Salmos 112 ~ Psalm 112


1 ¡ Aleluya! Cuán bienaventurado es el hombre que teme al Señor, Que mucho se deleita en Sus mandamientos.

Praise the Lord! How happy is the man who honors the Lord with fear and finds joy in His Law!

2 P oderosa en la tierra será su descendencia; La generación de los rectos será bendita.

His children will be powerful in the land. Each family who is right will be happy.

3 B ienes y riquezas hay en su casa, Y su justicia permanece para siempre.

Riches and well-being are in his house. And his right-standing with God will last forever.

4 L uz resplandece en las tinieblas para el que es recto; El es clemente, compasivo y justo.

Light rises even in darkness for the one who is right. He is kind and has loving-pity and does what is right.

5 B ien le va al hombre que se apiada y presta; Arreglará sus asuntos con juicio.

Good will come to the man who is ready to give much, and fair in what he does.

6 P orque nunca será sacudido; Para siempre será recordado el justo.

He will never be shaken. The man who is right and good will be remembered forever.

7 N o temerá recibir malas noticias; Su corazón está firme, confiado en el Señor.

He will not be afraid of bad news. His heart is strong because he trusts in the Lord.

8 S u corazón está seguro, no temerá, Hasta que vea vencidos a sus adversarios.

His heart will not be shaken. He will not be afraid and will watch those lose who fight against him.

9 C on liberalidad ha dado a los pobres; Su justicia permanece para siempre; Su poder será exaltado con honor.

He has given much to the poor. His right-standing with God lasts forever. His horn will be lifted high in honor.

10 L o verá el impío y se irritará; Rechinará los dientes y se consumirá; El deseo de los impíos perecerá.

The sinful man will see it and be troubled and angry. He will grind his teeth and waste away. The desire of the sinful will come to nothing.