, El se lo dará.

“When the time comes that you see Me again, you will ask Me no question. For sure, I tell you, My Father will give you whatever you ask in My name.

24 H asta ahora nada han pedido en Mi nombre; pidan y recibirán, para que su gozo sea completo.

Until now you have not asked for anything in My name. Ask and you will receive. Then your joy will be full.

25 Estas cosas les he hablado en lenguaje figurado (en proverbios); viene el tiempo cuando no les hablaré más en lenguaje figurado, sino que les hablaré del Padre claramente.

“I have told you these things in picture-stories. The time is coming when I will not use picture-stories. I will talk about My Father in plain words.

26 E n ese día pedirán en Mi nombre, y no les digo que Yo rogaré al Padre por ustedes,

In that day you will ask in My name. I will not ask the Father for you

27 p ues el Padre mismo los ama, porque ustedes Me han amado y han creído que Yo salí del Padre.

because the Father loves you. He loves you because you love Me and believe that I came from the Father. Jesus Tells of His Going

28 S alí del Padre y he venido al mundo; de nuevo, dejo el mundo y voy al Padre.”

“I came from the Father and have come into the world. I am leaving the world and going to the Father.”

29 S us discípulos Le dijeron: “Ahora hablas claramente y no usas lenguaje figurado (un proverbio).

His followers said to Him, “Now You are talking in plain words. You are not using picture-stories.

30 A hora entendemos que Tú sabes todas las cosas, y no necesitas que nadie Te pregunte; por esto creemos que Tú viniste de Dios.”

Now we are sure You know everything. You do not need anyone to tell You anything. Because of this we believe that You came from God.”

31 J esús les respondió: “¿Ahora creen?

Jesus said to them, “Do you believe now?

32 M iren, la hora viene, y ya ha llegado, en que serán esparcidos, cada uno por su lado, y Me dejarán solo; y sin embargo no estoy solo, porque el Padre está conmigo.

The time is coming, yes, it is already here when you will be going your own way. Everyone will go to his own house and leave Me alone. Yet I am not alone because the Father is with Me.

33 E stas cosas les he hablado para que en Mí tengan paz. En el mundo tienen tribulación; pero confíen, Yo he vencido al mundo.”

I have told you these things so you may have peace in Me. In the world you will have much trouble. But take hope! I have power over the world!”