1 P acientemente esperé en Jehová, Se inclinó hacia mí, y escuchó mi clamor.
I did not give up waiting for the Lord. And He turned to me and heard my cry.
2 M e extrajo del pozo de la desesperación, del lodo cenagoso; Afianzó mis pies sobre una roca, y consolidó mis pasos.
He brought me up out of the hole of danger, out of the mud and clay. He set my feet on a rock, making my feet sure.
3 P uso luego en mi boca cántico nuevo, un himno de alabanza a nuestro Dios. Verán esto muchos, y temerán, Y confiarán en Jehová.
He put a new song in my mouth, a song of praise to our God. Many will see and fear and will put their trust in the Lord.
4 B ienaventurado el hombre que puso en Jehová su confianza, Y no mira a los rebeldes, ni a los que se desvían tras la mentira.
How happy is the man who has made the Lord his trust, and has not turned to the proud or to the followers of lies.
5 H as multiplicado, oh Jehová Dios mío, tus maravillas; Y en tus designios para con nosotros, No hay nadie comparable a ti. Yo querría anunciarlos y hablar de ellos, Pero no pueden ser enumerados.
O Lord my God, many are the great works You have done, and Your thoughts toward us. No one can compare with You! If I were to speak and tell of them, there would be too many to number.
6 S acrificios y ofrendas no te agradaron; Has horadado mis orejas; No deseabas holocausto ni expiación.
You have not wanted gifts given on the altar in worship. You have opened my ears. You have not wanted burnt gifts or gifts to cover sins.
7 E ntonces dije: Aquí estoy; En el rollo del libro está escrito de mí;
Then I said, “Look, I have come. It is written about me in the book.
8 E l hacer tu voluntad, Dios mío, me ha agradado, Y tu ley está en medio de mi corazón.
I am happy to do Your will, O my God. Your Law is within my heart.”
9 H e proclamado tu justicia en la gran congregación; He aquí, no refrené mis labios, Jehová, tú lo sabes.
I have told the good news about what is right and good in the big meeting with many people. You know I will not close my lips, O Lord.
10 N o encubrí tu justicia dentro de mi corazón; He publicado tu fidelidad y tu salvación; No oculté tu misericordia y tu verdad a la gran asamblea.
I have not hidden what is right and good with You in my heart. I have spoken about how faithful You are and about Your saving power. I have not hidden Your loving-kindness and Your truth from the big meeting.
11 J ehová, no retengas tus misericordias hacia mí; Tu misericordia y tu verdad me guarden siempre.
O Lord, You will not keep Your loving-pity from me. Your loving-kindness and Your truth will always keep me safe.
12 P orque me han rodeado males sinnúmero; Me han alcanzado mis maldades, y no puedo levantar la vista. Se han aumentado más que los cabellos de mi cabeza, y mi valor me falla.
Too many troubles gather around me. My sins have taken such a hold on me that I am not able to see. There are more of them than there are hairs on my head. And the strength of my heart has left me.
13 D ígnate, oh Jehová, librarme; Jehová, apresúrate a socorrerme.
Be pleased to save me, O Lord. Hurry, O Lord, to help me.
14 S ean avergonzados y confundidos a una Los que buscan mi vida para destruirla. Vuelvan las espaldas y avergüéncense Los que desean mi mal;
Let all who want to destroy my life be ashamed and troubled. Let those who want to hurt me be turned away without honor.
15 Q ueden consternados en pago de su afrenta Los que me dicen: ¡Ja, ja!
Let those who say to me, “O! O!” be filled with fear because of their shame.
16 G ócense y alégrense en ti todos los que te buscan, Y repitan sin cesar los que aman tu salvación: Jehová sea enaltecido.
But let all who look for You have joy and be glad in You. Let those who love Your saving power always say, “The Lord be honored!”
17 A unque yo estoy afligido y necesitado, Jehová pensará en mí. Mi ayuda y mi libertador eres tú; Dios mío, no te tardes.
Because I suffer and am in need, let the Lord think of me. You are my help and the One Who sets me free. O my God, do not wait.