Ezekiel 42 ~ Yexesqeel 42


1 T hen the man brought me forth into the outer court northward, and he brought me to the attached chambers that were opposite the temple yard and were opposite the building on the north.

Oo haddana wuxuu i geeyey barxaddii dibadda dhankeeda woqooyi, oo wuxuu i geliyey qolladdii meesha goonida ah ka soo hor jeedday oo dhismaha xagga woqooyi ka soo hor jeedday.

2 B efore the long side of one hundred cubits was the door toward the north, and the breadth was fifty cubits.

Oo dhinaca dheer oo dhererkiisu boqol dhudhun ahaa ayaa albaabka woqooyi ku hor yiil, oo ballaadhkiisuna wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun.

3 A djoining the twenty cubits which belonged to the inner court, and opposite the pavement which belonged to the outer court, was balcony facing balcony in three stories.

Barxadda gudaha oo dhererkeedu labaatanka dhudhun ahaa horteeda iyo meesha sallaxa ah barxadda dibadda horteeda waxaa ku yiil balbalo balbalo kale ka soo hor jeedda oo saddex dabaqadood ah.

4 A nd before the attached chambers was a walk inward of ten cubits breadth and a hundred cubits long, and their doors were on the north.

Oo qolladaha hortoodana waxaa ku yiil jid ballaadhkiisu toban dhudhun yahay, dhererkiisuna boqol dhudhun yahay, oo albaabbadooduna waxay u sii jeedeen xagga woqooyi.

5 N ow the upper chambers were shorter, for the balconies took off from these more than from the lower and middle chambers of the building.

Haddaba qolladaha sare way ka cidhiidhsanaayeen kuwa hoose iyo kuwa dhexe ee dhismaha, waayo, balbalooyinku meeshay yareeyeen.

6 F or they were in three stories, but did not have pillars as the pillars of the court; therefore the upper chambers were set back more than the lower and the middle ones from the ground.

Waayo, iyagu waxay ahaayeen saddex dabaqadood, laakiinse tiirar kuwa barxadaha la mid ah ma ay lahayn, sidaas daraaddeed kuwa sare way ka cidhiidhsanaayeen qolladaha hoose iyo kuwa dhexeba.

7 A nd the wall or fence that was outside, opposite and parallel to the chambers, toward the outer court before the chambers, was fifty cubits long,

Oo derbigii dibadda oo ku ag yiil qolladihii xagga barxadda dibadda u sii jeeday oo xagga hore oo qolladaha ku yiil dhererkiisu wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun.

8 F or the length of the chambers that were on the outer court was fifty cubits, while of those opposite the temple was a hundred cubits.

Waayo, qolladihii barxadda dibadda ku yiil dhererkoodu wuxuu ahaa konton dhudhun, oo bal eeg, macbudka hortiisu waxay ahayd boqol dhudhun.

9 A nd under these chambers was the entrance on the east side, as one approached them from the outer court.

Oo qolladahaas hoostooda waxaa ku yiil iriddii dhinaca bari laga geli jiray, meeshii iyaga xagga barxadda looga soo galo.

10 I n the breadth of the wall of the court going toward the east, before the yard and before the building, were the chambers

Oo qollado baa ku yiil derbigii barxadda xagga bari oo ka soo hor jeeda xagga meesha goonida ah iyo xagga dhismaha.

11 W ith a passage before them that gave the appearance of the attached chambers on the north, of the same length and breadth, with similar exits and arrangements and doors.

Oo jidkii hortooda ku yiil wuxuu u ekaa sidii kii qolladaha xagga woqooyi ku yiil oo kale. Sidooda oo kaluu u dheeraa oo sidoodoo kaluu u ballaadhnaa, oo meelahooda laga baxo oo dhammuna waxay ahaayeen sida qaabkoodoo kale iyo sida albaabbadooda oo kale.

12 A nd like the doors of the chambers that were toward the south there was an entrance at the head of the way, the way before the dividing wall toward the east, as one enters them.

Oo qolladihii xagga koonfureed u sii jeeday albaabbadoodiina waxay lahaayeen albaab jidka madaxiisa ku yiil, kaasoo ah jidkii derbiga xagga bari ka soo hor jeeday, markii iyaga la soo galo.

13 T hen said the man to me, The north chambers and the south chambers, which are opposite the yard, are the holy chambers where the priests who approach the Lord shall eat the most holy offerings; there shall they lay the most holy things—the meal offering, the sin offering, and the trespass or guilt offering—for the place is holy.

Oo markaasuu igu yidhi, Qolladaha woqooyi iyo qolladaha koonfureed oo meesha goonida ah ka soo hor jeeda waa qolladaha quduuska ah oo wadaaddada Rabbiga u soo dhowaadaa ay waxyaalaha quduuska ah ku cunaan, oo waxay halkaas dhigi doonaan waxyaalaha aad u quduuska ah, iyo qurbaanka hadhuudhka, iyo qurbaanka dembiga, iyo qurbaanka xadgudubka, waayo, meeshaasu waa quduus.

14 W hen the priests enter the Holy Place, they shall not go out of it into the outer court unless they lay aside there the garments in which they minister, for these are holy, separate, and set apart. They shall put on other garments before they approach that which is for the people.

Oo markii ay wadaaddadu soo galaan waa inaanay meesha quduuska ah ka bixin inay barxadda dibadda tagaan, laakiinse waa inay meeshaas dhigtaan dharkooda markay adeegayaan ay xidhaan, waayo, iyagu waa quduus, oo waa inay dhar kale xidhaan markay u soo dhowaadaan waxyaalaha dadka.

15 N ow when he had finished measuring the inner temple area, he brought me forth toward the gate which faces east and measured it round about.

Haddaba markuu qiyaasiddii daarta gudaha dhammaystiray ayuu iriddii xagga bari u sii jeedday iga bixiyey, oo wuxuu qiyaasay hareereheedii oo dhan.

16 H e measured the east side with the measuring reed, five hundred reeds with the measuring reed round about.

Dhankii bari ayuu cawsduurkii qiyaasta ku qiyaasay, oo wuxuu ahaa shan boqol oo cawsduur, oo cawsduurkii qiyaasta ayuu ku soo wada wareejiyey.

17 H e measured the north side, five hundred reeds with the measuring reed round about.

Dhankii woqooyi cawsduurkii qiyaasta ayuu ku qiyaasay, oo wuxuu ahaa shan boqol oo cawsduur.

18 H e measured the south side, five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.

Oo dhankii koonfureedna wuu ku qiyaasay cawsduurkii qiyaasta, oo wuxuu ahaa shan boqol oo cawsduur.

19 H e turned about to the west side and measured five hundred reeds with the measuring reed.

Oo markaasuu dhankii galbeed u leexday, oo shan boqol oo cawsduur ayuu cawsduurkii qiyaasta ku qiyaasay.

20 H e measured it on the four sides; it had a wall round about, the length five hundred reeds and the breadth five hundred, to make a separation between that which was holy and that which was common.

Oo afartii dhinacba wuu ka qiyaasay, oo waxay lahayd derbi ku wareegsan oo dhererkiisu yahay shan boqol oo cawsduur, oo ballaadhkiisuna yahay shan boqol oo cawsduur, wuxuuna u kala dhexeeyey meesha quduuska ah iyo meesha aan quduuska ahayn.