Salmos 49 ~ Psalm 49


1 O igan esto, pueblos todos; Escuchen, habitantes todos del mundo,

Hear this, all people. Listen, all who live in the world,

2 T anto humildes como encumbrados, Ricos y pobres juntos.

both small and great, rich and poor together.

3 M i boca hablará sabiduría, Y la meditación de mi corazón será entendimiento.

My mouth will speak wisdom. And the thoughts of my heart will be understanding.

4 I nclinaré al proverbio mi oído, Con el arpa declararé mi enigma.

I will turn my ear to a wise saying. With a harp, I will tell what is hard to understand.

5 ¿ Por qué he de temer en los días de adversidad Cuando la iniquidad de mis enemigos me rodee,

Why should I be afraid in the days of trouble, when the sin of those who hate me is all around me?

6 D e los que confían en sus bienes Y se jactan de la abundancia de sus riquezas?

They trust in their riches, and are proud of all they have.

7 N adie puede en manera alguna redimir a su hermano, Ni dar a Dios rescate por él,

No man can save his brother. No man can pay God enough to save him.

8 P orque la redención de su alma es muy costosa, Y debe abandonar el intento para siempre,

The cost is much for his soul to be saved. Man should stop trying

9 P ara que viva eternamente, Para que no vea corrupción.

to live forever and not see the grave.

10 P orque él ve que aun los sabios mueren; El torpe y el necio perecen de igual manera, Y dejan sus riquezas a otros.

For he sees that even wise men die. The fool and those who cannot think well die alike. And they leave their riches to others.

11 S u íntimo pensamiento es que sus casas serán eternas, Y sus moradas por todas las generaciones; A sus tierras han dado sus nombres.

They think in their hearts that their houses will last forever, and that the places where they live will last for all their children to follow. They have used their own names to name their lands.

12 P ero el hombre, en su vanagloria, no permanecerá; Es como las bestias que perecen.

But man with all his honor does not last. He is like the animals that die.

13 E ste es el camino de los insensatos, Y de los que después de ellos aprueban sus palabras. (Selah)

This is the way of the foolish, and of those after them who believe in their words.

14 C omo ovejas son destinados para el Seol, La muerte los pastoreará, Los rectos los regirán por la mañana; Su forma será para que el Seol la consuma, De modo que no tienen morada.

Like sheep they are meant for the grave. Death will be their shepherd. And those who are right with God will rule over them in the morning. Their bodies will be eaten by the grave, so that they have no place to stay.

15 P ero Dios redimirá mi alma del poder del Seol, Pues El me recibirá. (Selah)

But God will free my soul from the power of the grave. For He will take me to Himself.

16 N o temas cuando alguien se enriquece, Cuando la gloria de su casa aumenta;

Do not be afraid when a man becomes rich and when his house grows in greatness.

17 P orque nada se llevará cuando muera, Ni su gloria descenderá con él.

For when he dies he will take nothing with him. His greatness will not go down with him.

18 A unque mientras viva, a sí mismo se felicite (y aunque los hombres te alaben cuando prosperes),

Even if while he lives, he thinks good of himself, and even though men praise you when you do well for yourself,

19 I rá a reunirse con la generación de sus padres, Quienes nunca verán la luz.

he will go and join the family of his fathers. They will never see the light.

20 E l hombre en su vanagloria, pero sin entendimiento, Es como las bestias que perecen.

Man with all his honor, yet without understanding, is like the animals that die.