Judges 19 ~ Xaakinnada 19


1 I n those days, when there was no king in Israel, a certain Levite was living temporarily in the most remote part of the hill district of Ephraim, who took to himself a concubine from Bethlehem in Judah.

Oo waagaas markii aanay reer binu Israa'iil boqor lahayn, waxaa jiray nin reer Laawi ah oo degganaa dhanka shishe oo dalka buuraha leh oo reer Efrayim, oo kaasuna addoon buu ka guursaday Beytlaxam Yahuudah.

2 A nd his concubine was untrue to him and went away from him to her father’s house at Bethlehem of Judah and stayed there the space of four months.

Markaasay naagtiisii addoonta ahayd ka dhillowday, oo intay isagii ka tagtay ayay aadday gurigii aabbeheed oo ku yiil Beytlaxam Yahuudah, oo halkaasay joogtay intii afar bilood ah.

3 T hen her husband arose and went after her to speak kindly to her and to bring her back, having with him his servant and a couple of donkeys. And she brought him into her father’s house, and when her father saw him, he rejoiced to meet him.

Markaasuu ninkeedii kacay oo iyadii doonay, inuu si raxmad leh ula hadlo oo soo celiyo; oo wuxuu u tegey iyadii, isagoo wata midiidinkiisii iyo laba dameer. Markaasay isagii soo gelisay gurigii aabbeheed; oo gabadha aabbeheedna markuu isagii arkay ayuu ku farxay inuu la kulmo.

4 A nd his father-in-law, the girl’s father, detained him, and he remained with him three days. So they ate and drank, and he lodged there.

Markaasaa soddoggiis oo gabadha aabbeheed ahaa ayaa raajiyey isagii, oo saddex maalmood ayuu la joogay; markaasay wax cuneen oo cabbeen oo halkaasay ku hoydeen.

5 O n the fourth day they arose early in the morning, and the prepared to leave, but the girl’s father said to his son-in-law, Strengthen your heart with a morsel of bread and afterward go your way.

Oo maalintii afraad aroor hore ayay tooseen, oo wuxuuna u kacay inuu tago. Markaasaa gabadha aabbeheed wuxuu ku yidhi wiilkii uu soddogga u ahaa, Bal nafta ugu raaxee wuxoogaa cunto ah, dabadeedna waad tegaysaaye.

6 S o both men sat down and ate and drank together, and the girl’s father said to the man, Consent to stay all night and let your heart be merry.

Sidaas daraaddeed way fadhiisteen, oo labadoodiiba wax bay wada cuneen oo cabbeen, markaasaa gabadha aabbeheed wuxuu ninkii ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, raalli ahow, caawa oo dhanna iska joog, oo qalbigaaguna ha faraxsanaado.

7 A nd when the man rose up to depart, his father-in-law urged him; so he lodged there again.

Markaasuu ninkii u kacay inuu tago; laakiinse soddoggiis baa ku sii adkeeyey, oo halkaasuu ku hoyday haddana.

8 A nd he arose early in the morning on the fifth day to depart, but the girl’s father said, Strengthen your heart and tarry until toward evening. So they ate, both of them.

Oo haddana maalintii shanaad ayuu aroor hore u kacay inuu tago; markaasaa gabadha aabbeheed ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye iska raaxayso, oo iska joog ilaa gelinka dambe, oo labadoodiiba wax bay wada cuneen.

9 A nd when the man and his concubine and his servant rose up to leave, his father-in-law, the girl’s father, said to him, Behold, now the day draws toward evening, I pray you stay all night. Behold, now the day grows to an end, lodge here and let your heart be merry, and tomorrow get early on your way and go home.

Oo markii ninkii u kacay inuu tago, isagii iyo naagtiisii addoonta ahayd, iyo midiidinkiisiiba, ayaa soddoggiis oo ahaa gabadha aabbeheed ku yidhi, Bal eeg haatan qorraxdu waa sii dhacaysaaye, haddaba waan ku baryayaaye, bal caawa oo dhanna iska joog; bal eeg haatan waa gabbaldhac, de halkan isaga hoyo, in qalbigaagu iska faraxsanaado; oo haddana berri aroorta hore iska tag oo gurigaagii aad.

10 B ut the man would not stay that night; so he rose up and departed and came opposite to Jebus, which is Jerusalem. With him were two saddled donkeys and his concubine.

Laakiinse ninkii ma doonaynin inuu habeenkaas joogo, wuuse kacay oo tegey, oo wuxuu yimid meel ku toosan Yebuus, (taas oo ah Yeruusaalem); oo wuxuu watay laba dameer oo kooraysan, oo naagtiisii addoonta ahaydna way la socotay.

11 W hen they were near Jebus, it was late, and the servant said to his master, Come I pray, and let us turn into this Jebusite city and lodge in it.

Oo markay Yebuus ku soo dhowaadeenna maalintii horay u badatay; markaasaa midiidinkii wuxuu sayidkiisii ku yidhi, Waan ku baryayaaye, kaalay oo aynu ku leexanno magaaladan reer Yebuus oo aynu u hoyanno.

12 H is master said to him, We will not turn aside into the city of foreigners where there are no Israelites. We will go on to Gibeah.

Kolkaasaa sayidkiisii ku yidhi, Dad shisheeye ah oo aan reer binu Israa'iil ahayn magaaladiis ku leexan mayno; laakiinse waxaynu u gudbaynaa xagga Gibecaah.

13 A nd he said to his servant, Come and let us go to one of these places and spend the night in Gibeah or in Ramah.

Oo wuxuu midiidinkiisii ku yidhi, Kaalay oo aynu ku dhowaanno meelahan middood; oo waxaynu u hoyanaynaa Gibecaah, ama Raamaah.

14 S o they passed on and went their way, and the sun went down on them near Gibeah, which belongs to Benjamin,

Kolkaasay iska sii socdeen oo jidkoodii qaadeen; oo waxaa qorraxdu ugu dhacday iyagoo ag jooga Gibecaah oo ay reer Benyaamiin lahaayeen.

15 A nd they turned aside there to go in and lodge at Gibeah. And the Levite went in and sat down in the open square of the city, for no man took them into his house to spend the night.

Markaasay halkaas ku leexdeen inay u hoydaan Gibecaah. Kolkaasuu galay, oo wuxuu fadhiistay jidkii magaalada; waayo, ninna gurigiisii ma gelin inay u hoydaan.

16 A nd behold, an old man was coming from his work in the field at evening. He was from the hill country of Ephraim but was living temporarily in Gibeah, but the men of the place were Benjamites.

Oo fiidkii oday baa shuqulkiisii beerta ka yimid. Haddaba ninku wuxuu ahaa reer Efrayimkii dalka buuraha leh degganaa, oo Gibecaahna qariib buu ku ahaa; laakiinse dadkii meesha degganaa waxay ahaayeen reer Benyaamiin.

17 A nd when he looked up, he saw the wayfarer in the city square, and the old man said, Where are you going? And from where did you come?

Markaasuu indhihiisii kor u qaaday, oo wuxuu jidkii magaalada ku arkay ninkii socotada ahaa. Markaasaa odaygii yidhi, Xaggee baad u socotaa? Oo xaggee baad ka timid?

18 T he Levite replied, We are passing from Bethlehem of Judah to the rear side of the hill country of Ephraim; I am from there. I went to Bethlehem of Judah, but I am going to the house of the Lord, and there is no man who receives me into his house.

Oo isna wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaannu ka gudbaynaa Beytlaxam Yahuudah; oo dhanka shishe oo dalka buuraha leh oo reer Efrayim ayaannu tegaynaa. Anigu xaggaas baan ka imid, oo waxaan tegey Beytlaxam Yahuudah; oo haatan waxaan u socdaa guriga Rabbiga, oo nin gurigiisa i geliyeyna ma jiro.

19 Y et we have both straw and provender for our donkeys and bread and wine also for me, your handmaid, and the young man who is with your servants; there is no lack of anything.

Weliba dameerahayaga waa loo hayaa caws iyo cuntoba; oo kibis iyo khamrina waa u diyaar aniga iyo gabadhaada addoonta ah, iyo weliba ninka dhallinyarada ah ee nala socda annagoo addoommadaada ah, haddaba wax loo baahan yahay ma jiraan.

20 A nd the old man said, Peace be to you, but leave all your wants to me; only do not lodge in the street.

Oo markaasaa odaygii yidhi, Nabadu ha kula jirto; habase yeeshee waxaad u baahan tahay oo dhammu ha i saarnaadeen; laakiin jidka ha u hoyan.

21 S o he brought him into his house and gave provender to the donkeys. And the guests washed their feet and ate and drank.

Markaasuu gurigiisii geliyey, oo dameerihii cuntuu siiyey; oo iyana intay cago maydheen ayay wax cuneen oo cabbeen.

22 N ow as they were making their hearts merry, behold, the men of the city, certain worthless fellows, beset the house round about, beat on the door, and said to the master of the house, the old man, Bring forth the man who came to your house, that we may have intercourse with him.

Oo intay farxayeen waxaa yimid raggii magaalada oo niman xunxun ah, oo intay guriga hareereeyeen ayay albaabkii garaaceen, markaasay la hadleen odaygii guriga lahaa, oo ku yidhaahdeen, Noo soo bixi ninkii gurigaaga soo galay, aannu u tagnee.

23 A nd the man, the master of the house, went out and said to them, No, my kinsmen, I pray you, do not act so wickedly; seeing that this man is my guest, do not do this folly.

Markaasaa ninkii guriga lahaa dibadda ugu baxay oo ku yidhi, Maya, walaalahayow, waan idin baryayaaye, ha samaynina wax sidaas u shar ah, maxaa yeelay, ninkanu gurigayguu galay ee ha ku samaynina xumaantan.

24 B ehold, here are my virgin daughter and this man’s concubine; them I will bring out now; debase them and do with them what seems good to you, but to this man do not so vile a thing.

Bal eega, waxaa jooga gabadhaydii oo bikrad ah iyo naagtiisii addoonta ahayd; haddaba iyagaan idiin soo bixinayaaye, iyaga kufsada oo sidaad doonaysaan ka yeela; laakiinse ninkan ha ku samaynina xumaan caynkan ah.

25 B ut the men would not listen to him. So the man took his concubine and forced her forth to them, and they had intercourse with her and abused her all the night until morning. And when the dawn began to break, they let her go.

Laakiinse raggii ma ay doonaynin inay dhegaystaan, sidaas daraaddeed ninkii wuxuu qabtay naagtiisii addoonta ahayd, dibadduuna ugu soo saaray; kolkaasay iyadii kufsadeen, oo si xun bay u galeen habeenkii oo dhan ilaa subaxdii; oo markii waagu baryayay ayay iska sii daayeen.

26 A t daybreak the woman came and fell down and lay at the door of the man’s house where her master was, till it was light.

Markaasaa naagtii timid markii waagu soo kaahay, oo waxay ku dhacday albaabkii ninkii gurigiisa oo uu sayidkeedii joogay, ilaa ay iftiin noqotay.

27 A nd her master rose up in the morning and opened the doors of the house and went out to go his way; and behold, his concubine had fallen down at the door of the house, and her hands were upon the threshold.

Markaasaa sayidkeedii kacay aroortii, oo albaabbadii guriga furay, oo inuu tago ayuu dibadda ugu soo baxay; oo bal eeg, naagtiisii addoonta ahayd waxay ku dhacday guriga iriddiisa, oo gacmaheeduna waxay saarnaayeen marinka.

28 A nd he said to her, Up, and let us be going. But there was no answer. Then he put her upon the donkey, and the man rose up and went home.

Markaasuu iyadii ku yidhi, Naa bal kac, oo ina keen aan tagnee; laakiinse cidna uma ay jawaabin; markaasuu dameerkiisii saaray, oo meeshiisii u kacay.

29 A nd when he came into his house, he took a knife, and took hold of his dead concubine and divided her limb by limb into twelve pieces and sent her throughout all the territory of Israel.

Oo markuu gurigiisii galay ayuu mindi qaaday, oo intuu naagtiisii addoonta ahayd qabtay ayuu xubin xubin u kala gooyay, oo wuxuu ka dhigay laba iyo toban cad, oo wuxuu u diray xuduudka reer binu Israa'iil oo dhan inta ka dhex leh.

30 A nd all who saw it said, There was no such deed done or seen from the day that the Israelites came up out of the land of Egypt to this day; consider it, take counsel, and speak.

Oo kulli wax alla wixii arkayba waxay yidhaahdeen, Maalintii ay dalka Masar ka soo baxeen ilaa maantadan la joogo reer binu Israa'iil laguma samayn, lagumana arag, shuqul caynkan ah; haddaba bal ka fiirsada, oo ka tashada, oo ka hadla.