1 O íd ahora lo que dice Jehová: Levántate, contiende frente a los montes, y oigan los collados tu voz.
Listen to what the Lord says: “Stand up and make your cause known in front of the mountains. Let the hills hear your voice.
2 O íd, montes, y fuertes cimientos de la tierra, el pleito de Jehová; porque Jehová tiene pleito con su pueblo, y altercará con Israel.
Listen to the Lord’s cause, you mountains and bases of the earth that last forever. The Lord has something against His people, and will speak against Israel.
3 P ueblo mío, ¿qué te he hecho, o en qué te he molestado? Responde contra mí.
My people, what have I done to you? How have I made it hard for you? Answer Me.
4 P orque yo te hice subir de la tierra de Egipto, y te redimí de la casa de servidumbre; y envié delante de ti a Moisés, a Aarón y a María.
I brought you out of the land of Egypt. I took you out of the land where you were servants. And I sent Moses, Aaron and Miriam to lead you.
5 P ueblo mío, acuérdate ahora qué maquinaba Balac rey de Moab, y qué le respondió Balaam hijo de Beor, desde Sitim hasta Gilgal, para que conozcas las justicias de Jehová. Lo que pide Jehová
My people, remember what Balak king of Moab said, and what Balaam son of Beor answered him. Remember what happened from Shittim to Gilgal, so that you may know the good things the Lord has done.” What the Lord Wants
6 ¿ Con qué me presentaré ante Jehová, y adoraré al Dios Altísimo? ¿Me presentaré ante él con holocaustos, con becerros de un año?
What should I bring to the Lord when I bow down before the God on high? Should I come to Him with burnt gifts, with calves a year old?
7 ¿ Se agradará Jehová de millares de carneros, o de diez mil ríos de aceite? ¿Daré mi primogénito por mi prevaricación, el fruto de mis entrañas por el pecado de mi alma?
Will the Lord be pleased with thousands of rams, or with 10, 000 rivers of oil? Should I give my first-born to pay for not obeying? Should I give the fruit of my body for the sin of my soul?
8 O h hombre, te ha sido declarado lo que es bueno, y qué pide Jehová de ti: solamente hacer justicia, y amar la misericordia, y caminar humildemente ante tu Dios.
O man, He has told you what is good. What does the Lord ask of you but to do what is fair and to love kindness, and to walk without pride with your God? Israel Is Punished
9 L a voz de Jehová clama a la ciudad; es sabio temer a tu nombre. Prestad atención al castigo, y a quien lo establece.
The voice of the Lord is calling to the city, and it is wise to fear Your name: “Listen, O family of Judah, you who are gathered in the city.
10 ¿ Hay aún en casa del impío tesoros de impiedad, y medida escasa que es detestable?
O sinful house, can I forget the riches you got by wrong-doing? You lied about the weight of things, which I hate.
11 ¿ Daré por inocente al que tiene balanza falsa y bolsa de pesas engañosas?
Can I make a man not guilty who lies and has false weights in his bag?
12 S us ricos se colmaron de rapiña, y sus moradores hablaron mentira, y su lengua es engañosa en su boca.
The rich men of the city have hurt many people. Her people are liars. Their tongues in their mouths speak false words.
13 P or eso yo también te hice enflaquecer hiriéndote, asolándote por tus pecados.
So I have begun to punish you, to destroy you because of your sins.
14 C omerás, y no te saciarás, y tu hambre estará en medio de ti; recogerás, mas no salvarás, y lo que salves, lo entregaré yo a la espada.
You will eat, but you will not be filled. Your stomachs will still be empty. You will store up, but save nothing. And what you save I will give to the sword.
15 S embrarás, mas no segarás; pisarás aceitunas, mas no te ungirás con el aceite; y mosto, mas no beberás el vino.
You will plant, but you will not gather. You will crush the olive, but you will not pour oil on yourself. You will crush the grapes, but you will not drink wine.
16 P orque se han guardado los estatutos de Omrí, y todas las obras de la casa de Acab; y anduvisteis en los consejos de ellos, para que yo te pusiese en asolamiento, y tus moradores para burla. Llevaréis, por tanto, el oprobio de mi pueblo.
You have kept the laws of Omri and all the works of the people of Ahab. You have followed their ways. So I will give you up to be destroyed, and your people will be made fun of. You, My people, will be put to shame.”