1 H ear the word which the Lord speaks to you, O house of Israel.
Dadka Israa'iilow, bal maqla erayga Rabbigu idinkula hadlayo.
2 T hus says the Lord: Learn not the way of the nations and be not dismayed at the signs of the heavens, though they are dismayed at them,
Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Ha baranina jidka quruumaha, oo hana ka nixina calaamadaha samada, waayo, quruumahaa ka naxa iyaga.
3 F or the customs and ordinances of the peoples are false, empty, and futile; it is but a tree which one cuts out of the forest, the work of the hands of the craftsman with the ax or other tool.
Waayo, dadyowga caadooyinkoodu waxtar ma leh, maxaa yeelay, mid baa kaynta geed ka soo jara, waana wax ay nin saanac ah gacmihiisu faas ku sameeyaan.
4 T hey deck with silver and with gold; they fasten it with nails and with hammers so it will not fall apart or move around.
Waxaa lagu sharraxaa lacag iyo dahab, oo waxaa lagu dhuujiyaa musmaarro iyo dubbayaal, si uusan u dhaqdhaqaaqin.
5 a re like pillars of turned work, like scarecrows in a cucumber field; they cannot speak; they have to be carried, for they cannot walk. Do not be afraid of them, for they cannot do evil, neither is it possible for them to do good.
Sanamyadaas waa sida geed timireed oo toosan, laakiinse ma ay hadlaan, oo waxay u baahan yihiin in la qaado, maxaa yeelay, ma ay socon karaan. Iyaga ha ka baqina, waayo, wax xun idinkuma samayn karaan, oo weliba innaba wax san ma samayn karaan.
6 N one at all is like You, O Lord; You are great, and Your name is great in might.
Rabbiyow, mid kula mid ahu ma jiro. Adigu waad weyn tahay, oo magacaaguna waa xoog badan yahay.
7 W ho would not fear You, O King of the nations? For it is fitting to You and Your due! For among all the wise of the nations and in all their kingdoms, there is none like You.
Boqorka quruumahow, kan aan kaa cabsanaynu waa kuma? Waayo, way kugu habboon tahay, maxaa yeelay, kuwa xigmadda leh ee quruumaha iyo boqortooyooyinkooda oo dhanba mid kula mid ahu ma jiro.
8 B ut they are altogether irrational and stupid and foolish. Their instruction is given by idols who are but wood!
Laakiinse iyagu dhammaantood waa doqonno iyo nacasyo, cilmigoodu waa wax aan waxtar lahayn, waayo, waa qori uun.
9 S ilver beaten is brought from Tarshish and gold from Uphaz, the work of the craftsman and of the hands of the goldsmith; the clothing is violet and purple—they are all the work of skillful men.
Lacag la tumay baa Tarshiish laga keenaa, oo dahabna Uufaas, waana nin saanac ah shuqulkiis, iyo wixii lacagshubuhu uu gacmihiisa ku sameeyey, oo dharkooduna waa buluug iyo guduud, oo dhammaantoodna waa nin saanac ah shuqulkiis.
10 B ut the Lord is the true God and the God of truth (the God Who is Truth). He is the living God and the everlasting King. At His wrath the earth quakes, and the nations are not able to bear His indignation.
Laakiinse Rabbigu waa Ilaaha runta ah. Isagu waa Ilaaha nool iyo boqorka weligiis ah. Cadhadiisa ayaa dhulku la gariiraa, oo quruumuhuna uma ay adkaysan karaan dhirifkiisa.
11 T hus shall you say to them: The gods, who did not make the heavens and the earth, shall perish from the earth and from under the heavens.
Waxaad iyaga ku tidhaahdaan, Ilaahyadii aan samooyinka iyo dhulka samayninu way ka wada baabbi'i doonaan dhulka dushiisa iyo samooyinka hoostooda.
12 G od made the earth by His power; He established the world by His wisdom and by His understanding and skill stretched out the heavens.
Isagu dhulka xooggiisuu ku sameeyey, dunidana xigmaddiisuu ku dhisay, oo samooyinkana waxgarashadiisuu ku kala bixiyey.
13 W hen He utters His voice, there is a tumult of waters in the heavens, and He causes the vapors to ascend from the ends of the earth. He makes lightnings for the rain and brings forth the wind out from His treasuries and from His storehouses.
Markuu codkiisa ku hadlo biyo badan guuxooda baa samooyinka laga maqlaa, oo isagaa ka dhiga in dhulka darafyadiisa uumi ka soo kaco, roobkana wuxuu u sameeyaa hillaac, oo dabayshana isagaa khasnadihiisa ka soo saara.
14 E very man has become like a brute, irrational and stupid, without knowledge; every goldsmith is brought to shame by his graven idols; for his molten images are frauds and falsehood, and there is no breath in them.
Nin kastaaba wuxuu noqday doqon aan aqoon lahayn, oo dahabshube kastaaba wuxuu ku ceeboobay sanamkiisii la xardhay, waayo, sanamkiisii la shubay waa been oo innaba neef ma leh.
15 T hey are devoid of worth, usefulness, or truth, a work of delusion and mockery; in their time of trial and punishment they shall perish.
Iyagu waa wax aan waxtar lahayn iyo shuqul lagu majaajilowdo, oo wakhtiga ciqaabiddoodana way wada baabbi'i doonaan.
16 T he Portion of Jacob is not like these, for He is the Fashioner and Maker of all things, and Israel is the tribe of His inheritance—the Lord of hosts is His name.
Kan Yacquub qaybta u ah iyaga la mid ma aha, waayo, isagu waa kan wax kasta abuuray, oo reer binu Israa'iilna waa qoladii dhaxalkiisa, oo magiciisuna waa Rabbiga ciidammada. Baabba'a Imanayaa
17 G ather up your bundle from the ground, O you who dwell under siege.
Tan la weerarayay, alaabtaada dalka ka soo ururso.
18 F or thus says the Lord: Behold, I will sling out the inhabitants of the land at this time and will bring distress on them, that they may feel it and find it.
Waayo, Rabbigu wuxuu leeyahay, Bal eeg, dadka dalka deggan haddeer baan wadhfin doonaa, oo waan dhibi doonaa si ay u dareemaan.
19 W oe is me because of my hurt! My wound is grievous and incurable. But I said, Surely this sickness and suffering and grief are mine, and I must endure, tolerate, and bear them.
Anigaa iska hoogay nabarkayga aawadiis! Dhaawacaygu aad buu u xun yahay, laakiinse waxaan is-idhi, Sida runta ah kanu waa xanuundaran, waase inaan u adkaystaa.
20 M y tent (home) is taken by force and plundered, and all my cords are broken. My children have gone forth from me, and they are no more; there is no one to stretch forth my tent any more and to set up my curtains.
Taambuuggaygii waa baabba'ay, oo xadhkahaygii oo dhanna waa la jaray. Carruurtaydii way iga tageen oo ma ay joogaan, oo innaba lama arko cid teendhadayda mar dambe dhisaysa oo daahyadayda kor u taagaysa toona.
21 F or the shepherds have become like brutes, irrational and stupid, and have not sought the Lord or inquired of Him or required Him. Therefore they have not dealt prudently and have not prospered, and all their flocks are scattered.
Waayo, adhijirradii way wada doqonoobeen, oo Rabbigana waxba ma ay weyddiin. Oo sidaas daraaddeed ma ay liibaanin, oo adhyahooda oo dhammuna way kala firidhsan yihiin.
22 H ark, the sound of a rumor! comes!—a great commotion out of the north country—to make the cities of Judah a desolation, a dwelling place of jackals.
Bal maqla qaylada warka iyo rabshadda weyn oo xagga dalka woqooyi ka soo socota, oo markaas waxaa magaalooyinka dalka Yahuudah laga dhigi doonaa baabba' iyo meel ay dawacooyinku ku hoydaan. Baryadii Yeremyaah
23 O Lord, I know that the way of a man is not in himself; it is not in man to direct his steps.
Rabbiyow, waan ogahay in binu-aadmiga jidkiisu uusan gacantiisa ku jirin, ninkii socda innaba karti uma leh inuu tallaabooyinkiisa toosiyo.
24 O Lord, correct, instruct, and chastise me, but with judgment and in just measure—not in Your anger, lest You diminish me and bring me to nothing.
Rabbiyow, i edbi, si caddaalad ah mooyaane xanaaqaaga ha igu edbin, si aadan iiga dhigin wax aan waxba ahayn.
25 P our out Your wrath upon the nations that do not know or recognize You and upon the peoples that do not call upon Your name. For they have devoured Jacob, yes, devoured him and consumed him and made his habitation a desolate waste.
Cadhadaada ku soo deji quruumaha aan ku aqoon iyo qolooyinka aan magacaaga kugu baryin, waayo, reer Yacquub way cuneen, hubaal way cuneen oo dhammeeyeen, oo rugtoodiina way baabbi'iyeen.