1 W hen He broke open the seventh seal, there was silence for about half an hour in heaven.
Oo haddana markuu furay shaabaddii toddobaad, intii nus saac ah waxaa samada ka dhacday aamusnaan.
2 T hen I saw the seven angels who stand before God, and to them were given seven trumpets.
Markaasaan waxaan arkay toddobadii malaa'igood oo Ilaah hortiisa taagan, oo waxaa la siiyey toddoba buun.
3 A nd another angel came and stood over the altar. He had a golden censer, and he was given very much incense (fragrant spices and gums which exhale perfume when burned), that he might mingle it with the prayers of all the people of God (the saints) upon the golden altar before the throne.
Oo haddana waxaa timid malaa'ig kale, oo waxay is-ag taagtay meeshii allabariga, iyadoo haysata idan dahab ah, oo waxaa la siiyey foox badan si ay ugu darto baryadii quduusiinta oo dhan oo ay ugu shiddo meeshii allabariga oo dahabka ahayd oo carshiga hortiisa tiil.
4 A nd the smoke of the incense (the perfume) arose in the presence of God, with the prayers of the people of God (the saints), from the hand of the angel.
Oo qiiqii fooxa oo ay baryadii quduusiintu la socoto ayaa wuxuu ka baxay gacantii malaa'igta oo wuxuu kor u aaday Ilaah hortiis.
5 S o the angel took the censer and filled it with fire from the altar and cast it upon the earth. Then there followed peals of thunder and loud rumblings and blasts and noises, and flashes of lightning and an earthquake.
Markaasaa malaa'igtii waxay qaadatay idankii, oo waxay ka buuxisay dabkii meesha allabariga, kolkaasay waxay ku tuurtay dhulka; markaasaa waxaa dhacay onkod, iyo codad, iyo hillaac, iyo dhulgariir.
6 T hen the seven angels who had the seven trumpets prepared to sound them.
Markaasaa toddobadii malaa'igood oo toddobada buun haystay waxay isu diyaariyeen inay ka dhawaajiyaan.
7 T he first angel blew trumpet, and there was a storm of hail and fire mingled with blood cast upon the earth. And a third part of the earth was burned up and a third of the trees was burned up and all the green grass was burned up.
Malaa'igtii kowaad ayaa ka dhawaajisay, markaasaa waxaa soo dhacay roob dhagaxyaale iyo dab dhiig ku dhex qasan yahay, oo waxaa lagu tuuray dhulka; markaasaa dunida saddex meelood oo meeli gubatay, oo dhirtana saddex meelood oo meel baa gubatay, oo cawskii qoyanaa oo dhammuna waa gubtay.
8 T he second angel blew trumpet, and something resembling a great mountain, blazing with fire, was hurled into the sea.
Oo haddana waxaa ka dhawaajisay malaa'igtii labaad, markaasaa waxaa badda lagu tuuray wax le'eg buur weyn oo dab ka ololayo; markaasaa baddii saddex meelood oo meel baa dhiig noqotay;
9 A nd a third of the sea was turned to blood, a third of the living creatures in the sea perished, and a third of the ships were destroyed.
oo waxaa halkaas ku dhintay uunkii badda ku jiray oo nafta lahaa saddex meelood oo meel, oo doonniyihiina saddex meelood oo meel baa la baabbi'iyey.
10 T he third angel blew trumpet, and a huge star fell from heaven, burning like a torch, and it dropped on a third of the rivers and on the springs of water—
Oo haddana waxaa ka dhawaajisay malaa'igtii saddexaad, markaasaa waxaa samada ka soo dhacday xiddig weyn oo sidii laambadeed u ololaysa, oo waxay ku dul dhacday webiyaasha saddex meelood oo meel, iyo ilihii biyaha ahaa;
11 A nd the name of the star is Wormwood. A third part of the waters was changed into wormwood, and many people died from using the water, because it had become bitter.
oo xiddigta magaceedana waxaa la yidhaahdaa Qadhaadh; oo biyihiina saddex meelood oo meel baa qadhaadh noqotay; dad badanuna wuxuu ku dhintay biyihii, maxaa yeelay, qadhaadh baa laga dhigay.
12 T hen the fourth angel blew trumpet, and a third of the sun was smitten, and a third of the moon, and a third of the stars, so that a third of them was darkened, and a third of the daylight was withdrawn, and likewise a third of the night was kept from shining.
Oo haddana waxaa ka dhawaajisay malaa'igtii afraad, markaasaa waxaa wax lagu dhuftay qorraxda saddex meelood oo meel, iyo dayaxa saddex meelood oo meel, iyo xiddigaha saddex meelood oo meel, in saddex meelood oo meeli ay gudcur noqoto, iyo in maalinta saddex meelood oo meeli aanay iftiimin, habeenkuna uu noqdo sidaas oo kale. Saddexda Hoog
13 T hen I saw a solitary eagle flying in midheaven, and as it flew I heard it crying with a loud voice, Woe, woe, woe to those who dwell on the earth, because of the rest of the trumpet blasts which the three angels are about to sound!
Haddana waxaan arkay oon maqlay gorgor dhex duulaya samada isagoo cod weyn ku leh, Waxaa hoogay oo hoogay oo hoogay kuwa dhulka deggan, sababtuna waa buunanka dhawaaqooda hadhay oo saddexda malaa'igood ay dhowaan ka dhawaajin doonaan.