Amós 8 ~ Amos 8


1 E sto me mostró el Señor Dios: Miré una canasta de fruta de verano,

This is what the Lord God showed me: There was a basket of summer fruit.

2 y El me preguntó: “¿Qué ves, Amós?” “Una canasta de fruta de verano,” respondí. Entonces el Señor me dijo: “Ha llegado el fin para Mi pueblo Israel. Ya no volveré a dejarlos sin castigo.

And the Lord said, “What do you see, Amos?” I said, “A basket of summer fruit.” Then the Lord said to me, “The end has come for My people Israel. I will not change My mind again about punishing them.

3 L os cantos del palacio se convertirán en gemido en aquel día,” declara el Señor Dios. “Muchos serán los cadáveres; en todo lugar los echarán fuera en silencio.”

The songs of the king’s house will become loud cries of sorrow on that day,” says the Lord God. “There will be many dead bodies. In every place they will be thrown out without a word.”

4 O igan esto, los que pisotean a los menesterosos, y quieren exterminar a los pobres de la tierra,

Hear this, you who crush under foot those who are in need, to put an end to the poor of the land.

5 d iciendo: “¿Cuándo pasará la luna nueva Para vender el grano, Y el día de reposo para abrir el mercado de trigo, Achicar el efa (una medida de 22 litros), aumentar el siclo (moneda Hebrea, 11. 4 gr de plata) Y engañar con balanzas falsas;

You say, “When will the New Moon be over, so that we may buy grain? When will the Day of Rest be over, so that we may open the store and sell grain? Then we will make the basket smaller and the weight bigger, and we will lie about the weight.

6 P ara comprar por dinero a los desvalidos Y a los pobres por un par de sandalias, Y vender los desechos del trigo?”

We will buy the poor for money, and those in need for shoes. And we will sell the part of the grain that is of no worth.”

7 E l Señor ha jurado por el orgullo de Jacob: “Ciertamente, nunca me olvidaré de ninguna de sus obras.

The Lord has promised by the pride of Jacob, “For sure I will never forget anything they have done.

8 ¿ No temblará por esto la tierra, Y hará duelo todo aquél que habita en ella ? Subirá toda ella como el Nilo, Se agitará Y disminuirá como el Nilo de Egipto.

Will not the land shake because of this? Will not everyone who lives in it be filled with sorrow? All of it will rise up like the Nile. It will be troubled, and will fall like the Nile River of Egypt.

9 Y sucederá que en aquel día,” declara el Señor Dios, “Yo haré que el sol se ponga al mediodía Y que la tierra en pleno día se oscurezca.

On that day,” says the Lord God, “I will make the sun go down at noon. I will make the earth dark in the daytime.

10 E ntonces cambiaré sus fiestas en llanto Y todos sus cantos en lamento. Pondré cilicio sobre todo lomo Y calvicie sobre toda cabeza. Haré que sea como duelo por hijo único, Y su fin, como día de amargura.

I will turn your special suppers into times of sorrow, and all your songs into songs of sorrow. I will make all of you wear cloth made from hair, and cut all the hair from your heads. I will fill that time with sorrow, as if an only son had died. And the end of it will be like a bitter day.

11 Vienen días,” declara el Señor Dios, “en que enviaré hambre sobre la tierra, No hambre de pan, ni sed de agua, Sino de oír las palabras del Señor.

“The days are coming,” says the Lord God, “when I will send a time upon the land when the people will be very hungry. They will not be hungry for bread or thirsty for water, but they will be hungry to hear the Words of the Lord.

12 L a gente vagará de mar a mar, Y del norte hasta el oriente; Andarán de aquí para allá en busca de la palabra del Señor, Pero no la encontrarán.

People will go from sea to sea, and from the north to the east. They will go from place to place to look for the Word of the Lord, but they will not find it.

13 E n aquel día las vírgenes hermosas Y los jóvenes desfallecerán de sed.

On that day the beautiful, pure, young women and the young men will lose their strength and fall because of thirst.

14 L os que juran por el pecado de Samaria, Y dicen: ‘Viva tu dios, oh Dan,’ Y ‘Viva el camino de Beerseba,’ Caerán y nunca más se levantarán.”

As for those who swear by the false gods of Samaria, saying, ‘As your god lives, O Dan,’ and ‘As the way of Beersheba lives,’ they will fall and never rise again.”