Isaías 26 ~ Isaiah 26


1 E n aquel día se cantará este cántico en la tierra de Judá: “Ciudad fuerte tenemos; Para protección El pone murallas y baluartes.

In that day this song will be sung in the land of Judah: “We have a strong city. The Lord saves us and puts up walls to keep us safe.

2 A bran las puertas para que pueda entrar la nación justa, La que permanece fiel.

Open the gates, that the nation that is right with God may come in, the one that keeps faithful.

3 A l de firme propósito guardarás en perfecta paz, Porque en Ti confía.

You will keep the man in perfect peace whose mind is kept on You, because he trusts in You.

4 C onfíen en el Señor para siempre, Porque en Dios el Señor, tenemos una Roca eterna.

Trust in the Lord forever. For the Lord God is a Rock that lasts forever.

5 P orque El ha abatido a los que moran en lo alto, a la ciudad inconmovible; La humilla, la humilla hasta la tierra, la derriba hasta el polvo,

For He has brought down low those who live on a high place, the high city. He lays it low. He lays it low to the ground. He throws it to the dust.

6 Y la pisotearán los pies, Los pies de los afligidos, las pisadas de los desvalidos.”

It will be crushed under foot, under the feet of those who have suffered and the steps of those who cannot help themselves.”

7 L a senda del justo es rectitud. Tú, que eres recto, allana el sendero del justo.

The way of the man who is right with God is smooth. O Upright One, make the path straight of those who are right with You.

8 C iertamente, siguiendo la senda de Tus juicios, Oh Señor, Te hemos esperado. Tu nombre y Tu memoria son el anhelo del alma.

While following in Your ways, O Lord, we have waited for You. To remember You and Your name is the desire of our souls.

9 E n la noche Te desea mi alma, En verdad mi espíritu dentro de mí Te busca con diligencia. Porque cuando la tierra tiene conocimiento de Tus juicios, Aprenden justicia los habitantes del mundo.

My soul has a desire for You in the night. Yes, my spirit within me looks for You in the morning. For when you punish the earth, the people of the world learn what is right and good.

10 A unque se le muestre piedad al impío, No aprende justicia. Obra injustamente en tierra de rectitud, Y no ve la majestad del Señor.

When favor is shown to the sinful, he does not learn what is right and good. He goes on doing what is wrong in the land of those who are right. He does not see the wonderful power of the Lord.

11 O h Señor, levantada está Tu mano, mas ellos no la ven. Que vean Tu celo por el pueblo y se avergüencen. Ciertamente el fuego devorará a Tus enemigos.

O Lord, Your hand is lifted up but they do not see it. Let them see Your care for Your people and be ashamed. Let fire destroy those who hate You.

12 S eñor, Tú establecerás paz para nosotros, Ya que también todas nuestras obras Tú las hiciste por nosotros.

O Lord, You will give us peace, for You have done all our works for us.

13 O h Señor, Dios nuestro, otros señores fuera de Ti nos han gobernado. Pero sólo en Ti confesamos Tu nombre.

O Lord our God, other lords than You have ruled us, but Your name alone is the One we honor.

14 L os muertos no vivirán, los espíritus no se levantarán, Pues los castigaste y destruiste, Y has borrado todo recuerdo de ellos.

They are dead, and will not live. Their spirits will not return. So You have punished and destroyed them. You have caused them all to be forgotten.

15 H as aumentado la nación, oh Señor, Has aumentado la nación, Te has glorificado, Has ensanchado todos los límites de la tierra.

You have made the nation great, O Lord. You have made the nation great. You have received much praise. You have made the land larger.

16 O h Señor, en la angustia Te buscaron. Apenas susurraban una oración, Cuando Tu castigo estaba sobre ellos.

O Lord, they looked for You in their trouble. They could only say a quiet prayer while You were punishing them.

17 C omo la mujer encinta, al acercarse el momento de dar a luz, Se retuerce y grita en sus dolores de parto, Así éramos nosotros delante de Ti, oh Señor.

As the woman who is going to have a baby comes close to the time to give birth, she suffers and cries out in her pains. This is how we were before You, O Lord.

18 E stábamos encinta, nos retorcíamos en los dolores, Dimos a luz, al parecer, sólo viento. No logramos liberación para la tierra, Ni nacieron habitantes del mundo.

We suffered in pain. We gave birth, as it were, only to wind. We could not bring the world out of its trouble. And no people of the earth were born.

19 T us muertos vivirán, Sus cadáveres se levantarán. ¡Moradores del polvo, despierten y den gritos de júbilo!, Porque tu rocío es como el rocío del alba, Y la tierra dará a luz a los espíritus.

Your dead will live. Their dead bodies will rise. You who lie in the dust, wake up and call out for joy. For as the water on the grass in the morning brings new life, the earth will bring back to life those who have been dead. Punishment of Sinners

20 V en, pueblo mío, entra en tus aposentos Y cierra tras ti tus puertas; Escóndete por corto tiempo Hasta que pase la indignación.

Come, my people, go into your rooms. Close your doors behind you. Hide for a little while until God’s anger is past.

21 P orque el Señor va a salir de Su lugar Para castigar la iniquidad de los habitantes de la tierra, Y la tierra pondrá de manifiesto su sangre derramada Y no ocultará más a sus asesinados.

For see, the Lord is about to come out from His place to punish the people of the earth for their sin. And the earth will let the blood be seen that has poured on her. She will no longer cover her dead.