1 A l Músico principal: sobre Susan-Heduth: Michtam de David, para enseñar, cuando tuvo guerra contra Aram-Naharaim y contra Aram de Soba, y volvió Joab, é hirió de Edom en el valle de las Salina doce mil. OH Dios, tú nos has desechado, nos disipaste; Te has airado: vuélvete á nosotros.
O God, You have rejected us and cast us off, broken down, and scattered us; You have been angry—O restore us and turn Yourself to us again!
2 H iciste temblar la tierra, abrístela: Sana sus quiebras, porque titubea.
You have made the land to quake and tremble, You have rent it; repair its breaches, for it shakes and totters.
3 H as hecho ver á tu pueblo duras cosas: Hicístenos beber el vino de agitación.
You have made Your people suffer hard things; You have given us to drink wine that makes us reel and be dazed.
4 H as dado á los que te temen bandera Que alcen por la verdad. (Selah.)
You have set up a banner for those who fear and worshipfully revere You, a standard displayed because of the truth. Selah!
5 P ara que se libren tus amados, Salva con tu diestra, y óyeme.
That Your beloved ones may be delivered, save with Your right hand and answer us.
6 D ios pronunció por su santuario; yo me alegraré; Partiré á Sichêm, y mediré el valle de Succoth.
God has spoken in His holiness: I will rejoice, I will divide and portion out Shechem and the Valley of Succoth.
7 M ío es Galaad, y mío es Manasés; Y Ephraim es la fortaleza de mi cabeza; Judá, mi legislador;
Gilead is Mine, and Manasseh is Mine; Ephraim also is My helmet (the defense of My head); Judah is My scepter and My lawgiver.
8 M oab, la vasija de mi lavatorio; Sobre Edom echaré mi zapato: Haz júbilo sobre mí, oh Palestina.
Moab is My washpot; upon Edom I cast My shoe in triumph; over Philistia I raise the shout of victory.
9 ¿ Quién me llevará á la ciudad fortalecida? ¿Quién me llevará hasta Idumea?
Who will bring me into the strong city ? Who will lead me into Edom?
10 C iertamente, tú, oh Dios, que nos habías desechado; Y no salías, oh Dios, con nuestros ejércitos.
Have You not rejected us, O God? And will You not go forth, O God, with our armies?
11 D anos socorro contra el enemigo, Que vana es la salud de los hombres.
O give us help against the adversary, for vain (ineffectual and to no purpose) is the help or salvation of man.
12 E n Dios haremos proezas; Y él hollará nuestros enemigos.
Through God we shall do valiantly, for He it is Who shall tread down our adversaries.