1 A fter this, Jesus went from place to place in Galilee, for He would not travel in Judea because the Jews were seeking to kill Him.
Waxyaalahaas dabadeed Ciise ayaa Galili ku dhex wareegay, waayo, ma u doonaynin inuu Yahuudiya ku wareego, maxaa yeelay, Yuhuuddu waxay doonayeen inay dilaan.
2 N ow the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was drawing near.
Iiddii Yuhuudda oo tii waababka ahayd way dhowayd.
3 S o His brothers said to Him, Leave here and go into Judea, so that Your disciples may also see the works that You do.
Walaalihiis haddaba waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Halkan ka bax oo Yahuudiya tag in xertaadiina aragto shuqullada aad samaynaysid.
4 F or no one does anything in secret when he wishes to be conspicuous and secure publicity. If You do these things, show Yourself openly and make Yourself known to the world!
Ma jiro nin si qarsoon wax u sameeyaa markuu doonayo in bayaan loo ogaado. Haddaad waxyaalahan samayso, dunida isu muuji.
5 F or His brothers did not believe in or adhere to or trust in or rely on Him either.
Xataa walaalihiis ma ay rumaysan isaga.
6 W hereupon Jesus said to them, My time (opportunity) has not come yet; but any time is suitable for you and your opportunity is ready any time.
Sidaa aawadeed Ciise wuxuu ku yidhi iyaga, Wakhtigaygu weli ma iman, laakiin wakhtigiinnu goor walba wuu joogaa.
7 T he world cannot hate you, but it does hate Me because I denounce it for its wicked works and reveal that its doings are evil.
Dunidu idinma nebcaan karto, anigase way i neceb tahay, waayo, waxaan ka marag furaa in shuqulladeedu ay shar yihiin.
8 G o to the Feast yourselves. I am not going up to the Festival, because My time is not ripe.
Idinku iidda u kaca, anigu iiddan weli u kici maayo, waayo, wakhtigaygu weli ma dhammaan.
9 H aving said these things to them, He stayed behind in Galilee.
Markuu waxyaalahaas iyagii ku yidhi, weli wuxuu sii joogay Galili.
10 B ut afterward, when His brothers had gone up to the Feast, He went up also, not publicly, but by Himself quietly and as if He did not wish to be observed.
Markii walaalihiis iiddii u kaceen, ayuu isaguna markaas xaggeeda u kacay, bayaan kuma tegin, laakiin sidii mid isqarinaya buu u tegey.
11 T herefore the Jews kept looking for Him at the Feast and asking, Where can He be?
Yuhuuddu haddaba iidday ka dooneen, oo waxay yidhaahdeen, Xaggee buu joogaa?
12 A nd there was among the mass of the people much whispered discussion and hot disputing about Him. Some were saying, He is good! Others said, No, He misleads and deceives the people!
Dadkii badnaa aad bay uga gunuuneceen isaga, qaarkood waxay yidhaahdeen, Waa nin wanaagsan; qaar kalena waxay yidhaahdeen, Sidaas ma aha, laakiin dadkii badnaa ayuu khiyaaneeyaa.
13 B ut no one dared speak out boldly about Him for fear of the Jews.
Haddaba ninna bayaan isaga ugama hadlin cabsiday ka cabsanayeen Yuhuudda aawadeed. Ciise Wuxuu Dadkii Baray Inuu Ilaah Ka Yimid
14 W hen the Feast was already half over, Jesus went up into the temple '> court] and began to teach.
Laakiin markay ahayd iidda dhexdeeda Ciise wuxuu u kacay macbudka, wax ayuuna ku baray.
15 T he Jews were astonished. They said, How is it that this Man has learning when He has never studied?
Sidaa aawadeed Yuhuuddii ayaa la yaabtay iyagoo leh, Sidee baa kanu qorniinka u yaqaan isagoo aan weligiis baran?
16 J esus answered them by saying, My teaching is not My own, but His Who sent Me.
Ciise ayaa haddaba u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waxbariddaydu tayda ma aha, laakiin waxaa leh kan i soo diray.
17 I f any man desires to do His will (God’s pleasure), he will know (have the needed illumination to recognize, and can tell for himself) whether the teaching is from God or whether I am speaking from Myself and of My own accord and on My own authority.
Haddii nin doonayo inuu doonistii Ilaah sameeyo, wuu garan doonaa waxbaridda, inay tahay tii Ilaah amase aan qudhaydu iska hadlayo.
18 H e who speaks on his own authority seeks to win honor for himself. But He Who seeks the glory and is eager for the honor of Him Who sent Him, He is true; and there is no unrighteousness or falsehood or deception in Him.
Kan qudhiisu iska hadlaa, ammaantiisuu doonaa, laakiin kan doona ammaanta kan soo diray, kaasaa run ah, oo xaqdarro kuma jirto.
19 D id not Moses give you the Law? And yet not one of you keeps the Law. why do you seek to kill Me ?
Miyaan Muuse sharciga idin siin? Midkiinnana sharciga ma yeelo. Maxaad u doonaysaan inaad i dishaan?
20 T he crowd answered Him, You are possessed by a demon! Who seeks to kill You?
Dadkii badnaa waxay ugu jawaabeen, Jinni baad qabtaa. Yaa doonaya inuu ku dilo?
21 J esus answered them, I did one work, and you all are astounded.
Ciise ayaa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Shuqul keliya ayaan sameeyey, kulligiinna waad la yaabteen.
22 N ow Moses established circumcision among you—though it did not originate with Moses but with the previous patriarchs—and you circumcise a person on the Sabbath day.
Sidaa aawadeed Muuse wuxuu idin siiyey gudniinta (kamana iman Muuse, waxayse ka timid awowayaashii); idinku sabtida ayaad nin guddaan.
23 I f, to avoid breaking the Law of Moses, a person undergoes circumcision on the Sabbath day, have you any cause to be angry with (indignant with, bitter against) Me for making a man’s whole body well on the Sabbath?
Haddii sabtida nin la gudo, si aan sharciga Muuse u jabin, ma waxaad iigu cadhoonaysaan nin aan dhammaantiis sabtidii bogsiiyey?
24 B e honest in your judgment and do not decide at a glance (superficially and by appearances); but judge fairly and righteously.
Aragtida waxba ha ku xukumina, laakiin ku xukuma xukunka xaqa ah.
25 T hen some of the Jerusalem people said, Is not this the Man they seek to kill?
Sidaa aawadeed qaar ka mid ah kuwa Yeruusaalem waxay yidhaahdeen, Kanu miyaanu ahayn kay doonayaan inay dilaan?
26 A nd here He is speaking openly, and they say nothing to Him! Can it be possible that the rulers have discovered and know that this is truly the Christ?
Bal fiiriya, bayaan buu u hadlaa, waxbase kuma yidhaahdaan. Taliyayaashu runtii ma og yihiin inuu kanu yahay Masiixa?
27 N o, we know where this Man comes from; when the Christ arrives, no one is to know from what place He comes.
Laakiin kani meeshuu ka yimid waannu og nahay, markuuse Masiixu yimaado, ninna garan maayo meeshuu ka imanayo.
28 W hereupon Jesus called out as He taught in the temple '> porches], Do you know Me, and do you know where I am from? I have not come on My own authority and of My own accord and as self-appointed, but the One Who sent Me is true (real, genuine, steadfast); and Him you do not know!
Ciise haddaba macbudkuu ka dhex qayliyey isagoo wax baraya oo leh, Waad i taqaanniin, waana og tihiin meeshaan ka imid; anigu qudhayda kuma aan iman, laakiin kii i soo diray waa run, kan aydnaan garanaynin.
29 I know Him because I come from His presence, and it was He Who sent Me.
Anigu waa aqaan, waayo, isagaan ka imid, wuuna i soo diray.
30 T herefore they were eager to arrest Him, but no one laid a hand on Him, for His hour (time) had not yet come.
Sidaa aawadeed waxay dooneen inay qabtaan, laakiin ninna faro ma uu saarin, waayo, saacaddiisii weli ma iman.
31 A nd besides, many of the multitude believed in Him. And they kept saying, When the Christ comes, will He do more miracles and produce more proofs and signs than what this Man has done?
Laakiin qaar badan oo dadkii ahi way rumaysteen, waxayna yidhaahdeen, Masiixu markuu yimaado miyuu samayn doonaa calaamooyin ka badan kuwii kanu sameeyey?
32 T he Pharisees learned how the people were saying these things about Him under their breath; and the chief priests and Pharisees sent attendants (guards) to arrest Him.
Farrisiintu way maqleen dadkii badnaa oo ka gunuunacayay waxaas ku saabsanaa isaga, wadaaddadii sarena iyo Farrisiintii waxay u direen saraakiil inay soo qabtaan isaga.
33 T herefore Jesus said, For a little while I am with you, and then I go back to Him Who sent Me.
Ciise haddaba wuxuu ku yidhi, Weli in yar baan idinla joogayaa, markaasaan u tegayaa kii i soo diray.
34 Y ou will look for Me, but you will not find Me; where I am, you cannot come.
Waad i doondooni doontaan, imana heli doontaan, meeshaan joogona iman kari maysaan.
35 T hen the Jews said among themselves, Where does this Man intend to go that we shall not find Him? Will He go to the Jews who are scattered in the Dispersion among the Greeks, and teach the Greeks?
Sidaa aawadeed Yuhuuddu waxay isku yidhaahdeen, Kanu xaggee buu tegi doonaa oo aynaan ka heli doonin? Ma wuxuu u tegi doonaa kuwa ku kala firidhsan dadka Gariigta ah, oo wax bari doonaa dadka Gariigta ah?
36 W hat does this statement of His mean, You will look for Me and not be able to find Me, and, Where I am, you cannot come?
Waa maxay hadalkan uu yidhi? Waad i doondooni doontaan, imana heli doontaan, meeshaan joogona ma iman kari doontaan. Biyaha Nool
37 N ow on the final and most important day of the Feast, Jesus stood, and He cried in a loud voice, If any man is thirsty, let him come to Me and drink!
Maalintii u dambaysay, oo ahayd maalintii weynayd ee iidda, Ciise ayaa istaagay oo qayliyey isagoo leh, Haddii qof uun harraado, ha ii yimaado, hana cabbo.
38 H e who believes in Me as the Scripture has said, From his innermost being shall flow springs and rivers of living water.
Kii i rumaysta, calooshiisa waxaa ka duuli doona webiyo biyaha nool ah, sida Qorniinku u yidhi.
39 B ut He was speaking here of the Spirit, Whom those who believed (trusted, had faith) in Him were afterward to receive. For the Spirit had not yet been given, because Jesus was not yet glorified (raised to honor).
Waxaas ayuu kaga hadlay Ruuxa oo ay kuwii isaga rumaystay heli doonaan, waayo, Ruuxa weli lama bixin, maxaa yeelay, Ciise weli ma ammaanmin.
40 L istening to those words, some of the multitude said, This is certainly and beyond doubt the Prophet!
Sidaa aawadeed dadkii badnaa qaarkood, goortay hadalladaas maqleen, waxay yidhaahdeen, Runtii kanu waa nebigii.
41 O thers said, This is the Christ (the Messiah, Anointed One)! But some said, What? Does the Christ come out of Galilee?
Qaar kalena waxay yidhaahdeen, Kanu waa Masiixii. Qaarse waxay yidhaahdeen, Laakiin Masiixii ma wuxuu ka imanayaa Galili?
42 D oes not the Scripture tell us that the Christ will come from the offspring of David and from Bethlehem, the village where David lived?
Qorniinku miyaanu odhan, Masiixu wuxuu ka iman doonaa farcanka Daa'uud iyo tuuladii Beytlaxam oo Daa'uud joogay?
43 S o there arose a division and dissension among the people concerning Him.
Sidaa daraaddeed dadkii badnaa waa kala qaybsamay aawadiis.
44 S ome of them wanted to arrest Him, but no one laid hands on Him.
Qaarkood baa doonay inay qabtaan, laakiinse ninna faro ma uu saarin.
45 M eanwhile the attendants (guards) had gone back to the chief priests and Pharisees, who asked them, Why have you not brought Him here with you?
Saraakiishii haddaba waxay u yimaadeen wadaaddadii sare iyo Farrisiintii, iyaguna waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Maxaad u keeni weydeen?
46 T he attendants replied, Never has a man talked as this Man talks!
Saraakiishii waxay ugu jawaabeen, Ninna weligiis uma hadlin sida ninkaasi u hadlay.
47 T he Pharisees said to them, Are you also deluded and led astray?
Farrisiintii haddaba waxay iyaga ugu jawaabeen, Idinkana ma laydin khiyaaneeyey?
48 H as any of the authorities or of the Pharisees believed in Him?
Miyaa taliyayaasha midkood ama Farrisiinta rumaystay isaga?
49 A s for this multitude (rabble) that does not know the Law, they are contemptible and doomed and accursed!
Laakiin dadkan badan oo aan sharciga garanaynin waa inkaaran yihiin.
50 T hen Nicodemus, who came to Jesus before at night and was one of them, asked,
Nikodemos (kii markii hore Ciise u yimid, isagoo ah midkood) wuxuu iyaga ku yidhi,
51 D oes our Law convict a man without giving him a hearing and finding out what he has done?
Miyaa sharcigeennu xukumaa nin, iyadoo aan marka hore laga maqlin isaga oo aan la garanaynin wuxuu sameeyo?
52 T hey answered him, Are you too from Galilee? Search, and you will see that no prophet comes (will rise to prominence) from Galilee.
Kolkaasay u jawaabeen oo waxay ku yidhaahdeen, Adiguna ma reer Galili baad tahay? Doondoon, oo arag inaan nebi ka kacayn Galili. Naagtii Sinada Lagu Qabtay
53 A nd they went, each to his own house.
Markaasaa nin kastaa wuxuu u baxay gurigiisii.