Psalm 24 ~ Sabuurradii 24


1 T he earth is the Lord’s, and the fullness of it, the world and they who dwell in it.

Rabbigaa iska leh dhulka iyo waxa ka buuxa oo dhan, Iyo dunida iyo kuwa degganba.

2 F or He has founded it upon the seas and established it upon the currents and the rivers.

Waayo, isagaa badaha dushooda ka aasaasay, Oo wuxuu ka dul dhisay webiyaasha.

3 W ho shall go up into the mountain of the Lord? Or who shall stand in His Holy Place?

Bal yaa fuuli doona Rabbiga buurtiisa? Oo bal yaa dhex istaagi doona meeshiisa quduuska ah?

4 H e who has clean hands and a pure heart, who has not lifted himself up to falsehood or to what is false, nor sworn deceitfully.

Waa kii gacmihiisu nadiifsan yihiin, oo qalbigiisu daahir yahay, Oo aan naftiisa hawo been ah kor ugu qaadin, Oo aan si khiyaano leh u dhaaran.

5 H e shall receive blessing from the Lord and righteousness from the God of his salvation.

Kaasu wuxuu Rabbiga ka heli doonaa barako, Ilaaha badbaadadiisana xaqnimo.

6 T his is the generation of those who seek Him, who seek Your face, Jacob. Selah!

Kanu waxaa weeye qarnigii kuwa isaga doondoona, Oo waa kuwa wejigaaga doondoona, Ilaaha Yacquubow. (Selaah)

7 L ift up your heads, O you gates; and be lifted up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Irdahow, madaxiinna kor u qaada, Oo albaabbada daa'imiska ahow, kor ha laydiin qaado, Oo waxaa soo geli doona Boqorka ammaanta.

8 W ho is the King of glory? The Lord strong and mighty, the Lord mighty in battle.

Bal waa ayo Boqorka ammaantu? Waa Rabbiga xoog iyo itaal badan, Waa Rabbiga dagaalka ku xoog badan.

9 L ift up your heads, O you gates; yes, lift them up, you age-abiding doors, that the King of glory may come in.

Irdahow, madaxiinna kor u qaada, Oo albaabbada daa'imiska ahow, madaxiinna kor u qaada, Oo waxaa soo geli doona Boqorka ammaanta.

10 W ho is this King of glory? The Lord of hosts, He is the King of glory. Selah!

Bal waa ayo Boqorkan ammaantu? Waa Rabbiga ciidammada, Isaga weeye Boqorka ammaantu. (Selaah)