1 P or tanto, hermanos santos, participantes del llamamiento celestial, considerad al apóstol y sumo sacerdote de nuestra profesión, Cristo Jesús;
Christian brothers, you have been chosen and set apart by God. So let us think about Jesus. He is the One God sent and He is the Religious Leader of our Christian faith.
2 e l cual es fiel al que le designó, como también lo fue Moisés en toda la casa de Dios.
Jesus was faithful in God’s house just as Moses was faithful in all of God’s house.
3 P orque de tanta mayor gloria que Moisés es estimado digno éste, cuanto tiene mayor honra que la casa el que la construyó.
The man who builds a house gets more honor than the house. That is why Jesus gets more honor than Moses.
4 P orque toda casa es construida por alguno; pero el que construyó todas las cosas es Dios.
Every house is built by someone. And God is the One Who has built everything.
5 Y Moisés a la verdad fue fiel en toda la casa de Dios, como un criado, para testimonio de lo que había de anunciarse después;
Moses was a faithful servant owned by God in God’s house. He spoke of the things that would be told about later on.
6 p ero Cristo como hijo sobre su casa, cuya casa somos nosotros, si retenemos firme hasta el fin la confianza y la gloria de nuestra esperanza. Aviso contra la incredulidad
But Christ was faithful as a Son Who is Head of God’s house. We are of God’s house if we keep our trust in the Lord until the end. This is our hope.
7 P or lo cual, como dice el Espíritu Santo: Si oís hoy su voz,
The Holy Spirit says, “If you hear His voice today,
8 N o endurezcáis vuestros corazones, Como en la provocación, como en el día de la tentación en el desierto,
do not let your hearts become hard as your early fathers did when they turned against Me. It was at that time in the desert when they put Me to the test.
9 D onde me tentaron vuestros padres; me probaron, Y vieron mis obras durante cuarenta años.
Your early fathers tempted Me and tried Me. They saw the work I did for forty years.
10 A causa de lo cual me disgusté contra aquella generación, Y dije: Siempre andan extraviados en su corazón, Y no han conocido mis caminos.
For this reason, I was angry with the people of this day. And I said to them, ‘They always think wrong thoughts. They have never understood what I have tried to do for them.’
11 T al como juré en mi ira: No entrarán en mi reposo.
I was angry with them and said to Myself, ‘They will never go into My rest.’”
12 M irad, hermanos, que no haya en ninguno de vosotros un corazón malo de incredulidad para apartarse del Dios vivo;
Christian brothers, be careful that not one of you has a heart so bad that it will not believe and will turn away from the living God.
13 a ntes exhortaos los unos a los otros cada día, entretanto que dura este Hoy; para que ninguno de vosotros se endurezca por el engaño del pecado.
Help each other. Speak day after day to each other while it is still today so your heart will not become hard by being fooled by sin.
14 P orque hemos llegado a ser participantes de Cristo, con tal que retengamos firme hasta el fin el principio de nuestra seguridad,
For we belong to Christ if we keep on trusting Him to the end just as we trusted Him at first.
15 e ntretanto que se dice: Si oís hoy su voz, No endurezcáis vuestros corazones, como en la provocación.
The Holy Writings say, “If you hear His voice today, do not let your hearts become hard as your early fathers did when they turned against Me.”
16 P orque ¿quiénes fueron los que, habiendo oído, le provocaron? ¿No fueron todos los que salieron de Egipto por mano de Moisés?
Who heard God’s voice and turned against Him? Did not all those who were led out of the country of Egypt by Moses?
17 ¿ Y con quiénes estuvo él disgustado durante cuarenta años? ¿No fue con los que pecaron, cuyos cadáveres cayeron en el desierto?
Who made God angry for forty years? Was it not those people who had sinned in the desert? Was it not those who died and were buried there?
18 ¿ Y a quiénes juró que no entrarían en su reposo, sino a aquellos que desobedecieron?
Who did He say could never go into His rest? Was it not those who did not obey Him?
19 Y vemos que no pudieron entrar a causa de su incredulidad.
So we can see that they were not able to go into His rest because they did not put their trust in Him.