1 S ilencio habrá delante de Ti, y alabanza en Sion, oh Dios. A Ti se cumplirá el voto.
To You belongs silence (the submissive wonder of reverence which bursts forth into praise) and praise is due and fitting to You, O God, in Zion; and to You shall the vow be performed.
2 ¡ Oh Tú, que escuchas la oración! Hasta Ti viene todo hombre.
O You Who hear prayer, to You shall all flesh come.
3 L as iniquidades prevalecen contra mí, Pero nuestras transgresiones Tú las perdonas.
Iniquities and much varied guilt prevail against me; as for our transgressions, You forgive and purge them away!
4 C uán bienaventurado es aquel que Tú escoges, y acercas a Ti, Para que more en Tus atrios. Seremos saciados con el bien de Tu casa, Tu santo templo.
Blessed (happy, fortunate, to be envied) is the man whom You choose and cause to come near, that he may dwell in Your courts! We shall be satisfied with the goodness of Your house, Your holy temple.
5 C on grandes prodigios nos respondes en justicia, Oh Dios de nuestra salvación, Tú eres la confianza de todos los términos de la tierra y del más lejano mar;
By fearful and glorious things do You answer us in righteousness (rightness and justice), O God of our salvation, You Who are the confidence and hope of all the ends of the earth and of those far off on the seas;
6 E l que afirma los montes con Su poder, Ceñido de potencia;
Who by might have founded the mountains, being girded with power,
7 E l que calma el rugido de los mares, El estruendo de las olas, Y el tumulto de los pueblos.
Who still the roaring of the seas, the roaring of their waves, and the tumult of the peoples,
8 P or eso los que moran en los confines de la tierra temen Tus obras, Tú haces cantar de júbilo a la aurora y al ocaso.
So that those who dwell in earth’s farthest parts are afraid of signs of Your presence. You make the places where morning and evening have birth to shout for joy.
9 T ú visitas la tierra y la riegas en abundancia, En gran manera la enriqueces. El río de Dios rebosa de agua; Tú les preparas su grano, porque así preparas la tierra.
You visit the earth and saturate it with water; You greatly enrich it; the river of God is full of water; You provide them with grain when You have so prepared the earth.
10 R iegas sus surcos abundantemente, Allanas sus camellones, La ablandas con lluvias, Bendices sus renuevos.
You water the field’s furrows abundantly, You settle the ridges of it; You make the soil soft with showers, blessing the sprouting of its vegetation.
11 T ú has coronado el año con Tus bienes, Y Tus huellas destilan grasa.
You crown the year with Your bounty and goodness, and the tracks of Your drip with fatness.
12 D estilan los pastos del desierto, Y los collados se adornan de alegría.
The pastures in the uncultivated country drip, and the hills gird themselves with joy.
13 L as praderas se visten de rebaños, Y los valles se cubren de grano; Dan voces de júbilo, sí, cantan.
The meadows are clothed with flocks, the valleys also are covered with grain; they shout for joy and sing together.