1 B ut I definitely made up my mind not to grieve you with another painful and distressing visit.
Laakiin waxaan aniga qudhaydu goostay inaanan haddana caloolxumo idiinla imanin.
2 F or if I cause you pain, who is there to provide me enjoyment but the one whom I have grieved and made sad?
Waayo, haddaan idin calool xumeeyo, waa kee kan iga farxinayaa kii aan calool xumeeyey maahee?
3 A nd I wrote the same to you so that when I came, I might not be myself pained by those who are the ones who ought to make me glad, for I trusted in you all and felt confident that my joy would be shared by all of you.
Waxakan ayaan u qoray inaanan markaan imaado ka calool xumaan kuwa aan ku farxi lahaa, anigoo idinku aaminsan dhammaantiin inay farxaddaydu tahay farxadda kulligiin.
4 F or I wrote you out of great sorrow and deep distress of heart, with many tears, not to cause you pain but in order to make you realize the overflowing love that I continue increasingly to have for you.
Waayo, dhib badan iyo silica qalbiga ayaan idinku soo qoray anigoo aad u ilmaynaya, oo ma aha inaad calool xumaataan, laakiin inaad garataan jacaylka aad u sii badan ee aan idiin qabo. Dembiilaha Toobadkeena Waa In La Aqbalo
5 B ut if someone has caused grief and pain, he has caused it not to me, but in some measure, not to put it too severely, all of you.
Laakiin mid uuni hadduu qof calool xumeeyey, aniga ima uu calool xumayn, laakiin dhammaantiin buu si ahaan idiin calool xumeeyey; dooni maayo inaan idin culaysiyo.
6 F or such a one this censure by the majority sufficient.
Taqsiirtan kuwa badani ay saareen way ku filan tahay kaasoo kale.
7 S o you should rather turn and forgive and comfort and encourage, to keep him from being overwhelmed by excessive sorrow and despair.
Laakiinse waa inaad isaga cafidaan oo u gargaartaan inaanay sina caloolxumo aad u badani liqin kaasoo kale.
8 I therefore beg you to reinstate him in your affections and assure him of your love for him;
Sidaa daraaddeed waxaan idinka baryayaa inaad jacaylkiinna u caddaysaan isaga.
9 F or this was my purpose in writing you, to test your attitude and see if you would stand the test, whether you are obedient and altogether agreeable in everything.
Waayo, taa aawadeed ayaan u qoray inaan idin imtixaamo inaad wax walba ku dhega nugushihiin iyo in kale.
10 I f you forgive anyone anything, I too forgive that one; and what I have forgiven, if I have forgiven anything, has been for your sakes in the presence of Christ (the Messiah),
Kii aad wax ka cafidaan, aniguna waan ka cafiyaa: waxaan anigu ka cafiyeyna, haddaan wax ka cafiyey, waxaan uga cafiyey aawadiin Masiix hortiisa,
11 T o keep Satan from getting the advantage over us; for we are not ignorant of his wiles and intentions.
inaan Shayddaan inaga faa'iidaysan, waayo, innagu ma nihin kuwo jaahil ka ah xeeladdiisa. Dhibaatooyinka Iyo Libta Xagga Injiilka
12 N ow when I arrived at Troas the good news (the Gospel) of Christ, a door of opportunity was opened for me in the Lord,
Markaan Taroo'as imid inaan injiilka Masiix kaga wacdiyo, ee uu Rabbigu irid iga furay,
13 Y et my spirit could not rest (relax, get relief) because I did not find my brother Titus there. So I took leave from them and departed for Macedonia.
ruuxaygu ma nasan, waayo, ma aan helin walaalkay Tiitos, laakiin iyagaan nabadgelyeeyey oo Makedoniyaan u kacay.
14 B ut thanks be to God, Who in Christ always leads us in triumph and through us spreads and makes evident the fragrance of the knowledge of God everywhere,
Ilaah baa mahad leh kan had iyo goorba libta inagu siiya Masiix, oo meel walba udgoonka aqoontiisa gaadhsiiya, ee innaga inaga gaadhsiiya.
15 F or we are the sweet fragrance of Christ unto God, among those who are being saved and among those who are perishing:
Waayo, waxaynu Ilaah u nahay udgoonka Masiix xagga kuwa badbaadaya iyo kuwa lumayaba;
16 T o the latter it is an aroma from death to death; to the former it is an aroma from life to life. And who is qualified (fit and sufficient) for these things?
kuwa dambe udgoonka xagga dhimasho ilaa dhimasho, kuwa kalena udgoonka xagga nolol ilaa nolol. Oo yaa ku filan waxyaalahan?
17 F or we are not, like so many, peddling God’s Word; but like of sincerity and the purest motive, as by God, we speak in Christ (the Messiah), in the sight and presence of God.
Waayo, innagu la mid ma nihin kuwa badan ee ereyga Ilaah ka baayacmushtara, laakiin sida kuwa daacadda ah iyo kuwa Ilaah ayaynu Masiix ugu hadallaa Ilaah hortiisa.