1 T hen Jesus, full of and controlled by the Holy Spirit, returned from the Jordan and was led in the Spirit
Ciise waxaa ka buuxsamay Ruuxa Quduuska ah, oo Webi Urdun ayuu ka noqday, oo Ruuxii baa cidlada u kaxeeyey.
2 F or (during) forty days in the wilderness (desert), where He was tempted ( tried, tested exceedingly) by the devil. And He ate nothing during those days, and when they were completed, He was hungry.
Afartan maalmood ayaa Ibliisku jirrabayay. Maalmahaasna waxba ma cunin. Goortay maalmihii dhammaadeen ayuu gaajooday.
3 T hen the devil said to Him, If You are the Son of God, order this stone to turn into a loaf.
Markaasaa Ibliisku wuxuu ku yidhi, Haddaad tahay Wiilka Ilaah ku dheh dhagaxan, Kibis noqo.
4 A nd Jesus replied to him, It is written, Man shall not live and be sustained by (on) bread alone but by every word and expression of God.
Ciise baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waa qoran tahay, Dadku waa inaanu kibis oo keliya ku noolaan.
5 T hen the devil took Him up to a high mountain and showed Him all the kingdoms of the habitable world in a moment of time '> in the twinkling of an eye].
Oo markuu kor u kaxeeyey wuxuu wakhti yar ku tusay quruumaha dunida oo dhan.
6 A nd he said to Him, To You I will give all this power and authority and their glory (all their magnificence, excellence, preeminence, dignity, and grace), for it has been turned over to me, and I give it to whomever I will.
Markaasaa Ibliisku wuxuu ku yidhi, Amarkan oo dhan waan ku siinayaa iyo ammaantoodaba, waayo, waa lay siiyey; oo kii aan doonayo ayaan siiyaa.
7 T herefore if You will do homage to and worship me '> just once], it shall all be Yours.
Haddaba haddaad hortayda i caabuddid, kulli adaa lahaan doona.
8 A nd Jesus replied to him, Get behind Me, Satan! It is written, You shall do homage to and worship the Lord your God, and Him only shall you serve.
Markaasaa Ciise u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waa qoran tahay, Waa inaad caabuddo Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah oo waa inaad isagoo keliya u adeegto.
9 T hen he took Him to Jerusalem and set Him on a gable of the temple, and said to Him, If You are the Son of God, cast Yourself down from here;
Markaasuu Yeruusaalem geeyey, wuxuuna saaray munaaraddii macbudka oo ku yidhi, Haddaad tahay Wiilka Ilaah, halkan hoos iskaga tuur;
10 F or it is written, He will give His angels charge over you to guard and watch over you closely and carefully;
waayo, waa qoran tahay, Malaa'igihiisa ayuu ku amri doonaa inay ku ilaaliyaan,
11 A nd on their hands they will bear you up, lest you strike your foot against a stone.
iyo, Inay gacmahooda sare kuugu qabtaan inaanay cagtaadu dhagax ku dhicin.
12 A nd Jesus replied to him, says, You shall not tempt (try, test exceedingly) the Lord your God.
Ciise baa u jawaabay oo ku yidhi, Waa la yidhi, Rabbiga Ilaahaaga ah waa inaanad jirrabin.
13 A nd when the devil had ended every temptation, he left Him '> stood off from Him] until another more opportune and favorable time.
Ibliiskiina markuu jirrabaad walba dhammeeyey ayuu ka tegey intii wakhti ah. Bilowgii Wacdiga Ciise
14 T hen Jesus went back full of and under the power of the Spirit into Galilee, and the fame of Him spread through the whole region round about.
Markaasaa Ciise wuxuu xooggii Ruuxa kula noqday Galili, warkiisuna wuxuu gaadhay dhulka ku wareegsan oo dhan.
15 A nd He Himself conducted '> a course of] teaching in their synagogues, being recognized and honored and praised by all.
Sunagogyadoodana ayuu wax ku baray, dhammaanna waa la wada ammaanay isaga. Ciise Waa Laga Celiyey Naasared
16 S o He came to Nazareth, '> that Nazareth] where He had been brought up, and He entered the synagogue, as was His custom on the Sabbath day. And He stood up to read.
Markaasuu wuxuu yimid Naasared oo ahayd meeshuu ku koray, oo maalintii sabtida sida caadadiisu ahayd ayuu sunagogga galay, wuuna istaagay inuu wax akhriyo.
17 A nd there was handed to Him the book of the prophet Isaiah. He opened (unrolled) the book and found the place where it was written,
Waxaa loo dhiibay kitaabkii Nebi Isayos, oo goortuu kitaabkii furay ayuu helay meeshii lagu qoray,
18 T he Spirit of the Lord upon Me, because He has anointed Me to preach the good news (the Gospel) to the poor; He has sent Me to announce release to the captives and recovery of sight to the blind, to send forth as delivered those who are oppressed,
Ruuxii Rabbiga ayaa i dul jooga, Waayo, wuxuu ii subkay inaan war wanaagsan masaakiinta ku wacdiyo, Wuxuuna ii soo diray inaan kuwa xidhan furriinnimada ogeysiiyo Iyo kuwa indhaha la' soo celinta araggooda Iyo inaan kuwa nabaraysan soo furfuro,
19 T o proclaim the accepted and acceptable year of the Lord '> when salvation and the free favors of God profusely abound].
Iyo inaan dadka ogeysiiyo sannadda qaabbilaadda ah ee Rabbiga.
20 T hen He rolled up the book and gave it back to the attendant and sat down; and the eyes of all in the synagogue were gazing at Him.
Intuu kitaabkii duudduubay ayuu midiidinka u dhiibay oo fadhiistay; oo dadkii sunagoggii ku jiray oo dhan ayaa indhaha ku taagay.
21 A nd He began to speak to them: Today this Scripture has been fulfilled while you are present and hearing.
Markaasuu bilaabay inuu ku yidhaahdo, Maanta Qorniinkan dhegihiinnu maqlay waa rumoobay.
22 A nd all spoke well of Him and marveled at the words of grace that came forth from His mouth; and they said, Is not this Joseph’s Son?
Kulligood markhaati bay ahaayeen, wayna ka yaabeen hadallada nimcada leh oo afkiisa ka soo baxay, markaasay yidhaahdeen, Kanu miyaanu ahayn wiilkii Yuusuf?
23 S o He said to them, You will doubtless quote to Me this proverb: Physician, heal Yourself! What we have learned by hearsay that You did in Capernaum, do here also in Your town.
Kolkaasuu ku yidhi, Shakila'aan waxaad masaalkan igu odhan doontaan, Dhakhtarow, isbogsii. Wax kastoo aannu maqalnay oo Kafarna'um lagu sameeyey, halkan dhulkaagana ku samee.
24 T hen He said, Solemnly I say to you, no prophet is acceptable and welcome in his town (country).
Markaasuu ku yidhi, Runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Nebina dalkiisa laguma aqbalo.
25 B ut in truth I tell you, there were many widows in Israel in the days of Elijah, when the heavens were closed up for three years and six months, so that there came a great famine over all the land;
Laakiin runtii waxaan idinku leeyahay, Wakhtigii Eliyaas waxaa Israa'iil ku jiray carmallo badan oo nimankoodii ka dhinteen markii cirku saddex sannadood iyo lix bilood xidhmay oo abaar weyni dhulka oo dhan ka dhacday.
26 A nd yet Elijah was not sent to a single one of them, but only to Zarephath in the country of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow.
Laakiin middoodna Eliyaas looma dirin, naag carmal ah oo magaalada Sarefta oo dalka Siidoon ku jirtay maahee.
27 A nd there were many lepers in Israel in the time of Elisha the prophet, and yet not one of them was cleansed —but only Naaman the Syrian.
Wakhtigii Nebi Eliishaana waxaa Israa'iil ku jiray dad badan oo baras leh, midkoodna lama daahirin Nacamaan reer Suuriya maahee.
28 W hen they heard these things, all the people in the synagogue were filled with rage.
Markii kuwii sunagogga ku jiray oo dhan waxaas maqleen ayay aad u cadhoodeen.
29 A nd rising up, they pushed and drove Him out of the town, and they led Him to the upper part of the hill on which their town was built, that they might hurl Him headlong down.
Markaasay kaceen oo magaaladii ka saareen, waxayna u kaxeeyeen buurtii magaaladoodii ka dhisnayd qarkeedii inay ka tuuraan.
30 B ut passing through their midst, He went on His way.
Laakiin isagu intuu dhex maray ayuu iska tegey. Jinnoolihii La Bogsiiyey
31 A nd He descended to Capernaum, a town of Galilee, and there He continued to teach the people on the Sabbath days.
Wuxuuna u degay Kafarna'um oo magaalada Galili ah. Oo maalmihii sabtida ayuu dadka wax barayay.
32 A nd they were amazed at His teaching, for His word was with authority and ability and weight and power.
Waxbariddiisiina way la yaabeen, waayo, hadalkiisu amar buu lahaa.
33 N ow in the synagogue there was a man who was possessed by the foul spirit of a demon; and he cried out with a loud (deep, terrible) cry,
Waxaana sunagogga joogay nin jinni wasakh leh qaba. Cod weyn ayuu ku qayliyey, oo wuxuu yidhi,
34 A h, let us alone! What have You to do with us '> we in common], Jesus of Nazareth? Have You come to destroy us? I know Who You are—the Holy One of God!
Na daa! Maxaa inoo dhexaya, Ciise reer Naasaredow? Ma waxaad u timid inaad na baabbi'iso? Anigu waa ku garanayaa kii aad tahay, Kan Quduuska ah ee Ilaah.
35 B ut Jesus rebuked him, saying, Be silent (muzzled, gagged), and come out of him! And when the demon had thrown the man down in their midst, he came out of him without injuring him in any possible way.
Ciise baa canaantay oo ku yidhi, Aamus oo ka soo bax. Jinniguna goortuu ninkii dhexda ku tuuray ayuu ka soo baxay, waxbana ma uu yeelin.
36 A nd they were all amazed and said to one another, What kind of talk is this? For with authority and power He commands the foul spirits and they come out!
Yaab weyn ayaa ku wada dhacay; wayna isla wada hadleen oo yidhaahdeen, Waa maxay hadalkan? waayo, jinniyada wasakhda leh ayuu amar iyo xoog ku xukumaa, wayna ka baxaan.
37 A nd a rumor about Him spread into every place in the surrounding country.
Meel kasta oo dalka ku wareegsan ayaa warka isaga ku saabsan gaadhay. Ciise Wuxuu Bogsiiyey Simoon Soddohdiis Iyo Qaar Kale Oo Badan
38 T hen He arose and left the synagogue and went into Simon’s (Peter’s) house. Now Simon’s mother-in-law was suffering in the grip of a burning fever, and they pleaded with Him for her.
Markaasuu sunagoggi ka soo kacay, oo wuxuu galay gurigii Simoon. Simoon soddohdiisna qandho weyn ayay qabtay, markaasay isaga u baryeen aawadeed,
39 A nd standing over her, He rebuked the fever, and it left her; and immediately she got up and began waiting on them.
oo intuu isa soo dul taagay ayuu qandhadii canaantay, wayna daysay. Kolkiiba way kacday oo u adeegtay iyagii.
40 N ow at the setting of the sun, all those who had any sick with various diseases brought them to Him, and He laid His hands upon every one of them and cured them.
Markii qorraxdu sii dhacaysay, dadkii oo dhan oo lahaa dad cudurro kala cayncayn ah qabay ayay isaga u keeneen; mid kastaba gacmihiisuu saaray oo bogsiiyey.
41 A nd demons even came out of many people, screaming and crying out, You are the Son of God! But He rebuked them and would not permit them to speak, because they knew that He was the Christ (the Messiah).
Jinniyona dad badan ayay ka soo baxeen, iyagoo qaylinaya oo leh, Adigu waxaad tahay Wiilka Ilaah. Isaguse waa canaantay oo uma oggolaanin inay hadlaan, waayo, waxay garanayeen inuu Masiixa yahay.
42 A nd when daybreak came, He left and went into an isolated place. And the people looked for Him until they came up to Him and tried to prevent Him from leaving them.
Goortii ay maalintii noqotay, ayuu baxay oo meel cidla ah tegey; dadkii badnaana way doondooneen oo u yimaadeen. Wayna qabteen si aanu uga tegin.
43 B ut He said to them, I must preach the good news (the Gospel) of the kingdom of God to the other cities also, for I was sent for this.
Laakiin wuxuu iyagii ku yidhi, Waa inaan magaalooyinka kalena injiilka boqortooyada Ilaah ku wacdiyo, waayo, sidaa darteeda waa la ii soo diray.
44 A nd He continued to preach in the synagogues of Galilee.
Sunagogyada Galilina ayuu dadka ka dhex wacdiyi jiray.