Mateo 27 ~ Matthew 27


1 C uando llegó la mañana, todos los principales sacerdotes y los ancianos del pueblo celebraron consejo para dar muerte a Jesús.

Early in the morning all the head religious leaders of the Jews and the leaders of the people gathered together and talked about how they could put Jesus to death.

2 Y después de atar a Jesús, Lo llevaron y Lo entregaron a Pilato, el gobernador. Muerte de Judas

They tied Him and took Him away. Then they handed Him over to Pilate who was the leader of the country.

3 E ntonces Judas, el que Lo había entregado, viendo que Jesús había sido condenado, sintió remordimiento y devolvió las treinta monedas de plata (30 siclos: 432 gramos de plata) a los principales sacerdotes y a los ancianos,

Then Judas was sorry he had handed Jesus over when he saw that Jesus was going to be killed. He took back the thirty pieces of silver and gave it to the head religious leaders and the other leaders.

4 He pecado entregando sangre inocente,” dijo Judas. “A nosotros, ¿qué? ¡Allá tú!” dijeron ellos.

He said, “I have sinned because I handed over a Man Who has done no wrong.” And they said, “What is that to us? That is your own doing.”

5 Y arrojando las monedas de plata en el santuario, Judas se marchó; y fue y se ahorcó.

He threw the money down in the house of God and went outside. Then he went away and killed himself by hanging from a rope.

6 L os principales sacerdotes tomaron las monedas de plata, y dijeron: “No es lícito ponerlas en el tesoro del templo, puesto que es precio de sangre.”

The head religious leaders took the money. They said, “It is against the Law to put this money in the house of God. This money has bought blood.”

7 Y después de discutirlo, compraron con ellas el Campo del Alfarero para sepultura de los extranjeros.

They talked about what to do with the money. Then they decided to buy land to bury strangers in.

8 P or eso ese campo se ha llamado Campo de Sangre hasta hoy.

Because of this, that land is called the Field of Blood to this day.

9 E ntonces se cumplió lo anunciado por medio del profeta Jeremías, cuando dijo: “ Y tomaron las treinta monedas de plata, el precio de aquel cuyo precio habia sido fijado por los Israelitas;

It happened as the early preacher Jeremiah said it would happen. He said, “And they took the thirty pieces of silver which was the price the Jews said they would pay for Him.

10 y las dieron por el Campo del Alfarero, como el Señor me habia ordenado.” Jesús ante Pilato

And they bought land to bury strangers in, as the Lord told me.”

11 J esús fue llevado delante del gobernador (Pilato), y éste Lo interrogó: “¿Eres Tú el Rey de los Judíos ?” “Tú lo dices,” le contestó Jesús.

Then Jesus stood in front of the leader of the country. The leader asked Jesus, “Are You the King of the Jews?” Jesus said to him, “What you say is true.”

12 A l ser acusado por los principales sacerdotes y los ancianos, nada respondió.

When the head religious leaders and the other leaders spoke against Him, He said nothing.

13 E ntonces Pilato Le dijo: “¿No oyes cuántas cosas testifican contra Ti?”

Then Pilate said to Him, “Do You not hear all these things they are saying against You?”

14 J esús no le respondió ni a una sola pregunta, por lo que el gobernador estaba muy asombrado. Jesús o Barrabás

Jesus did not say a word. The leader was much surprised and wondered about it. Jesus or Barabbas Is to Go Free

15 A hora bien, en cada fiesta, el gobernador acostumbraba soltar un preso al pueblo, el que ellos quisieran.

At the special supper each year the leader of the country would always let one person who was in prison go free. It would be the one the people wanted.

16 T enían entonces un preso famoso, llamado Barrabás.

They had a man who was known by all the people whose name was Barabbas.

17 P or lo cual, cuando ellos se reunieron, Pilato les dijo: “¿A quién quieren que les suelte: a Barrabás o a Jesús, llamado el Cristo ?”

When they were gathered together, Pilate said to them, “Whom do you want me to let go free? Should it be Barabbas or Jesus Who is called Christ?”

18 P orque él sabía que Lo habían entregado por envidia.

For the leader of the country knew the religious leaders had given Jesus over to him because they were jealous.

19 Y estando Pilato sentado en el tribunal, su mujer le mandó aviso, diciendo: “No tengas nada que ver con ese Justo, porque hoy he sufrido mucho en sueños por causa de El.”

While Pilate was sitting in the place where he judges, his wife sent him this word, “Have nothing to do with that good Man. I have been troubled today in a dream about Him.”

20 P ero los principales sacerdotes y los ancianos persuadieron a las multitudes que pidieran a Barrabás y que dieran muerte a Jesús.

The head religious leaders and the other leaders talked the many people into asking for Barabbas to go free and for Jesus to be put to death.

21 E l gobernador les preguntó de nuevo: “¿A cuál de los dos quieren que les suelte?” Ellos respondieron: “A Barrabás.”

The leader of the country said to them, “Which one of the two do you want me to let go free?” They said, “Barabbas.”

22 P ilato les dijo: “¿Qué haré entonces con Jesús, llamado el Cristo (Mesías) ?” “¡Sea crucificado!” dijeron todos.

Pilate said to them, “Then what am I to do with Jesus Who is called Christ?” They all said to him, “Nail Him to a cross!”

23 P ilato preguntó: “¿Por qué? ¿Qué mal ha hecho?” Pero ellos gritaban aún más: “¡Sea crucificado!”

Then Pilate said, “Why, what bad thing has He done?” But they cried out all the more, “Nail Him to a cross!”

24 V iendo Pilato que no conseguía nada, sino que más bien se estaba formando un tumulto, tomó agua y se lavó las manos delante de la multitud, diciendo: “Soy inocente de la sangre de este Justo. ¡Allá ustedes!”

Pilate saw that he could do nothing. The people were making loud calls and there was much pushing around. He took water and washed his hands in front of the many people. He said, “I am not guilty of the blood of this good Man. This is your own doing.”

25 T odo el pueblo contestó: “¡Caiga Su sangre sobre nosotros y sobre nuestros hijos!”

Then all the people said, “Let His blood be on us and on our children!”

26 E ntonces les soltó a Barrabás, y después de hacer azotar a Jesús, Lo entregó para que fuera crucificado. Los Soldados se Burlan de Jesús

Pilate let Barabbas go free but he had men whip Jesus. Then he handed Him over to be nailed to a cross. The Crown of Thorns

27 E ntonces los soldados del gobernador llevaron a Jesús al Pretorio (Palacio), y reunieron alrededor de El a toda la tropa Romana.

Then the soldiers of Pilate took Jesus into a large room. A big group of soldiers gathered around Him.

28 D espués de quitarle la ropa, Le pusieron encima un manto escarlata.

They took off His clothes and put a purple coat on Him.

29 Y tejiendo una corona de espinas, la pusieron sobre Su cabeza, y una caña en Su mano derecha; y arrodillándose delante de El, Le hacían burla, diciendo: “¡Salve, Rey de los Judíos!”

They put a crown of thorns on His head. They put a stick in His right hand. They got on their knees before Him and made fun of Him. They said, “Hello, King of the Jews!”

30 L e escupían, y tomaban la caña y Lo golpeaban en la cabeza.

They spit on Him. They took a stick and hit Him on the head.

31 D espués de haberse burlado de El, Le quitaron el manto, Le pusieron Sus ropas y Lo llevaron para ser crucificado.

After they had made fun of Him, they took the coat off and put His own clothes on Him. Then they led Him away to be nailed to a cross.

32 Y cuando salían, hallaron a un hombre de Cirene llamado Simón, al cual obligaron a que llevara Su cruz. La Crucifixión

As they were on the way, they came to a man called Simon from the country of Cyrene. They made him carry the cross for Jesus. Jesus on the Cross

33 C uando llegaron a un lugar llamado Gólgota, que significa Lugar de la Calavera,

They came to a place called Golgotha. This name means the place of a skull.

34 L e dieron a beber vino mezclado con hiel; pero después de probar lo, no lo quiso beber.

They gave Him wine with something in it to take away the pain. After tasting it, He took no more.

35 Y habiendo crucificado a Jesús, se repartieron Sus vestidos echando suertes;

When they had nailed Him to the cross, they divided His clothes by drawing names. It happened as the early preacher said it would happen. He said, “They divided My clothes among them by drawing names to see who would get My coat.”

36 y sentados, Lo custodiaban allí.

Then they sat down and watched Him.

37 P usieron sobre Su cabeza la acusación contra El, que decía: “ESTE ES JESUS, EL REY DE LOS JUDIOS.”

Over His head they put in writing what they had against Him, THIS IS JESUS THE KING OF THE JEWS. The Two Robbers

38 E ntonces fueron crucificados con El dos ladrones, uno a la derecha y otro a la izquierda.

They nailed two robbers to crosses beside Him. One was on His right side. The other was on His left side.

39 L os que pasaban Lo injuriaban, meneando la cabeza

Those who walked by shook their heads and laughed at Him.

40 y diciendo: “Tú que destruyes el templo y en tres días lo reedificas, sálvate a Ti mismo. Si Tú eres el Hijo de Dios, desciende de la cruz.”

They said, “You are the One Who could destroy the house of God and build it up again in three days. Now save Yourself. If You are the Son of God, come down from the cross.”

41 D e igual manera, también los principales sacerdotes, junto con los escribas y los ancianos, burlándose de El, decían:

The head religious leaders and the teachers of the Law and the other leaders made fun of Him also. They said,

42 A otros salvó; a El mismo no puede salvarse. Rey de Israel es; que baje ahora de la cruz, y creeremos en El.

“He saved others but He cannot save Himself. If He is the King of the Jews, let Him come down from the cross. Then we will believe in Him.

43 E n Dios confia; que Lo libre ahora si El Lo quiere; porque ha dicho: ‘Yo soy el Hijo de Dios.’”

He trusts God. Let God save Him now, if God cares for Him. He has said, ‘I am the Son of God.’”

44 E n la misma forma Lo injuriaban también los ladrones que habían sido crucificados con El. Muerte de Jesús

And the robbers who were nailed to crosses beside Him made fun of Him the same way also. The Death of Jesus

45 D esde la hora sexta (mediodía) hubo oscuridad sobre toda la tierra hasta la hora novena (3 p. m.).

From noon until three o’clock it was dark over all the land.

46 Y alrededor de la hora novena (3 p. m.), Jesús exclamó a gran voz, diciendo: “ Eli, Eli, ¿lema sabactani ?” Esto es: “ Dios Mio, Dios Mio, ¿por que Me has abandonado ?”

About three o’clock Jesus cried with a loud voice, “My God, My God, why have You left Me alone?”

47 A lgunos de los que estaban allí, al oírlo, decían: “Este llama a Elías.”

When some of those who stood by heard that, they said, “This Man is calling for Elijah.”

48 A l instante, uno de ellos corrió, y tomando una esponja, la empapó en vinagre, y poniéndola en una caña, Le dio a beber.

At once one of them ran and took a sponge and filled it with sour wine. He put it on a stick and gave it to Him to drink.

49 P ero los otros dijeron: “Deja, veamos si Elías Lo viene a salvar.”

The others said, “Let Him alone. Let us see if Elijah will come and save Him.”

50 E ntonces Jesús, clamando otra vez a gran voz, exhaló el espíritu.

Then Jesus gave another loud cry and gave up His spirit and died. The Powerful Works at the Time of His Death

51 E n ese momento el velo del templo se rasgó en dos, de arriba abajo, y la tierra tembló y las rocas se partieron;

At once the curtain in the house of God was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook and the rocks fell apart.

52 y los sepulcros se abrieron, y los cuerpos de muchos santos que habían dormido resucitaron;

Graves were opened. Bodies of many of God’s people who were dead were raised.

53 y saliendo de los sepulcros, después de la resurrección de Jesús, entraron en la santa ciudad y se aparecieron a muchos.

After Jesus was raised from the grave, these arose from their graves and went into Jerusalem, the Holy City. These were seen by many people.

54 E l centurión y los que estaban con él custodiando a Jesús, cuando vieron el terremoto y las cosas que sucedían, se asustaron mucho, y dijeron: “En verdad éste era Hijo de Dios.”

The captain of the soldiers and those with him who were watching Jesus, saw all the things that were happening. They saw the earth shake and they were very much afraid. They said, “For sure, this Man was the Son of God.” The Women at the Cross

55 Y muchas mujeres que habían seguido a Jesús desde Galilea para servirle, estaban allí, mirando de lejos.

Many women were looking on from far away. These had followed Jesus from the country of Galilee. They had cared for Him.

56 E ntre ellas estaban María Magdalena, María la madre de Jacobo y de José, y la madre de los hijos de Zebedeo. Sepultura de Jesús

Among them was Mary Magdalene and Mary the mother of James and Joseph and the mother of Zebedee’s sons. The Grave of Jesus

57 A l atardecer, vino un hombre rico de Arimatea, llamado José, que también se había convertido en discípulo de Jesús.

When it was evening, a rich man came from the city of Arimathea. His name was Joseph. He was a follower of Jesus also.

58 E ste se presentó a Pilato y le pidió el cuerpo de Jesús. Entonces Pilato ordenó que se lo entregaran.

He went to Pilate and asked for the body of Jesus. Then Pilate said that the body should be given to him.

59 T omando José el cuerpo, lo envolvió en un lienzo limpio de lino,

Joseph took the body and put clean linen cloth around it.

60 y lo puso en su propio sepulcro nuevo que él había excavado en la roca. Después de rodar una piedra grande a la entrada del sepulcro, se fue.

He laid it in his own new grave. This grave had been cut out in the side of a rock. He pushed a big stone over the door of the grave and went away.

61 M aría Magdalena estaba allí, y la otra María, sentadas frente al sepulcro. Guardias en la Tumba

Mary Magdalene and the other Mary stayed there. They were sitting near the grave.

62 A l día siguiente, que es el día después de la preparación, se reunieron ante Pilato los principales sacerdotes y los Fariseos,

The next day, the day after Jesus was killed, the head religious leaders and the proud religious law-keepers gathered together in front of Pilate.

63 y le dijeron: “Señor, nos acordamos que cuando aquel engañador aún vivía, dijo: ‘Después de tres días resucitaré.’

They said, “Sir, we remember what that Man Who fooled people said when He was living, ‘After three days I am to rise from the dead.’

64 P or eso, ordene usted que el sepulcro quede asegurado hasta el tercer día, no sea que vengan Sus discípulos, se Lo roben, y digan al pueblo: ‘El ha resucitado de entre los muertos’; y el último engaño será peor que el primero.”

Speak the word to have the grave watched for three days. Then His followers cannot come at night and take Him away and say to the people, ‘He has been raised from the dead.’ The last mistake would be worse than the first.”

65 P ilato les dijo: “Una guardia tienen; vayan, asegúrenlo como ustedes saben.”

Pilate said to them, “Take the soldiers. Go and watch the grave.”

66 Y fueron y aseguraron el sepulcro; y además de poner la guardia, sellaron la piedra.

Then they went and made the soldiers stand by the grave. They put a lock on the big stone door.