1 E l hijo sabio recibe el consejo del padre; Mas el burlador no escucha las reprensiones.
A wise son listens when his father tells him the right way, but one who laughs at the truth does not listen when strong words are spoken to him.
2 D el fruto de su boca, el hombre justo comerá el bien; Mas el alma de los prevaricadores hallará el mal.
The one who is careful what he says will have good come to him, but the one who wants to hurt others will have trouble.
3 E l que guarda su boca, guarda su alma; Mas el que mucho abre sus labios tendrá calamidad.
He who watches over his mouth keeps his life. He who opens his lips wide will be destroyed.
4 E l alma del perezoso desea mucho, y nada alcanza; Mas el alma de los diligentes será prosperada.
The soul of the lazy person has strong desires but gets nothing, but the soul of the one who does his best gets more than he needs.
5 E l justo aborrece la palabra de mentira; Mas el impío se hace odioso e infame.
A man who is right with God hates lies, but the actions of a sinful man are hated and he is put to shame.
6 L a justicia guarda al de perfecto camino; Mas la impiedad trastornará al pecador.
What is right and good watches over the one whose way is without blame, but sin destroys the sinful.
7 H ay quienes pretenden ser ricos, y no tienen nada; Y hay quienes pretenden ser pobres, y tienen muchas riquezas.
There is one who pretends to be rich, but has nothing. Another pretends to be poor, but has many riches.
8 E l rescate de la vida del hombre está en sus riquezas; Pero el pobre no oye amenazas.
A rich man can use his riches to save his life, but the poor man does not hear strong words spoken to him.
9 L a luz de los justos es alegre; Mas la lámpara de los impíos se apagará.
Those who are right with God are full of light, but the lamp of the sinful will be put out.
10 C iertamente la soberbia concebirá contienda; Mas con los que admiten consejos está la sabiduría.
Fighting comes only from pride, but wisdom is with those who listen when told what they should do.
11 L as riquezas mal adquiridas vendrán a menos; Pero el que recoge con mano laboriosa, las aumenta.
Riches taken by false ways become less and less, but riches grow for the one who gathers by hard work.
12 L a esperanza que se prolonga es tormento del corazón; Pero árbol de vida es el deseo cumplido.
Hope that is put off makes the heart sick, but a desire that comes into being is a tree of life.
13 E l que menosprecia el precepto perecerá por ello; Mas el que teme el mandamiento será recompensado.
He who hates the Word is under its power, but he who fears the Word will be well paid.
14 L a instrucción del sabio es manantial de vida Para apartarse de los lazos de la muerte.
The teaching of the wise is a well of life, to save one from the nets of death.
15 E l buen sentido se gana el favor; Mas el camino de los transgresores es difícil de recorrer.
Good understanding wins favor, but the way of the sinful is hard.
16 T odo hombre prudente procede con sabiduría; Mas el necio manifiesta su necedad.
Every wise man acts with much learning, but a fool makes his foolish way known.
17 E l mal mensajero acarrea desgracia; Mas el mensajero fiel acarrea salud.
A sinful helper falls into trouble, but a faithful helper brings healing.
18 P obreza y vergüenza tendrá el que menosprecia el consejo; Mas el que guarda la corrección recibirá honra.
He who will not listen to strong teaching will become poor and ashamed, but he who listens when strong words are spoken will be honored.
19 E l deseo cumplido regocija el alma; Pero apartarse del mal es abominación a los necios.
A desire that is filled is sweet to the soul, but fools hate to give up what is sinful.
20 E l que anda con sabios, sabio será; Mas el que se junta con necios se echa a perder.
He who walks with wise men will be wise, but the one who walks with fools will be destroyed.
21 E l mal perseguirá a los pecadores, Mas los justos serán premiados con el bien.
Trouble follows sinners, but good things will be given to those who are right with God.
22 E l bueno dejará herederos a los hijos de sus hijos; Pero la riqueza del pecador está reservada para el justo.
A good man leaves what he owns for his children’s children. The riches of the sinner are stored up for those who are right with God.
23 E n el barbecho de los pobres hay mucho pan; Mas hay quien lo pierde por falta de juicio.
Much food is in the plowed land of the poor, but it is taken away because of wrong-doing.
24 E l que escatima el castigo, a su hijo aborrece; Mas el que lo ama, desde temprano lo corrige.
He who does not punish his son when he needs it hates him, but he who loves him will punish him when he needs it.
25 E l justo come hasta saciar su alma; Mas el vientre de los impíos tendrá necesidad.
The man who is right with God has all the food he needs, but the stomach of the sinful man never has enough.