Judges 3 ~ Xaakinnada 3


1 N ow these are the nations which the Lord left to prove Israel by them, that is, all in Israel who had not previously experienced war in Canaan;

Haddaba kuwanu waa quruumihii Rabbigu u daayay inuu reer binu Israa'iil ku tijaabiyo, oo waxay ahaayeen in alla intii aan ogayn dagaalladii reer Kancaan oo dhan;

2 I t was only that the generations of the Israelites might know and be taught war, at least those who previously knew nothing of it.

inay reer binu Israa'iil ogaadaan oo uu iyaga baro dagaal ayan waxba ka aqoon jirin.

3 T he remaining nations are: the five lords of the Philistines, all the Canaanites, the Sidonians, and the Hivites who dwelt on Mount Lebanon from Mount Baal-hermon to the entrance of Hamath.

Oo kuwaasu waxay ahaayeen shantii amiir oo reer Falastiin, iyo reer Kancaan oo dhan, iyo reer Siidoon, iyo reer Xiwi, oo degganaa Buur Lubnaan, iyo tan iyo Buur Bacal Xermoon, iyo tan iyo meesha laga galo Xamaad.

4 T hey were for the testing and proving of Israel to know whether Israel would listen and obey the commandments of the Lord, which He commanded their fathers by Moses.

Oo kuwaas waxaa loo daayay in reer binu Israa'iil lagu tijaabiyo, in la ogaado bal inay dhegaysanayaan amarradii Rabbiga oo uu ku amray awowayaashood oo uu Muuse soo faray iyo in kale.

5 A nd the Israelites dwelt among the Canaanites, Hittites, Amorites, Perizzites, Hivites, and Jebusites;

Oo reer binu Israa'iil waxay dhex degeen reer Kancaan, kuwaas oo ahaa reer Xeed, iyo reer Amor, iyo reer Feris, iyo reer Xiwi, iyo reer Yebuus.

6 A nd they married their daughters and gave their own daughters to their sons, and served their gods.

Oo gabdhahoodiina way ka guursadeen, oo kuwoodiina wiilashoodii bay u guuriyeen, oo waxay u adeegeen ilaahyadoodii. Cotnii'eel

7 A nd the Israelites did evil in the sight of the Lord and forgot the Lord their God and served the Baals and the Ashtaroth.

Oo reer binu Israa'iilna waxay sameeyeen wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku xun, oo Rabbiga Ilaahooda ahna way illoobeen, wayna u adeegeen Bacaliimkii iyo geedihii Asheeraah.

8 S o the anger of the Lord was kindled against Israel, and He sold them into the hand of Chushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia; and the Israelites served Chushan-rishathaim eight years.

Sidaas daraaddeed cadhadii Rabbigu aad bay ugu kululaatay reer binu Israa'iil, oo wuxuu iyagii ka iibiyey boqorkii Mesobotamiya oo ahaa Kuushan Rishcaatayim; oo reer binu Israa'iil waxay Kuushan Rishcaatayim u adeegayeen siddeed sannadood.

9 B ut when the Israelites cried to the Lord, the Lord raised up a deliverer for the people of Israel to deliver them, Othniel son of Kenaz, Caleb’s younger brother.

Oo markii reer binu Israa'iil ay Rabbiga u qayshadeen, Rabbigu wuxuu reer binu Israa'iil u kiciyey badbaadiye, kaasoo badbaadiyey, oo wuxuu ahaa Cotnii'eel ina Qenas oo ahaa Kaaleeb walaalkiisii yaraa.

10 T he Spirit of the Lord came upon him, and he judged Israel. He went out to war, and the Lord delivered Chushan-rishathaim king of Mesopotamia into his hand and his hand prevailed over Chushan-rishathaim.

Oo kaas waxaa ku soo degay Ruuxa Rabbiga, oo wuxuu xukumi jiray reer binu Israa'iil. Dagaal buuna u baxay, oo Rabbiguna wuxuu gacantiisii u geliyey boqorkii Mesobotamiya oo ahaa Kuushan Rishcaatayim, oo isna wuu ka gacan sarreeyey Kuushan Rishcaatayim.

11 A nd the land had rest forty years. Then Othniel son of Kenaz died.

Markaasaa dalkii xasilloonaa afartan sannadood. Oo Cotnii'eel ina Qenas wuu dhintay. Eehuud

12 A nd the Israelites again did evil in the sight of the Lord, and the Lord strengthened Eglon king of Moab against Israel because they had done what was evil in the sight of the Lord.

Oo reer binu Israa'iil mar kalay sameeyeen wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku xun; markaasaa Rabbigu wuxuu xoog u yeelay oo reer binu Israa'iil ku diray boqorkii reer Moo'aab oo ahaa Cegloon, maxaa yeelay, waxay sameeyeen wax Rabbiga hortiisa ku xun.

13 A nd gathered to him the men of Ammon and Amalek, and went and smote Israel, and they possessed the City of Palm Trees (Jericho).

Oo isna wuxuu soo urursaday reer Cammoon iyo reer Camaaleq; kolkaasuu intuu tegey laayay reer binu Israa'iil, oo waxay qabsadeen magaaladii lahayd geedo timireedka.

14 A nd the Israelites served Eglon king of Moab eighteen years.

Oo reer binu Israa'iil waxay boqorkii reer Moo'aab oo Cegloon ahaa u adeegayeen siddeed iyo toban sannadood.

15 B ut when the Israelites cried to the Lord, the Lord raised them up a deliverer, Ehud son of Gera, a Benjamite, a left-handed man; and by him the Israelites sent tribute to Eglon king of Moab.

Laakiinse markii reer binu Israa'iil ay Rabbiga u qayshadeen, Rabbigu wuxuu u kiciyey badbaadiye, kaasoo ahaa Eehuud ina Geeraa, oo reer Benyaamiin, oo ahaa nin gurran. Isaga ayay reer binu Israa'iil hadiyad ugu soo dhiibeen Cegloon kii ahaa boqorkii reer Moo'aab.

16 E hud made for himself a sword, a cubit long, which had two edges, and he girded it on his right thigh under his clothing.

Oo Eehuudna wuxuu samaystay seef laba af leh, oo dhererkeedu yahay dhudhun, oo wuxuu ku xidhay meel dharkiisa ka hoosaysa oo ah bowdadiisa midig.

17 A nd he brought the tribute to Eglon king of Moab. Now Eglon was a very fat man.

Oo wuxuu hadiyaddii u dhiibay boqorkii reer Moo'aab oo ahaa Cegloon; Cegloonna wuxuu ahaa nin aad u buuran.

18 A nd when Ehud had finished presenting the tribute, he sent away the people who had carried it.

Oo markuu dhammeeyey bixintii hadiyadda ayuu diray dadkii hadiyadda siday.

19 H e himself went as far as the sculptured stones near Gilgal, and then turned back and came to Eglon and said, I have a secret errand to you, O king. Eglon commanded silence, and all who stood by him went out from him.

Laakiinse Eehuud wuxuu ka soo noqday dhagaxyadii qorqornaa Gilgaal agteeda, oo wuxuu yidhi, Boqorow, anigu waxaan kuu wadaa farriin qarsoon. Markaasuu yidhi, Iska aamus. Oo dadkii hareerihiisa taagnaa oo dhammuna dibadday uga baxeen isagii.

20 W hen Ehud had come to him as he was sitting alone in his cool upper apartment, Ehud said, I have a commission from God to execute to you. And the king arose from his seat.

Markaasaa Eehuud u yimid isagii; oo isna wuxuu keligiis fadhiyey qowladdii uu ku laydhsan jiray, markaasaa Eehuud wuxuu ku yidhi, Waxaan farriin kaaga wadaa Ilaah. Markaasuu ka soo kacay kursigiisii.

21 T hen Ehud put forth his left hand and took the sword from his right thigh and thrust it into Eglon’s belly.

Oo Eehuudna wuxuu soo bixiyey gacantiisii bidix, oo wuxuu seeftii kala soo baxay dhinaca bowdadiisii midig, markaasuu Cegloon caloosha kaga muday,

22 A nd the hilt also went in after the blade, and the fat closed upon the blade, for did not draw the sword out of his belly, and the dirt came out.

oo xataa daabkiina waa galay afkii dabadiis, oo seefta afkeediina waxaa qariyey xaydhii, waayo, seeftii kama uu soo bixin calooshiisii; oo uus baa ka yimid.

23 T hen Ehud went out into the vestibule and shut the doors of the upper room upon and locked them.

Markaasaa Eehuud wuxuu u baxay xagga qolqolka, oo uu soo xidhay qowladda albaabbadeedii, wuuna qufulay.

24 W hen had gone out, servants came. And when they saw the doors of the upper room were locked, they thought, Surely he relieves himself in the closet of the cool chamber.

Haddaba markuu tegey waxaa yimid addoommadii Cegloon, markaasay intay wax fiiriyeen arkeen albaabbadii qowladda oo qufulan; kolkaasay waxay isyidhaahdeen, Hubaal wuu isku deday qowladdiisa uu ku laydhsado.

25 T hey waited a long time until they became embarrassed and uneasy, but when he still did not open the doors of the upper room, they took the key and opened them, and there lay their master fallen to the floor, dead!

Oo way sugeen ilaa ay isla yaabeen; oo bal eeg isna albaabbadii qowladda ma uu furin, sidaas daraaddeed furahay qaadeen oo albaabbaday fureen, oo markaasay arkeen sayidkoodii oo dhulka ku dhacay oo meyd ah.

26 E hud escaped while they delayed and passed beyond the sculptured stones (images) and escaped to Seirah.

Eehuudna waa baxsaday intay sugayeen, oo wuxuu dhaafay dhagaxyadii qorqornaa, oo wuxuu u fakaday xagga Seciiraah.

27 W hen he arrived, he blew a trumpet in the hill country of Ephraim, and the Israelites went down from the hill country, with him at their head.

Oo markuu yimid dalkii buuraha lahaa oo reer Efrayim ayuu afuufay buun, oo reer binu Israa'iilna isagay kala dhaadhaceen dalkii buuraha lahaa, oo isna wuu hor socday.

28 A nd he said to them, Follow me, for the Lord has delivered your enemies the Moabites into your hand. So they went down after him and seized the fords of the Jordan against the Moabites and permitted not a man to pass over.

Oo wuxuu ku yidhi, I soo raaca, waayo, Rabbigu gacantiinnuu soo geliyey reer Moo'aab oo cadaawayaashiinnii ah. Oo iyana isagay ka daba dhaadhaceen, oo waxay reer Moo'aab ka qabsadeen meeshii webiga Urdun laga gudbi jiray, oo ninna uma ay oggolaan inuu ka gudbo.

29 T hey slew at that time about 10, 000 Moabites, all strong, courageous men; not a man escaped.

Oo markaasay reer Moo'aab ka laayeen rag toban kun ku dhow, kuwaas oo ahaa kuwo xoog wada leh, oo xataa nin keliyuhu kama baxsan.

30 S o Moab was subdued that day under the hand of Israel, and the land had peace and rest for eighty years.

Sidaasay reer Moo'aab ku hoos galeen reer binu Israa'iil; dalkiina wuu xasilloonaa siddeetan sannadood. Shamgar

31 A fter was Shamgar son of Anath, who slew 600 Philistine men with an oxgoad. He also delivered Israel.

Oo isagii ka dibna waxaa kacay Shamgar ina Canaad, kaasoo reer Falastiin lix boqol oo nin kaga laayay usha dibida lagu shuqeeyo, oo isaguna reer Israa'iil wuu badbaadiyey.