Psalm 141 ~ Sabuurradii 141


1 L ord, I call upon You; hasten to me. Give ear to my voice when I cry to You.

Rabbiyow, adigaan kuu qayshaday, haddaba ii soo dhaqso, Oo markaan kuu qayshado, codkayga dhegta u dhig.

2 L et my prayer be set forth as incense before You, the lifting up of my hands as the evening sacrifice.

Baryootankaygu ha noqdo sida foox hortaada la dhigay, Oo gacma-koruqaadiddayduna ha noqoto sida allabariga fiidnimo.

3 S et a guard, O Lord, before my mouth; keep watch at the door of my lips.

Rabbiyow, afkayga waardiye hor jooji, Oo albaabka bushimahaygana dhawr.

4 I ncline my heart not to submit or consent to any evil thing or to be occupied in deeds of wickedness with men who work iniquity; and let me not eat of their dainties.

Qalbigayga ha u duwin wax shar ah, Yaanu falimo xumaan ah la gelin Dadka xumaanta ka shaqeeya, Oo yaanan wax ka cunin waxyaalahooda macaan.

5 L et the righteous man smite and correct me—it is a kindness. Oil so choice let not my head refuse or discourage; for even in their evils or calamities shall my prayer continue.

Kan xaqa ahu ha i dilo, raxmad bay ii ahaan doontaa, Oo ha i canaanto, waxay ii noqon doontaa sida saliid madaxa lagu shubto, Madaxayguna yaanu diidin, Waayo, xataa intay sharkooda ku sii jiraan ayaan tukashadayda ka geesta ah sii wadaa.

6 W hen their rulers are overthrown in stony places, shall hear my words, that they are sweet (pleasant, mild, and just).

Xaakinnadoodii waxaa lagu tuuray dhagaxa dhinacyadiisa, Oo iyagu waxay maqli doonaan erayadayda, waayo, way macaan yihiin.

7 T he unburied bones shall lie scattered at the mouth of Sheol, as the lumps of soil behind the plowman when he breaks open the ground.

Sida markii beerta la qodo oo dhulka la jeexo Ayaa lafahayagii ugu firidhsan yihiin She'ool afkiisa.

8 B ut my eyes are toward You, O God the Lord; in You do I trust and take refuge; pour not out my life nor leave it destitute and bare.

Waayo, Ilaahow Sayidow, indhahaygu xaggaagay ku soo jeedaan, Oo adigaan isku kaa halleeyaa, haddaba naftayda ha dayrin.

9 K eep me from the trap which they have laid for me, and the snares of evildoers.

Iga dhawr dabinka ay ii dhigeen, Iyo siriqda ay xumaanfalayaashu qooleen.

10 L et the wicked fall together into their own nets, while I pass over them and escape.

Kuwa sharka lahu ha ku dhex dheceen shabagyadooda Markaan anigu ka baxsado.