1 ¿ Por qué se amotinan las gentes, Y los pueblos piensan cosas vanas?
Why are the nations so shaken up and the people planning foolish things?
2 S e levantan los reyes de la tierra, Y los príncipes conspiran juntamente Contra Jehová y contra su ungido, diciendo:
The kings of the earth stand in a line ready to fight, and all the leaders are against the Lord and against His Chosen One.
3 R ompamos sus ligaduras, Y echemos de nosotros su yugo.
They say, “Let us break their chains and throw them away from us.”
4 E l que mora en los cielos se reirá; El Señor se burlará de ellos.
He Who sits in the heavens laughs. The Lord makes fun of them.
5 L uego les hablará en su furor, Y los turbará con su ira:
Then He will speak to them in His anger and make them afraid, saying,
6 Y o mismo he ungido a mi rey Sobre Sión, mi santo monte.
“But as for Me, I have set My King on Zion, My holy mountain.”
7 Y o publicaré el decreto; Jehová me ha dicho: Mi hijo eres tú; Yo te he engendrado hoy.
I will make known the words of the Lord. He said to Me, “You are My Son. Today I have become Your Father.
8 P ídeme, y te daré por herencia las naciones, Y como posesión tuya los confines de la tierra.
Ask of Me, and I will give the nations for you to own. The ends of the earth will belong to You.
9 L os quebrantarás con cetro de hierro; Como vasija de alfarero los desmenuzarás.
You will break them using a piece of iron. And they will be broken in pieces like pots of clay.”
10 A hora, pues, oh reyes, sed sensatos; Admitid amonestación, jueces de la tierra.
So, kings, be wise. Listen, you rulers of the earth.
11 S ervid a Jehová con temor, Y alegraos con temblor.
Serve the Lord with fear, and be full of joy as you shake in fear.
12 R endid pleitesía al Hijo, para que no se enoje, y perezcáis en el camino; Pues se inflama de pronto su ira. Bienaventurados todos los que en él confían.
Kiss the Son. Be afraid that He may be angry and destroy you in the way. For His anger is quick. Happy are all who put their trust in Him.