Psalm 25 ~ Sabuurradii 25


1 U nto You, O Lord, do I bring my life.

Rabbiyow, naftayda xaggaagaan kor ugu qaadaa.

2 O my God, I trust, lean on, rely on, and am confident in You. Let me not be put to shame or be disappointed; let not my enemies triumph over me.

Ilaahayow, adigaan isku kaa halleeyey, Haddaba yaanan ceeboobin, Oo yaan cadaawayaashaydu ii faanin.

3 Y es, let none who trust and wait hopefully and look for You be put to shame or be disappointed; let them be ashamed who forsake the right or deal treacherously without cause.

Kuwa adiga ku suga midkoodna ceeboobi maayo, Laakiinse waxaa ceeboobi doona kuwa khiyaanada ku macaamilooda sababla'aan.

4 S how me Your ways, O Lord; teach me Your paths.

Rabbiyow, jidadkaaga i tus, Oo waddooyinkaagana i bar.

5 G uide me in Your truth and faithfulness and teach me, for You are the God of my salvation; for You do I wait all the day long.

Runtaada igu hoggaami, oo i bar, Waayo, waxaad tahay Ilaaha badbaadadayda, Oo maalinta oo dhan adaan ku sugaa.

6 R emember, O Lord, Your tender mercy and loving-kindness; for they have been ever from of old.

Rabbiyow, xusuuso naxariistaada iyo raxmaddaada, Waayo, weligoodba way jireen.

7 R emember not the sins (the lapses and frailties) of my youth or my transgressions; according to Your mercy and steadfast love remember me, for Your goodness’ sake, O Lord.

Ha xusuusan dembiyadii dhallinyaranimadayda iyo xadgudubyadaydii, Laakiinse ii xusuuso sida raxmaddaadu tahay, Iyo wanaaggaaga aawadiis, Rabbiyow.

8 G ood and upright is the Lord; therefore will He instruct sinners in way.

Rabbigu waa wanaagsan yahay, waana qumman yahay, Sidaas daraaddeed wuxuu dembilayaasha ku hanuunin doonaa jidka.

9 H e leads the humble in what is right, and the humble He teaches His way.

Kuwa camalka qabow wuxuu ku hanuunin doonaa xaqa, Oo kuwa camalka qabow wuxuu bari doonaa jidkiisa.

10 A ll the paths of the Lord are mercy and steadfast love, even truth and faithfulness are they for those who keep His covenant and His testimonies.

Rabbiga waddooyinkiisa oo dhammu waxay raxmad iyo run u yihiin Kuwa axdigiisa iyo markhaatifurkiisa xajiya.

11 F or Your name’s sake, O Lord, pardon my iniquity and my guilt, for great.

Rabbiyow, dembigayga iga cafi magacaaga daraaddiis, Waayo, aad buu u weyn yahay.

12 W ho is the man who reverently fears and worships the Lord? Him shall He teach in the way that he should choose.

Bal waa ayo ninka Rabbiga ka cabsadaa? Kaas wuxuu ku hanuunin doonaa jidkii uu isagu doorto.

13 H e himself shall dwell at ease, and his offspring shall inherit the land.

Naftiisu wanaag bay ku jiri doontaa, Oo farcankiisuna wuxuu dhaxli doonaa dalka.

14 T he secret of the Lord have they who fear (revere and worship) Him, and He will show them His covenant and reveal to them its meaning.

Rabbiga taladiisa qarsoon waxay la jirtaa kuwa isaga ka cabsada, Oo wuxuu iyaga tusi doonaa axdigiisa.

15 M y eyes are ever toward the Lord, for He will pluck my feet out of the net.

Weligayba indhahaygu waxay u jeedaan xagga Rabbiga, Waayo, wuxuu cagahayga ka bixin doonaa dabinka.

16 t urn to me and be gracious to me, for I am lonely and afflicted.

Bal xaggayga u soo jeeso, oo ii naxariiso, Waayo, waan cidloobay, oo dhib baa i haysa.

17 T he troubles of my heart are multiplied; bring me out of my distresses.

Dhibaatooyinka qalbigaygu way sii ballaadheen, Cidhiidhigayga iga bixi.

18 B ehold my affliction and my pain and forgive all my sins.

Bal fiiri dhibkayga iyo qaxarkayga, Oo dembiyadayda oo dhan iga cafi.

19 C onsider my enemies, for they abound; they hate me with cruel hatred.

Bal fiiri cadaawayaashayda, waayo, way badan yihiin, Oo waxay igu neceb yihiin nacayb dulmi miidhan ah.

20 O keep me, Lord, and deliver me; let me not be ashamed or disappointed, for my trust and my refuge are in You.

Naftayda dhawr, oo i samatabbixi, Oo yaanan ceeboobin, waayo, waan isku kaa halleeyaa.

21 L et integrity and uprightness preserve me, for I wait for and expect You.

Daacadnimo iyo qummanaanu ha i dhawreen, Waayo, adaan ku sugaa.

22 R edeem Israel, O God, out of all their troubles.

Ilaahow, reer binu Israa'iil ka samatabbixi Dhibaatooyinkooda oo dhan.